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Posts posted by kaptainkeys

  1. Just now, Julius D Majestic Studios said:

    @Mighty Motif Max sounds nice on recordings but lose realism live... How exactly does that happen? 

    My guess is that when it is played in a live context where there are other instruments and the pianos are being run through the FOH signal chain and then to the PA speakers and then the sound bounces around in the room the character the sound had when recorded direct from the keyboard and piped into your headphones is changed.

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  2. Just now, AnotherScott said:

    The XW does let you pan sounds to one side or the other (you just may have to be careful to avoid things like a stereo reverb effect). So you can pan the organ out one side to your Vent or whatever (and organ is a mono sound anyway, until it gets to the rotary effect), and send your synth sounds out the other side (and apart from the effects, synth sounds tend to be mono as well).

    Fair enough, but the combo of an old iPhone I have laying around (free), the camera connection kit ($40), and an AUX cable (>$10) to connect it to the XW-P1's 3.5mm input (and then route it to the output) is about $300 less than a used NeoVent on Reverb, and I can still use stereo effects on all other sounds on the XW-P1.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Mike Martin said:


    If you put it in Drawbar organ mode the sliders send CCs.  You can also map the switches and other controls.  :)

    Thanks Mike!

    So if just mute the organ part, I can use the drawbars to control another app.  My other idea was to use a NeoVent or GSi Burn, but since the XW-P1 doesn't have assignable outputs I wouldn't be able to also use it's synth sounds being controlled by another keyboard.

  4. The Casio XWP1 seem like quite a decent synth, and although it has it's own built in organ engine, with distortion applied, it kinda sounds like a baseball organ with improper gain structure.  In order to remedy this, I thought about adding a phone or tablet running VB3m or some other organ app controlling it from the XWP1's internal keybed, using it's master keyboard capabilities, and placing the device on the black panel in the top right corner of the synth.  My only question is if the drawbars on the XWP1 send MIDI CCs so that I could use them to control the aforementioned organ app, or if I need to find some kind of alternative control surface.

  5. Have not played it, but any keyboard with the same Fatar TP40 G/H keybed as the LMK2+ should feel similar, although the implementation of the keybed and the velocity curves applied to it will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.  If you want to try before you buy, do some research on what keyboards have the same TP40 G/H keybed and see if any music shops local to you have any of those keyboards and will let you come in and try them out.  Keep in mind that due to the fact that Fatar produce these actions and sell them to various companies to use in their keyboards, and companies can specify if they want certain features in their keyboards (such as aftertouch), the feel will vary from keyboard to keyboard, even if in theory they have the same model keybed.

  6. I'm not mainly a Hammond player, so take my input with a few grains of salt.  From my understanding, the second set of drawbars allows you to dial up a second sound and quickly and easily switch sounds on each manual.  Unless you need to switch between 4 different drawbar settings quickly, the second set of drawbars for each manual are not as necessary (still might be nice to have).  I would go with whichever clone sounds better to you, I wouldn't worry too much about the extra drawbars.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Docbop said:

    The mega corporations suck we're living in dark times.    They view you/us as trying to take part of their profit margin and have their legal team ready to fight and make you give up waiting for something happen.    Sadly for all of us they see paying for a big legal department more profitable than in customer service and well trained/equipped staff. 


    I realized  this when working in computer developer support and the suits constantly cutting our budget because tech support isn't a "revenue center".  To them customer support and services were chewing into their profits.  


    Not that I have an opinion on the subject. 

    This is why I always try to support the two independent music stores near me.  One of them is a general music store, while the other is a dedicated keyboard/synth store/repair center.  The owners of both stores always do what is best for the customer, it helps spread the word about their store and ensures that the customer will come back again and again, and the customers appreciate it.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Julius D Majestic Studios said:

    I think I realized it was out there because my wife came home and told me there was a bunch of stuff on the porch

    I'm shocked that your wife was able to walk between the boxes to get into the house.

    11 minutes ago, Julius D Majestic Studios said:

    they never rang the doorbell or anything

    They did the same thing when they delivered my computer, I live in a low crime neighborhood, so I wasn't too worried about it being stolen, but a box with HP plastered across the side is clearly a computer, and they just left it without ringing the bell.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, KuruPrionz said:

    USB cables? Meh...

    It's data transfer, the data either is transmitted or it is not. 

    Exactly.  With any cable transmitting a digital signal (HDMI, USB, DisplayPort, Ethernet, etc.) as long as the cable is rated for the length and specs you need, it either works or it doesn't.  With analog cables, (such as basically any audio cable) or fiber optic cables, length and quality do come into play in terms of how well the signal is transmitted, but as long as you are using something with decent build quality and it is in decently good shape, you shouldn't have a problem.

  10. 49 minutes ago, Stokely said:

    One "quirk" I've found is that the post-cab reverb is *really* touchy.  Going from 0% to 5% means going from completely dry to "too wet for live".

    Maybe use an insert effect in the MODX instead?  Or if you're like me who runs a reverb master effect over the entire performance/combi then you can just use that.

  11. One thing I've used to help mitigate the issues presented by internal speakers is connect a Bluetooth speaker with an AUX input to the headphone out via a 3.5mm TRS cable on whatever keyboard I'm using.  Did this last week at a last minute rehearsal and it was loud enough to hear my keyboard over the drums and the guitar amps, although it was not super loud.  Here's a quick pic I snapped:


  12. 3 minutes ago, rickzjamm said:

    MBP year is 2016 and yes I’ve checked the cords. All that appears is the touchbar and the little icons next to it but the screen itself is as black as midnight.
    I was looking it up didn’t see anything about the battery going bad but I’ll definitely check that. I’m thinking maybe it’s time for a new one…

    Try shining a flashlight at the screen and see if you see anything.  It is very common on the 2016-2019 MacBook Pros for the screen cable inside the hinge to become frayed over time from opening and closing the laptop and the wire that powers the backlight inverter in the display may become severed.  If you shine a flashlight (the one on your phone will work for this) at the screen and you can see the login screen or your desktop, than the backlight cable is most likely the culprit.  It was a common problem on these laptops, although I'm unsure if Apple will cover this under warranty/recall given that you have a 2016 model.

  13. 7 hours ago, Gus Lozada said:

    I could choose a KROSS 2 Instead... but the price is really different... 

    Why not the first gen Kross?  The keybed on the 61 is decent (from what I remember), the soundset is quite good, and it too runs on batteries.  They can be found used anywhere between $400-$600, so it fits into your price bracket, and it even has a mic input so you don't even need a mixer.  And unlike some of the other choices listed so far, it can play 16 sounds at one time in combination mode, either internal or external, including a drum track.

  14. 2 hours ago, Stokely said:

    Sure enough the capo--or rather his misuse of it--was causing the issue.

    Maybe it was the fact that he was using a Gibson?  The headstock designs on those guitars make them go out of tune real quick.  Friend of mine who is a drummer was recording with a guitarist who was using an SG for double tracked rhythm guitars and they didn't tune between takes, and they ended up with an awful chorusing effect that got worse and worse with each track.

  15. 6 minutes ago, ABECK said:

    I'm seeing his trusty Prophet V atop a KX-88, and on the side, PPG Wave, DX7, Emulator II and a QX1 or QX3.  Other than mixers, I can't really tell what's happening in the racks.  Looks like maybe some Yamaha FM or sampler modules.

    My guess is that the rack has a variety of Yamaha TX and Roland MKS modules in the rack, along with some Akai and/or Roland samplers.  That's what everybody was using back in the day.

  16. Just now, Rod S said:

    Geoff Downes had  huge setups a different points in his career.   Saw Asia around 2007 and it looked like a Roland Showroom, I think he had 10 roland keyboards.   Geoff can play, but his setups were pretty extreme.  

    I've heard that a lot of that is the ability to not have to have splits or patch changes in the middle of the song, which I totally get, but I'd much rather show up with 2, maybe 3 boards, and have my splits and patch changes.

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