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Posts posted by J.F.N.

  1. 39 minutes ago, AnotherScott said:


    It's actually the other way around... it's not that Yamaha endorses them, but rather that they endorse Yamaha, but yes, that results in their getting the gear, if not for free, than at least for cheap.


    I would take it one step further, pretty sure it's Yamaha paying for them here, not only in gear...

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, johnchop said:

    Right, as of now, not legal unless you own the hardware, which I’m fortunate to have.


    (I’m also a donator to the project, which gave me access to the pre-release versions.)


    Given that it’s not just the synth that’s discontinued but the actual Motorola chips, I’m likely hosed if anything goes seriously awry with the hardware. I think of this software as a handy backup.


    And given that the TI software is no longer developed, leaving newer Mac users in a lurch, this is effectively “total integration” without actually integrating anything.



    They would do a hell of a service if they just released the ROM files for public use, obviously wouldn't hurt any business in any way, now or in the future. That is, unless they have some plans to do something with it that we're not aware about...


    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Jose EB5AGV said:


    Well, kind of similar, if not exactly the same. At least the emulating software is free and open source. I have found a way to get the firmware easily, from a legit place. But the use is still not endorsed by Access


    How can the firmware be distributed legit if it's not endorsed by the manufacturer?

  4. Saw a clip with Sam Brown singing with Jon Lord live, and came thinking (obviously) about her hit Stop and wanted to find a live version, as I of course was curious on seeing that Hammond solo live...


    And almost shocked I find out, after watching all clips I could get my hands on, that they always cripple the Hammond solo, and end it halfway through (just before those nice sweeps), categorically!!


    There's even one clip (singback) where they end the song just when the solo starts, it's not even well done, you hear the first phrase then they stop.. Though that was some type of gala so I can totally understand if there was a time limit for each act.


    I call discrimination on this, would it have been a guitar solo of similar magnitude and equally significant for the tune, this would never happen!!




    Anyone here knows anything, back story?

  5. 28 minutes ago, RABid said:

    Oh, and a couple more questions.


    Is it multi timbrel?

    Is the voice count dependent on voice structure? i.e., 80 voices for a 2 operator patch. 20 voices for a complex stereo patch?


    No, Opsix is not multitimbral, voice count varies depending on how complex sounds you are building ( I not have the specs, look in the manual if it is covered there.. ).

  6. 22 minutes ago, RABid said:

    I started to get a Korg OpSix when they discontinued the model and put them on sale but they were gone before I managed to grab one. Then the OpSix Mk2 came out with double the polyphony. I decided that I want a OpSix M (tabletop) and wanted to make sure it was the Mk2 version. Looked at the Korg website and found a couple of clues, but no statement of which version the tabletop OpSix M is. What I did find is ...


    Original OpSix - 32 voice

    OpSix Mk2 - 64 voice

    OpSix M information on a dealer website - 60 voice

    OpSix M information on the Korg website - 80 voice


    Then I noticed a video on the OpSix M page for the OpSix LE - 80 voice. 61 keys, and available in a platinum color. So that has left me a bit confused. It is a OpSix, OpSix Mk2, or OpSix LE in tabletop form? I did notice that is will accept poly aftertouch.



    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, ProfD said:

    Modal Electronics makes very cool synths.  Hopefully, new ownership will be able to keep them afloat. 


    If Modal Electronics is reading/listening, the next product should b a 61-key, sampler/synthesizer.😉😎


    I would love to see their take on a full on modern Wavestation, with real analog filters! And yes, KUTGW with those Fatar beds!

  8. 34 minutes ago, DmitryKo said:

    They are back in operation after getting some investment from a Hong Kong company that actually produces all Modal hardware.


    Modal Electronics is back under new ownership structure of Alltronics Holding Ltd



    Modal Electronics completes strategic restructuring and commits to sustainable transformation of the brand and the product line  



    "Dang, they owe use loads of cash and the warehouse is full of their products, and now they went bust - Wtf are we going to do?"



    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, AnotherScott said:

    There are two. Maybe you're thinking that there's one after you plug in the power, but you do have two when on battery. You can also get hubs that pass power, so you can use a hub on one and still have the other available for something you might not want to put through a hub (or be supported by the hub you have), like a thunderbolt display or drive.




    I have considered those, it's nice having fewer dangly bits, but besides what JFN said about possible more stress on the jack in some instances, my other issue is that they often won't work with protective cases.


    My iPad Air has only one (first Air M1 released).


    And yes, I wasn't sure the little thingie would work with the sleeve it was a total success.. 🤣

  10. 8 minutes ago, D. Gauss said:

    I just use one of these small candy bar sized things. No interface. Just this, the keyboard, the ipad, and the USB-C extender cord pictured earlier.




    I have one of those for my AIR M1, important that it's not being pulled in any way by the cables and accessories, could potentially ruin the jack in the iPad. The one I have is by happy coincidence being perfectly squeezed in-between the pad and the sleeve I have (it has a plastic piece attached to it probably designed just for this...).


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