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Everything posted by DulceLabs.com

  1. I see price on the Sledge dropped from $1600 to $1000. Makes it very tempting. Any idea why? Not selling?
  2. I figured opening with Ebola and closing with the shopping cart would have made it clear it was all a joke. (Expect for the hipster hats. Those things really do suck.) Next time I will use a smiley laughing guy. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/red-neck-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif
  3. What's wrong with the VR-09? A well priced reasonable light weight board with a few quirks is what I've always thought. SSM (((pssst.. It's satire.)))
  4. I got Ebola from a KC amp. Then it stole my identity and drained my bank accounts. The KC also ran away with my wife AND my girlfriend. KC amps are behind every evil agenda known to man: New Coke, the Yugo, those douche hats that hipsters wear.. it all traces back to KC amps. You have been warned. If I had to rate the evils in this world it would go like this: 1: Satan (duh!) 2: The VR-09 3: KC amps 4: ISIS 5: Those shopping carts with the one bad wheel
  5. Under the "Halloween" section.. only available to Keyboard Magazine Subscribers... http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-violent013.gif http://www.indmowing.com.au/forum/images/smilies/chainsaw-smilie.gif http://www.reel-time.com/forum/images/smilies/violent-smiley-019.gif
  6. PA speakers will give you a much better sound. The only one around here who likes the Roland KC amps is that Moe guy.
  7. It's crazy. I have channel aftertouch on a $70 controller and poly aftetouch on a $100 controller.
  8. FWIW, the line does not go "oh beautiful for spacious thighs"....
  9. Just keeping it real...... http://oi57.tinypic.com/23l1s2r.jpg
  10. There are some other encoding details in WAV files that maybe the VR-09 doesn't like. Maybe try resaving as MP3s or AIFFs and see if it likes that better....
  11. I think it depends on your attention span. Some people are better at OH MY GOD A BUTTERFLY BRB
  12. http://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/11245611/disp/06292dca401c862fd7f872b6fa7e8405.jpg
  13. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-y3JwVz4uee8/T9ot6UZHFAI/AAAAAAAADQQ/sSGHHpRasEw/s1600/cool-inventions-piano-bedridden.jpg http://jamminjohns.com/shop/images/pano_black.jpg
  14. Two ways to look at it: Q: Is it OK to watch TV while you are practicing piano? A: NO! You need to be 100% focused on the music. OR Q: Is it OK to practice piano while you are watching TV? A: Sure. TV is a waste of time.You should at least be doing something productive while you watch.
  15. I do this with a 25 key (Alesis QX 25) or 49 key (M Audio Keyrig) and an iPad/iPhone. As pointed out, not good for actual "playing" but for experimenting with sounds/progressions it is fun.
  16. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4luHEVjqKA
  17. Someone posted this the PX-5S group.. thought it was worth a share.. http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/2013/07/UMJ-1-03.jpg http://www.core77.com/blog/furniture_design/umj-1_custom_keyboard_stand_by_um_project_for_mikael_jorgensen_of_wilco_25195.asp
  18. Embedding them here: Part 1: [video:youtube] Part2: [video:youtube] Nice chops, Dave!
  19. I only have a point-and-shoot, but I really enjoy taking pictures at the local theme parks.. especially on the safari at Animal Kingdom. I would love a DSLR for the shows.. some of the effects are amazing and would make a great shooting subject. http://oi43.tinypic.com/20gy8zo.jpg http://oi42.tinypic.com/2czdgdy.jpg http://oi42.tinypic.com/2isv31i.jpg
  20. Been trying to break into the paparazzi game.. good money for the right shot. This is one of my more *ahem* interesting finds: http://oi42.tinypic.com/14vo6rs.jpg
  21. I came in like a WRECKING BALL! http://mybadelf.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/2013-10-14-WreckingBall.jpg
  22. Hope this helps.. there's a bunch of them on YouTube if this isn't to your liking. Have fun.. everyone loves this one. [video:youtube]
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