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Everything posted by kwyn

  1. I"m struggling to get it to figure out how to let stuff pass on channel 1 and only apply what I"m trying to do to channel 2. I can"t find a way to do that. Do you have the app?
  2. I got midiflow for iPad. The issue is that my organ sends drawbar info on CC#12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ,19, 20. It sends left drawbars on those CCs on channel 1 and right drawbars on the same CCs on channel 2. However the app only receives drawbars on channel 1 and uses 12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20 for the left side and 21,22,,23,24,25,26,27,28 for the right side. I wanted midiflow to take my input from channel 2 (13-20) and convert it to channel 1 (21-28). I was able to do that by restricting to channel 2 and remapping and then outputting to channel 1. The problem now is I can"t get anything on channel 1 through. Ideas? I"m using a viscount legend solo keyboard into the Hammond BX3 (ik multimedia app(
  3. That's not the problem, Mark. The app seems to only receive drawbars on channel one and they have different midi CCs So the legend would have to be able to send all drawbars on one channel or the app would have to be able to receive on 2 channels. Neither of which seems to be the case.
  4. So do the drawbars get received on channel 1 in the iPad app? Why can't the controllers be set up to receive on multiple channels? Surely the legend isn't the only board that sends the same midi CC #s but on different channels...
  5. It's the SV2, the new one, not the SV1. Long story short, I Eqd, and played with velocity curves and didn't realize I had 2 different reverbs, and some additional variables going on. .also I had them set up in different places running through the same speakers, so using the Grandstage standing and the SV2 kneeling made a big difference in what I was hearing. Will play more, but I have much better impression of the SV2 now. Quick new impressions: APs can be tweaked to sound almost identical. Slight edge to the GS for cutting through. EPs almost identical but much more variations on the SV2 and also a big edge to the SV for effects Organs (I'm not gonna use) Extra Sounds- Grandstage has some really nice pads. Haven't explored enough of the SV Action is almost the same but since I've had the GS for a week longer it feels a little less stiff.
  6. Also, would you guys be mad if I told you I spent all night and this morning tweaking and I changed my mind? Lol! I'll to explain later, but please don't make big decisions based on my first impressions. Honestly soooo sorry
  7. On the other hand, someone with a quite a bit more talent than me https://oldtimemusic.com/korg-sv188bk-88-key-digital-piano/
  8. Hey Josh. They sounded very similar. Maybe the SV2"s were a little more 'natural' sounding, like closer to the real deal. Maybe a little softer. The GS seemed to bark a little brighter and with less effort, which I prefer (even if it is 'less realistic'). They both sound great. The amp sims on the SV2 are kinda cool. The GS only has a 'Drive' option, that needs to be tweaked in a menu. On the SV2, the knobs are right there. Also, so many additional effects on the SV2. The chorused Wurli sounded just like the Goodbye Stranger Wurli to me. Please try these out for yourselves. This is only one guy"s opinion. I am not as experienced as most of you and YMMV. FYI... I played a Rhodes a few years ago, but obviously couldn"t A/B it with these boards. Never played a Wurli. I own a Hammond C3/21H.
  9. That's a surprise, since I think the SV2 is a sampled "rompler" organ and the Grandstage has the CX3 engine (albeit without the tweakability). I should add to that. I didn"t play with the Leslie on the sv2.. Just listened really quick because I had no intention of using either for organs. The Grandstage organs sound really quiet even with master volume and patch volume up. But from the few minutes I played, something sounded better about the SV. So, I guess my comment on the organs should be taken with a grain of salt. I am definitely disappointed in general that the SV2 didn"t smoke the GS. I love the interface on the SV2. So freakin badass to look at. Again, tweakers may be able to get much more mileage out of the SV2 than me.
  10. Where did you order your SV-2? Sweetwater says available for per-order and MusiciansFriend says shipping in March. Only the 88 key version with no speakers is shipping now, but check Sweetwater, Guitar Center, Sam Ash again. That model should be available
  11. My Korg SV2 88 came today. It is the no speaker version. Available from Sweetwater, GC, and Sam Ash online and phone. Maybe not in stores yet.. I wanted to like it more than the Grandstage. A/B"d them. Played with them for about an hour, and realized that many of the APs actually kept the same characteristics and sound of the corresponding Grandstage patches (ie Italian, Japanese, German, etc...) but something was definitely missing. EQ helped a lot, and the velocity curves are definitely different on these instruments, so adjusting that made it closer too. I also can"t say that I loved the SV2 EPs more than the GS ones. Although, the is SV2 ones are more tweakable, have amp sims and effects. I"m not a great tweaker, and want decent factory patches. I respect if you want to tweak and fiddle, but I don"t. I just want to play awesome sounds out of the box. I have too much to learn about playing. Don"t have time to learn how to tweak. I only messed around with APs and EPS. I listened to the 'others' but they"re mostly novelty even though very cool on both instruments. My band doesn"t really use a whole lot beyond APs, EPS, and Organ. By the way, the organ on the SV2 is much better than the Grandstage. That being said, I"m using a legend solo/vent2, so that was a non-factor. Action was very similar. With the sounds off, for some reasons, the SV2 felt better? I dunno why. Not a whole lot. With the sounds on, I really disliked the SV2 after playing the the Grandstage for the past week. So, there you have it. Also, the 88 SV2 felt like it was full of bricks when lifting it onto the stand. Sadly the SV2 is the one going back, despite how much I love the front panel and that really cool looking tube. I am happy with the Grandstage. I thought it was going to be the other way around.
  12. If you are noticing latency at a buffer size of 64, I don"t think an IOS virtual instrument is going to work for you. For whatever reason, the way my brain is wired, I don"t really perceive the latency on garage band or korg module, UNLESS, I"m also running Spotify (to be expected) or Guitar Tabs at the same time. When I have Spotify running, the latency bothers me. When Tabs is running, I can deal. When Module or BX3 are running in isolation, I"m totally fine. Are you running any other apps at the same time? Try to reboot the iPad and ONLY run your virtual instrument. Still, it seems like you aren"t going to be satisfied with that latency. Some people just perceive it more, I suppose. I have no experience with external interfaces for the iPad aside from the camera kit, so it"s possible they may work better, but I"ll let someone else chime in on that. Maybe you can find a dealer that will let you try one out and return it.
  13. Not sure what to tell you unless they have a demo now. I rolled the dice for $100 and it turned out to work fine. Although, now I just never use it. Maybe try out the garage band organ and see if there is latency. It's unfortunate if there is no demo of bx3. Not every has $100 to demo software. And if they do have a demo, well try give it a "spin" with the hardware you currently have and see if it works for you.
  14. Anybody? Too many variables to answer. Depends on model of iPad, what controller you're using, how many other apps you're running on the iPad. I can tell you that with my Legend Solo and the camera kit, I didn't notice any latency but I wasn't paying attention. I have the most recent non-pro regular iPad.
  15. Straddling two bandwagons I realize, but would there be any perceivable upgrade by controlling B-3X iPad from a Mojo61? GSI firmware offers some very deep editing in almost every area. I"ve gotten some pretty mature results (although I"d like to hear more body overall, and perhaps more weighty percussion tone). There's a big difference. Whether it's an upgrade or not is subjective. I personally like the sound B3x much more than vb3ii(mojo) and more than my legend solo (with onboard sim) but I'm sure many feel different. What I don't like is another device (iPad) to worry about on stage. Although it can be argued that because I need my vent ii that's another device albeit much less to think about than midi controlling an iPad.
  16. Here's a picture of my recent setup. SV-1 on bottom and Nord Stage on top. I'm using an old X-stand with the upper tier horizontal bars removed. I installed a baby safety bumper list on top of the SV-1 to prevent it from getting scratched. I actually just purchased a K&M 18880 so I'm also working on figuring out build my setup using it :-) What's holding the Nord in place? It's not just leaning on the Korg and a couple of poles, Right?
  17. I actually just purchased a K&M 18880 so I'm also working on figuring out build my setup using it :-) Awesome!
  18. Would you guys, pricing being almost the same, by the sv2 in a month, or the grandstage now. I have studio monitors, so whereas the speakers would be cool on the SV2s, they aren't required. Also why? Do the EPs sound the same on both? Do they sound the same on the SV1?
  19. What about drawbars? It seems they only receive on one channel and top drawbars and lower drawbars all have different midi CCs. Can this all be used if the bottom drawbars have the same midi CCs but on a different channel? It doesn't appear that way. So if controller can't assign different CCs to drawbars, it can only be used on the top manual.
  20. The image I tried to post above is without the locking nut. So maybe the sv2 is significantly higher than the Nord I have and that's what I'm missing? I turned the 18881 backwards as you suggested.
  21. This is my lowest setting on the stand? https://ibb.co/rwxr34N
  22. I have that stand..my 18881 doesn't get the keyboards that close together. How do you do that? The first pic you posted is dark in the place I'm trying to look.
  23. I am planning on picking up the sv2. Maybe an sv1. Anyone mod or know how to get a mod to get a flat top on this to rest my legend solo on? I really wish it could've come with a flat top I haven't seen anything but it'd be awesome for me.
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