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Everything posted by Melving

  1. Will learning a new instrument help musicianship? Well... I grew up on violin, picked up guitar in college, got a couple years of jazz lessons, now studying jazz on piano. And I find that I play the same things on each instrument, with a little adaptation for the shape of the instrument... The thing that helps my musicianship is studying the stuff my teacher tells me to. OK, that was a simplification, but still. Admitted though, it was pretty funny playing a violin part on a keyboard, to find out later that people have walked in and searched the room high and low for the violinist...
  2. I don't think it was mentioned, but Finale is on sale. https://www.finalemusic.com/cyber-monday-2022/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=cyber_monday_22&fbclid=IwAR2ZKC521yZCBdiKs0WQ5-HSfU7P9xsey6ZQzTHEe0BLNkt-sx022mfOpYE $99 brings it within a reasonable price range. Granted that musescore may come near its capabilities soon... Also granted that whenever I see these fancy keyboard setups there's rarely a music stand in sight 🙂
  3. One vote for Obsession... Also Massive X and Pigments.
  4. VSTs aren't bad once you get used to them, but I'd suggest buying the wires and getting a free VST host and a free VST synth. If that process doesn't turn you off completely, then I'd spend money. The flexibility of using VSTs is huge, and the sound quality can be very good, but I'll confess to a few days spent fussing with the system rather than practicing.
  5. Reminds me of dating. After you get dumped you feel like something the cat dragged it, but you need to project positive energy and look forward with hope to the next situation. It will feel more natural over time. It's awkward, but necessary. We're not perfect, they're not perfect. As we get older the kinds of people we can personally tolerate and encourage to the best of their ability will hopefully broaden (ie we don't cause unnecessary angst as they're angsting), but there are hard lines too. There will always be some level of shifting sand. But it makes for good music... Life is short. If it's what you do, do it again.
  6. I grew up as a pretty strict classical violinist. Not necessarily a great one, but in that camp. One day I went to a fair and heard a jazz flute player, and something inside said "This!" Life has never been the same...
  7. +1 on this. Tried a pair and couldn't stand the weird pressure sensation when cancellation was on. It's hard to imagine that they're good for the ears... YMMV.
  8. Poly-AT? I wasn't going to hazard a guess based on the demo in a room full of professionals, but if someone else would....
  9. Correct. Not having a single fatality is a rather high bar for a vaccine. Cause of death in a senior is always open to interpretation. On the other end of that is some doc who's got a one in 6 million chance of being right if he writes down covid vaccine as cause of death on a certificate. In other news, there are lots of viewpoints on a place like this... Respect...
  10. Survival comes with a lot of painful pre-existing conditions. Let's see. After vaccination, I'd think taxes and death would be pretty likely. Also probable are work, disagreements, heartbreak, pain, cancer, dementia and other things. Tack on warfare and global warning and those vaccines out to come with some pretty long disclaimers. Now on the flip side, by not getting vaccinated, you can be saved from all these things, and better yet, you can spare your friends and relatives too, especially if they haven't been vaccinated...
  11. Re: Seychelles and "A third of the new cases are people who have been fully vaccinated." "By April 12, 59% of the doses administered were Sinopharm vaccines and the rest were Covishield, a version of AstraZeneca Plc"s shot made under license in India." - from the Bloomberg article referenced https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-04/world-s-most-vaccinated-nation-reintroduces-curbs-as-cases-surge Note that at least here in the USA, we don't use either of those vaccines. There's a reason... Re: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=242205 OK - meatpacking incident - that's at 10 degrees celsius. Viral survival is better. It is a risk. Re: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=242205 - "You would have been better off, by far, taking the same infection straight up front" https://ourworldindata.org/mortality-risk-covid [known] Covid case fatality rate 2-6% in the USA, obviously higher when older people were infected Covid after vaccines in USA https://www.biospace.com/article/covid-19-infection-after-vaccine-is-rare-but-possible-cdc-says/ 77 million vaccines at that time, 74 deaths from covid after vaccine. You calculate and choose. 1 in a million death rate after vaccine, or 2-6 in 100 death rate without. Beyond all this, if you have to write your article in alternating bold, italics, underlining, and every other 1990's web page tactic known to humankind, there is an issue. I can't claim to have spent a lot of time researching these things, but these are my initial findings. Open to factual correction.
  12. Like playing a dildo? How would...? Anyway, now that you put it that way... Yes, sort of difficult to know about digital fussiness from a distance. As much as I hate to admit it, even in my home studio, we do break things at times. So eventually having the company alive matters... Thanks!
  13. Do tell... Not having had the opportunity to play any of these, I'd assume there's a pretty obvious reason that hooking three Roli blocks together hasn't become the default 6 octave MPE wonder?
  14. Sigh. DNA to mRNA to protein. Then mRNA degrades. Producing a reverse transcriptase just isn't going to happen from a bit of spike mRNA. The process just isn't going to magically go the other direction in humans.
  15. Re mac; Quoth Brad the developer (6/2019): "I"m still working on it, but it"s not going well atm⦠I"ll get there one day." Oh well.
  16. Regarding the original question, hate to say this but I think it would be easy to do in Cantabile... Briefly checked the DP manual and didn't see much, though...
  17. The famous graph https://www.deseret.com/u-s-world/2020/12/12/22165286/coronavirus-vaccine-chart-fda suggests some pretty good immunity a couple of weeks after the first dose. My impression, not having read the entire studies, is that they did not test for asymptomatic covid throughout the study, so that would be something they could not speak to. Since it's still a possibility, isolation and social distancing still needs to be maintained. They also didn't deliberately expose people, so they can't recommend intentionally unmasking and getting yourself exposed... I'm still waiting for my second head to grow. If it does, I'll be able to play one handed keyboard with each head...
  18. Got my pfizer shot. No side effects. They gave me a band aid. The hysteria is pretty fascinating... The most dangerous part is probably going to the hospital to get the shot.
  19. Yup. Website registered in China. On behalf of Chinese people everywhere, I apologize. Type in website address to this looker upper... https://ipinfo.info/html/ip_checker.php One time a Russian guy hacked an 80 yo friend of mine, asking for money from his email address. I complained to yandex, I think it was, and they gave me the cold shoulder...
  20. I've had a VPC-1 for a while. It was kinda disappointing. All that expectation. Sat down. Started playing. Felt like a piano Reliable, quiet, heavy. It's just me and my technique again... The right pedal is a little creaky. For most of my playing that doesn't need half pedaling, I have the middle pedal assigned as a sustain pedal 'cause it's quieter. I did put lithium grease inside the pedal unit. Regarding noise, truth to be told, I did mod a yamaha GHS to be a quiet keyboard. Put strips of contact felt where the yamaha strip was, which worked quite well. But then I was going to try to sell it, so I got a yamaha felt strip, and then it was noisy again...
  21. Re surface pro - I have a win 10 surface pro 1st gen. Upgrade process was OK. I vaguely recall having to delete some noncompatible programs. Runs basic VSTs just fine. There's always the infinite pagefile if you run out of RAM... I always felt like the lack of SSD space was more limiting than the RAM. Also not a fan of mini ports...
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