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Posts posted by J.F.N.

  1. 14 minutes ago, Reezekeys said:

    I'm genuinely puzzled reading these posts. On my iPad 9G I'm at a 64 sample buffer. I usually have three or four instances of Module loaded into AUM - Scarbee, Clav, Hi and Low strings (separate channels because I map a slider to crossfade between them). I play a lot of patches with plenty of sustain pedal. Sometimes I layer strings with the Rhodes. I've never once heard notes cutting out or a buffer underrun crackle from taxing the CPU, which in AUM hardly ever hits 30% on the meter.


    I also laugh at hearing 112 notes of polyphony called "ridiculous" – I guess I'm showing my age! 🙂 


    If you have the Far North expansion, try the different choir pads, big block chords repeatedly played over octaves with sustain.


    I have an Air M1, CPU in AUM never goes above 28%.

  2. After reading about it I just grabbed both of these, definitely interesting, sat down only 20 minutes with them and a Rhodes from Korg Module, and I can already absolutely see these plugins being useful! Very tasty modulation effects, played around with chorus and delays, fat warm sounding stuff, and a bunch of Spring reverb types as well, I will dive deeper into this some evening this week.




    (This video wasn't that interesting imho but here it is anyway)




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  3. On 7/15/2024 at 9:44 PM, Justin Havu said:

    One configuration of my current live rig.  And if you haven't figured it out, I do use a ton of different sounds, and I absolutely hate doing patch changes during a song.  Surprisingly, this rig takes a mere 30 minutes to set up.





    I've had my eyes on that Hydra Deluxe since it was released... How's the keybed?


    That could become my first poly AT (unless I grab the Uli UB-Xa first...).. hehe!


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  4. 34 minutes ago, Paul Woodward said:

    Interested in what you perceive as 'real' AI. Admittedly supercomputers should be used to gnerate cures for cancer etc. but we are talking realistically about generative AI. Last year is was smart eidting of images (removing your ex from a wedding photo) and generating essays to cheat at school. Now its images, models, full videos and music and many modern phones can do this. After all a decent PC spec is a quad core CPU and 16gb ram....octacore and 16gb ram is a flagship phone now. All of this in a SOC the size of your fingernail. I doubt any keyboard today could make use of that, in a few years the tech will be way more powerful.


    Back to the original question though, if not AI then what is next?



    AI in my perception is when you can instruct a machine to assist you with a non predictable or predefined assignment, without the need to provide the abstract it may need to solve this, and instead allow its machine learning system to provide this.


    "Make me a set of scenes with all the sounds needed to play the keyboard parts of the top 15 songs on Billboard right now." etc.


    Or any typr of automated tasks where analysis of abstract data in a non predictable way or context is used for AI decision making without any human interaction required.


    • Like 1
  5. 37 minutes ago, Paul Woodward said:

    Its already here. I have the Samsung S24 with AI built in. Only reason for being the size it is, is to accomodate the battery and screen, the 'supercomputer' chip is tiny and would fit in a smartwatch.

    Im sure they said a similar thing about playing more than one note and being able to save your patches to memory back in the 70's 😉 


    Remember when a megabyte of storage was science fiction.....now 1.5tb in something the size of a fingernail.image.png.cfb9d48ca41949fc0e5325ad58e395ee.png




    Hence my emphasis initially on "real" AI, the buzz word is indeed used in a lot of user centric simplified services (as the case also seems to be with that Samsung phone), however, this doesn't mean it's in fact AI.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Paul Woodward said:

    I own a few chinese 'games consoles' that cost around £50 and have wifi and bluetooth built in. The rate of development of these types of unit is incredible with new ones being developed all the time and wifi integration costs pennies. Phones have had this for many years, and many Roland's offer this option through a dongle.If you integrate an iPad with a board, especially an M class chip, you already have this (or will when iPadOS 18 releases soon).

    You are assuming AI needs to generate sounds/mixes or whatever all the time, you might just use it to prepare sounds or tracks while at home or in the studio, to generate a new sound set, synthesise a recorded sound.....who knows. When its a feature in a device costing a few pounds, do you really think its a stretch to put something similar in a board costing several thousand?

    Point is, what's left to put into the next flagship board once you have unlimited poly, multiple sound engines, the best keyboard, every controller imaginable and a big screen?

    You might say we dont need all that anyway, but thats the question really...has keyboard development stagnated with only incremental features and working on weight reduction or price to feature ratio?


    What I mean is, if we are talking about AI onboard, it's not going to happen as that would require a permanent network connection until the day we can fit a supercomputer into a small enough box. But yeah, a companion app solution we will probably see soon, where the AI is used in one way or the other.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Paul Woodward said:

    The CPU (and RAM) on anything after the first gen of Pro will be doing very little work, a modern one wont even break a sweat. Its a limit of the app which, as already suggested, seriously needs updating. 112 notes max is just ridiculous in 2024. Im no programmer, but I suspect they can’t do much more with Module other than add sound packs. They seem to putting all their development into Gadget and new apps.


    Yup it seems stuck indeed, and Gadget is messy imho.


    In my case here I simply removed this Module instance from AUM and my "Layers" channel, and replaced it with the AudioKit Nerd Synth. Since I am not (yet) doing any live shows, I am in the meantime building my possible rig options and getting familiar with these, just trying to make sure everything is solid before I sit there in a rehearsal room one day.. As I opted for Pianoteq for, I only have one Module instance left, for electric pianos, and so far this has not created any intermezzos for me during practice playing. Will att some point have a look at the Pianoteq electric pianos as well though.


    What buffer size are you guys normally using? I have opted for 64 samples, as this works great in the Air M1 iPad, I started at 32 to see how that worked out but some instruments seemed to have a tendency to hickup on that even though the CPU usage was nothing to talk about.


  8. On 7/20/2024 at 6:54 PM, Reezekeys said:

    Just took a little more in-depth look at the two EPs, loading up your suggested "Dynamic" variation, then adjusting to taste, again matching settings as best I can.


    Starting with the D two octaves below the D next to middle C, higher velocities trigger a seriously gnarly sample of what sounds like a tine crashing into the pickup! It's on the D, D# and E, then skips F and F#, then is on the G and G#.


    The other difference I hear is that the B above middle C and the next two semitones have a bit of that "bell" sound - kind of the "LA sound", similar to the Orange Tree "Famous E"... nice, but afaict it's only on those three notes! If it was on all the notes this would be a nice addition to an iOS rhodes arsenal, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm sticking with Scarbee!


    I had a look here this morning, and indeed, there's like 4-5 notes only with a bell sound there in the middleisg which is indeed very odd, hadn't really noticed before, wonder if this is a bug or something as I can't figure out why this would be "by design" made like this?


    I grabbed all of the Rhodes libs a week or two ago, including the Scarbee, so I will continue experimenting when I have more time to waste on it.


  9. 6 minutes ago, Doerfler said:

    This VST has 20GB of samples, your credit card is safe. ;)


    Ha, look the Neo Soul Keys, "25 GB (8.0 GB Lossless) Sample Library", and still imnsfho that product sounds dull...(own it but does not have it installed).

    • Like 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, CEB said:

    The fact that the instrument is a D6 there is really high noise floor potential to begin with.  The lower the signal noise ratio on your effects the better. Throw an inductor wah pedal into the mix you have the potential for the rig to become a radio receiver.  

    David’s post is great advice.  


    You may end up discovering some spy radiotraffic! Sometimes my Leslie (760 Solid State) back in the 90's picked up what sounded like Russian radio, always wondered what that was about (It was in Sweden back when I was still living there...).

  11. 1 hour ago, J.F.N. said:

    Softube trying to peddle me their Mastering suite "FLOW" by referring to Mastering Engineers working with world famous names, I wonder, if i grab some kitchenware, same brand and models as some really great Michelin Chef, using this logic I would then cook amazing food, right!


    Quoting myself.. haha!


    I am a big fan of Chef´s Table and other cooking shows, love these food & travel lifestyle series, I'm sure I could find some decent product series of kitchenware based on some of the chefs in the shows I watch!



  12. 13 hours ago, Doerfler said:

    I switched to modeled effects as they are quieter. Got the idea from Danny Lewis (Gov't Mule) 


    I still have a Line 6 M5 and a Line 6 M9. Not expensive, great sounding, IMO, and very, very quiet. (Looking for Elmer Fudd emoji)




    I second the Line 6 M series, had an M9 that unfortunately gave up on me (motherboard problem, and bought used), then bought a brand new M5 instead together with the Expression pedal for it, and it's definitely a commonly used unit here. I have a Pod HD Pro rack unit as well, with the FBV Express MkII for it too, this takes everything one step further with the amps and speaker models on top of all the FX and pedal models.

  13. Softube trying to peddle me their Mastering suite "FLOW" by referring to Mastering Engineers working with world famous names, I wonder, if i grab some kitchenware, same brand and models as some really great Michelin Chef, using this logic I would then cook amazing food, right!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  14. 14 minutes ago, Reezekeys said:

    I just downloaded the demo of "70's Earthy EP" and a-b'd it with the Scarbee rhodes I already have. My take, if anyone is interested, is to not bother if you already have Scarbee. The differences are negligible. I set both up as close to my preferred sound as possible and switched between them, matching levels and eq as best I could. They're very close - almost identical actually. 


    Kudos to Korg for allowing a 7-day demo period, even though it took me less than 60 seconds to know I didn't need this EP. I'm curious if the sample files are deleted from my iPad after the demo expires, or if I have to do that manually - no sense in having 446MB of storage space wasted.


    Looking on the Korg "store" page you access from Module, the Earthy 70's piano uses 446MB while the Scarbee Classic EP-88M uses 1GB. That seems to suggest the Scarbee has more sample layers, longer samples, less sample stretching, or a combination. Or, the Earthy EP might just be more efficient in its sample allocating. In use, it doesn't really matter imo. I don't know what the Scarbee sells for (the price is not displayed if you've already paid & downloaded, and I forgot what I paid!), but the Earthy EP is $10. If you have neither and are looking for a decent rhodes for your iOS device, I'd pick the cheapest.


    I like the "Dynamic" variation in the Earthy Rhodes, very useful according to my taste. The Scarbee has some interesting variations too but I don't think anything like that Dynamic one.

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