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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 1 hour ago, timwat said:

    There is sort of a list of players who have built a decent rep for being professional, showing up on time, learning ALL of the music, and generally not embarrassing you for hiring them.

    That's where I'm trying to head. Last three weekends were three first-time gigs with three different bands. 


    I'm a full-time member of only one band now - I've known some of them 30 years, it's like family. Everything else is dep/sub gigs - I'm a regular sub for a few bands now, some of whom don't have a full-time keyboard player. Go figure?

    Cheers, Mike.

  2. Hmmm...


    I can see Alto and M-Audio as natural InMusic brands. They gutted the innovation that was Alesis.


    And acquisition is good for shareholders, not consumers. If an independent Moog struggles, the company fights for its life. If the Moog brand isn't successful, InMusic simply shuts them down.


    Cheers, Mike.

  3. 7 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

    My mortgage is paid off. I have no debt. I have savings in the bank, Social Security income, and I'm gigging 15-20 times per month.


    7 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

    I don't have luxury items, and I drive an old car. I have no jewelry, a small 19" TV that only goes on when a DVD is in the player, and nothing that a thief would want. But I'm having a happy life by making a living doing music and nothing but music.

    That's the way it's done. Live relatively frugally, and live a fulfilling life. Congratulations for getting a bullseye on that particular dartboard.


    Cheers, Mike.

  4. 23 hours ago, zxcvbnm098 said:

    reverse mortgage

    Is that where the equity in the house is used to secure a loan where the interest compounds up and is only due when you die? Yeah that can be the right solution in some circumstances (sounds like you fit that!) but in other cases the exorbitant interest rates can wipe out much of the estate.


    Cheers, Mike.

  5. OK so I've just bought multiple $1 donations from the MPN store. It's fine - the only slight issue is that I have to add them to the cart one by one. There's no way of saying: I want this product ("$1 donation"), quantity = 10. You have to add one to the cart, 10 times.


    Thanks for doing this @dB I've been wanting to give something back for a while now, without wading into Patreon waters.


    Regards, Mike.

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  6. On 6/5/2023 at 8:18 PM, Dave Bryce said:

    The only caveat I can find with donations through the MPN Store is that I have to specify the amount of the donation in order to create a Donation Product in the MPN Store.


    On 6/5/2023 at 8:23 PM, ksoper said:

    Couldn't you have multiple products at various price points?  Again, my daily blog has boxes you can check for the amount of donation, $5-10-25-50-75-100. 

    I had assumed @ksoper's approach in my suggestion. "Buy a $5 donation / Buy a $10 donation / Buy a $25 donation" etc.


    Cheers, Mike.

  7. 1 hour ago, CyberGene said:

    I’ve been tempted many times by the MPC One but whenever I start searching for reviews I see it predominantly used for hip-hop.

    The original MPC could be described as "a machine used to invent hip-hop". I'm way out of my specialist subject here, but the sampling on trigger pads, and the "every 4/every 2/every 1" auto-trigger "roll" feature of MPCs makes setting up drops very easy. Hence: hip-hop.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, analogika said:

    Two weeks ago, Apple pushed a security update (iOS 15.7.6) to the iPhone 6S, which puts its total software support at SEVEN YEARS and seven months since release, and four years & eight months since it went out of production. 

    "Forced obsolescence" yah right. 

    I'm not a "pledge blind allegiance" Apple fanboi, but I'm glad that this kind of supported lifetime makes it as economic to purchase a 3-year old iPhone and run it for 3 years, as it does to purchase a new entry-level Android for the same money and run that for 3years. 


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, ksoper said:

    sending you a check

    I was going to suggest a "donation only" option in the MPN merch store for this purpose.


    3 hours ago, Dave Bryce said:

    MPN does have a PayPal account.

    That works too, but is perhaps less likely to attract new/casual users?


    Cheers, Mike.

  10. @DroptopBrohamIf you are looking for something to 

    21 hours ago, DroptopBroham said:

    leave at a rehearsal space

    Then what's the problem with 

    21 hours ago, DroptopBroham said:

    Bringing in a small mixer to run my voice and two boards through

    I would understand the extra effort/complexity would be a downside if you had to bring it to/from every rehearsal. But setting it up once? You need a little line mixer - a cheap Behringer MX400 or similar will do the trick. Add a two-input powered speaker of your choice. 


    If you can find a 3-input speaker, that's great.


    One other thought - you said you had the option to

    On 6/1/2023 at 10:49 PM, DroptopBroham said:

    run my mic to the main board

    Does your "main board" have a spare pre-fade send? You could run both keyboards and your mic to the "main board", and take a pre-fade send of those three back down to your powered speaker - no personal mixer required.


    Cheers, Mike.

  11. 8 hours ago, Dan Foley said:

    I tried an EV-powered monitor and it sounded too boomy

    Do you know which model EV you tried? Most EVs of the type typically seen here (such as the ZLX12 mentioned above) should sound adequate-or-better. Not as good as studio monitors, perhaps, but better than a Roland or Peavey keyboard amp.

    8 hours ago, Dan Foley said:

    My piano teacher, which quite an accomplished jazz player, uses a Behringer Ultratone KXD12. He likes it. Of course, he plays on real pianos as much as he can.

    Have you tried it, and do you like it? If you haven't tried it, perhaps arrange a "test-drive" at a lesson - bring your keyboard and plug it in.

    8 hours ago, Dan Foley said:

    If my little Mackie K5 studio monitors can sound so good with only a 5" woofer, why can't I find a powered monitor with a small woofer that sounds just a good? Why do I need to get a big woofer?

    Basically because the Mackie only has to fill a smallish room, and it doesn't need the rugged build of something on the road.

    8 hours ago, Dan Foley said:

    I keep hearing (and seeing people selling used) Bose S1 Pro system. I don't know if that's going to be enough for what I need. But it seems to fit the bill for something small.

    A lot of products will be "enough for what you need". But if you don't like them, there's no point buying. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  12. A colleague told me that even in her 50s, she could outpace the rest of her band and dancers for sheer energy, stamina and work ethic. RIP


    (I must admit to being a bit tired of Proud Mary, and never liking The Best - although I recently learned it's a Bonnie Tyler cover. Thankfully, there are plenty of deeper cuts in her catalogue to remember and appreciate). 


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, Spider76 said:

    Everybody respects classical musicians because they put in a ton of effort to be able to play such a difficult repertoire.

    Quoted for emphasis. In the classical world, simplifications and arrangements exist, as well as reinterpretations ("...based on a theme by..."), but there is no shade aimed at the New York Philharmonic's note-for-note performance of Beethoven's Choral Symphony under Karajan (to take an - admittedly impressive - example) as "just a cover".


    Cheers, Mike.

  14. I'll add that there is a particular type of cover that I hate  - it's less prevalent on the live-band scene, but is all over Youtube.


    The quiet, acoustic, slowed-down cover. Strummed cowboy chords, whispered wannab-Eilish vocals (perfectly Autotuned, of course), comments like "you bring a whole new meaning and depth to the song".


    Do you though? 


    No. No you don't, you really don't. You're just doing it slow and quiet. 


    Cheers, Mike.

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