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Everything posted by xKnuckles

  1. PS... I other thing which I find very useful: always spend the first hour or so of your day doing the jobs that you enjoy the least. (For me that means paperwork...) That then means that the rest of the day will therefore be something to look forward to and savour; free of the dread of doing - or guilt of having not done - those jobs...
  2. Don't lose hope! This will pass....things always do. One vaccine and its game over for the virus. Even without one, once enough people have had it, it will become fairly safe again and things will resume. I have accepted this weird time as a strange injection of space, crowbarred into my busy life. I am using it to do the things on my 'to do" list which have literally been accumulating for decades. I started by making a list of them but no longer need one now. I do things instantly if they need doing, and keep chipping away at some historic projects which, after years of procrastination, I am now tackling. It feels good to have plenty of time and not to be feeling a bit jet lagged all the time from keeping strange hours. Music wise, I am working on my reading skills which could do with a lot of improvement. I just play through a few different pieces every day in a book which I have never bothered to play through before. It is making a big difference. I am also playing lots of things for my own enjoyment with and no other agenda than self indulgence. . Things I never normally play because I always have to be working on other things. I am not doing any technical exercises at all - I don"t want to ATM. I am sticking to doing things I love. I am not putting pressure on myself. If I didn't feel motivated to do things then I wouldn't.....I was a bit like that at the start of the lockdown, but then got energised...... Don't feel guilty if you don't feel like doing very much. Maybe a guilt free rest is what you most need ATM. I have always believed that music and the arts should be optional and not allowed to become a burden. Sometimes a break from playing injects a fresh new spark when you finally wish to resume playing.. Sometime we forget the value of slowing down and stopping to seeing how the world is rather than frantically rushing through it. Don't lose hope. You can come out of this stronger and playing better than ever. The audiences will be there again when the time is right. In the meantime, make the most of this strange time by doing as much, or little, as you feel inclined to.
  3. Congratulations on your new keyboard. (I did, however, keep expecting to get to the bit where you mentioned about the sheet music which the guy slipped in...)
  4. That's what everybody on this forum says....
  5. That's great news! Congratulations!
  6. Sorry to hear this Dan. So many times in life things happen which seem unspeakably dreadful, and yet when you look back at them in a year or so's time, you actually think 'thank goodness that happened' because it resulted in something else which could never have come about without the horrible event. Try to cling to that thought if things get difficult. Your life will change but it could be for the better. You now have all sorts of options which you did not have before. Take it one day at a time and try to stay positive. You will get through this.
  7. Ann, I think you should be deploying your photoshop skills more often on the forum. This is gold. Thank you..... but you may come to regret this statement....
  8. Goodness!!! ....I read this thread as saying: ferret chokes on USB cable......
  9. So......after a surprisingly short wait (only about 1/2 a day) soundcloud did get back to me and did try to help. After a certain amount of discussion they concluded my problems are most probably (but not definitely) caused by..... http://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_crop,h_1576,w_2800,x_0,y_52/f_auto,q_auto,w_1100/v1554931909/shape/mentalfloss/20997-istock-471531747.jpg
  10. I love the idea of getting one of these seaboards. I have heard that the software etc. Is a bit complex to learn. Roughly how long would you say it would take to get to grips with the technical side of one of these instruments? (For someone who is not particularly quick at getting to grips with computers....)
  11. Brilliant! I would love to know how much time he spent learning all those instruments - and how he was able to find all that time!! Presumably he learns 10x faster than normal mortals....
  12. I did submit a ticket. I received an email with this reply 'Thanks for reaching out to SoundCloud. We're trying our best to get back to you as soon as possible. However, at the moment we're receiving a larger than usual number of contacts so it can take us a bit longer, unfortunately. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience......' It will be interesting to see which arrives first: The vaccine or their reply.....
  13. I can see the comments on MOI's track, but not on any of the others. Strange that they do not all behave the same way...
  14. I just tried adding a comment myself and it now says there are three. I can see my one but not the other two. Does anybody else experience this problem with soundcloud?
  15. I didn't know there was such a thing. I was sure one of my clever forumites would know what the problem was....
  16. I just tried on my Surface Pro and cannot read the comments there either. :redwall: :( :idk:
  17. Well this is most odd. I am on an iPad... clicking on the dots does not help....it does not offer me the option of seeing comments.... Here is what I see:
  18. Hopefully I am going to get time to have a good listen to all the tracks this week. Some of them seem to have comments on them (mine and a few others) but I can't see them anywhere... What do I need to do in order to see them?
  19. I totally agree with you about subscriptions. I got 1Password before subscriptions came in and have stuck to it like a limpet ever since - fighting off all of their attempts to make me 'upgrade".... I wonder how many people ever take the time to add up how much money they are forking out every year on all of these subscriptions... Some of them are so inane... subscriptions for silly little apps that are worth virtually nothing... I find the whole trend extremely sinister (not to mention CRAZILY expensive! ) and I refuse point blank to go near them. Join me in my crusade!!!! If we all say 'NO" they will start selling things normally again. As they should. .
  20. In the event of a megazoom marathon, I suspect it will be more Happy Daze than Happy Days....
  21. I think you misunderstand how 1Password works; as did I before I joined it. It works like this: You have a secure, highly encrypted vault. Only you can access it. Not even the makers of the program can access it. So you go in when you need to remember a password and there they all are. You can insert the relevant password into whichever website you are trying to login to without any keystrokes - just a mouse click. if you need a new password for a website you have just joined, you access 1Password and its gives you a unique, crazily complicated password. You insert it with a single click and 1Password forevermore remembers it for you. They can be as long as you wish. Mine are all long. So, if your amazon account was hacked, apart from the mega online shopping session that the thieves would indulge in, that password would be useless to them because every single one of your other passwords are different. The master 1Password is never written down anywhere so cannot be hacked.
  22. RIP Dave. Golden Brown was always one of my favourite pop tracks.
  23. I use 1 password. I can't recommend it highly enough. It gives you crazily strong, different passwords for everything but all you ever have to remember is one password (which is never written down down anywhere). It is so good that I have taken to using it to store other things also: important notes etc. With each password you can also store other info if you wish, like your username, their web address, what the thing is actually for.....etc. My life was a total, disastrous mess before I got it. Now I have this beautiful, calm, hummingbird filled epicentre of well organised sanity (....but regrettably surrounded by endless vortexes of shambolic confusion....)...
  24. Many thanks for organising it Joe and Sam. It was so nice to see you guys and put faces to names. The best bit was definitely the backdrops. I had not attended a zoom meeting before and had no idea that they were an option. Initially I did not realise what was going on, and kept thinking what remarkable places and houses all the KC people lived in....
  25. I experienced similar problems, but fortunately I allowed a chunk of time to practice trying to get into the zoom room earlier in the day. (Fortunately there were several French windows in my skeletal diary....) . It took me about 1/2 hour to get it to work. I found that it only worked if I went directly from the link in the thread. Attempting to go via the actual zoom app - which seemed to be the obvious thing to try - never worked. Had to go through some sort of downloading rigamarole every time and had to be careful with the password (all one word etc. )
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