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Posts posted by kwyn

  1. 4 minutes ago, D. Gauss said:

    While I admire OP's quest for accuracy, on the other hand does it matter at all?   Leaving aside my personal feelings of how shitty a song "Bad Love" is..... assuming this is for a cover band, 99% of drunken bar patrons, and more importantly, band paying bar owners, aren't gonna know what song it is until the geetar riff comes in at 26 secs. IMO, if you're gonna do that part and not just start the song on the riff as a million bands i've seen do, anything that sustains will suffice and the 2X has some bread/butter sounds that can fit that bill.  

    Good point. Can be extrapolated to many other songs as well.

  2. As someone previously mentioned, Ok Chorale from the D50 is what was used. My old band played the tune and I spent hours looking for the patch. Ended up using something called "Fantasia" layered with something else similar on my Korg Grandstage. My guitar players smiled when they heard it. It definitely wasn't OK Chorale, but I think a lot of keyboards have a fantasia patch. Not too familiar with the 2x even though I had and sold one a long time ago.  


    Maybe I added bell sound to the fantasia sound? Maybe play with a sound called "brightness" a bit? I saw someone posted that years ago.

  3. Oddly enough, today, I cannot replicate the pop and cracks, using hub or going straight into the usb c port, so I guess, problem solved, even at a buffer size of 32, smearing the keyboard and holding the sustain down.  Nice!


    I wonder if it was because I got a cheap usb c to 1/8th adapter?  It gets very hot plugged into the hub.

  4. 48 minutes ago, Reezekeys said:


    Where was the audio actually coming from then? Computer to hub to... what?


    Going from my old Intel Mac (late-2013 MacBook Pro) to my M2 Air involved a learning curve wrt audio on AS computers. First, the headphone out and the laptop's speakers are treated as separate audio destinations. This change may have pre-dated Apple Silicon Macs as I skipped a few OS versions going to the Air, but it was new to me. Some apps - like the plugins host I use, Plogue Bidule - cannot deal with changing outputs (i.e., simply pulling out the headphone jack's cable) without restarting. Also, connecting my Airpod Pros forces the system audio SR to 48K and has implications for any software needing to play or pass 44.1 audio. Some apps can do real-time sample rate converting, others cannot. Could something similar be what you experienced? Best practice is to make sure everything is at the same SR. I've never heard any pops and clicks with my setup when I do this - and have put my buffer at 32 samples on occasion.

    The audio was going from computer-->hub -->USB to 1/8 adapter -->Stereo Y cable--> to mixer--> studio monitors


    This is really my first experience with MAC. Not sure why it forces 48 over 44.1 when going that route. Maybe I should try bypassing the hub and see what happens. 64 samples would be a low enough buffer for me. I barely notice lag at 128, but at 256, I can definitely feel it.



  5. 1 hour ago, AnotherScott said:

    So based on the following, it sounds like you've already determined that, even with half the RAM, the lag in sound selection is gone?


    Assuming yes, that would seem to confirm that, at least to address the particular issue you were seeing, the Apple silicon processor did indeed take care of it despite half the RAM, whether because your limitation was more one of raw performance capability and not so much RAM dependent, or the M2's more efficient use of a smaller amount of RAM, or a combination of the two.


    I don't know, but it sounds like you can fix it for free and not have another piece to bring around and wire up, if you just use the headphone jack. 😉

    1. Yes. The lag in sound selection is now instantaneous. No lag at all!

    2. Even using the "keyboard quick start" concert, which loads up about 51 patches, no issues at all!!

    3. I get it. I'm just wary of headphone jacks. I busted a few on my iPads. 


    Anyway, this M2 is quite a beast, even with only 8 gigs of ram. Runs super cool too! I've never really been a Mac guy, and will probably remain a PC guy for most things, but I have to say these M series chips are rather impressive. 

    • Like 1
  6. So I got the M2, 8 gig ram. In MainStage, loaded up a few acoustic pianos, synth, Horns, Electric pianos, simultaneously, which is the bulk of my gigs. Played YouTube video in the background and jammed on top of it, one instrument at a time. Wasn't able to Max out the ram. Pushed it into the high 6's. No issues with RAM. 


    Only issue I had was, with USB audio, it forces a higher sample bit rate, and that caused some minor pops at buffer 64 and 128. When I went straight from the headphone jack, that went away. Admittedly, just using a USB hub not a dedicated audio interface. 


    Would a dedicated interface fix that?

  7. 15 minutes ago, AnotherScott said:

    As mentioned, people often say that 8 GB on Apple Silicon can be seen as comparable to 16 on Intel, though I can't personally vouch for that, and would not assume any generalization like that to be true for all possible usages. But assuming that's even close to true, yeah, I'd go Apple Silicon in your comparison, especially since you're not even comparing to the higher end Intel (i7).


    From everymac.com, here are the benchmarks for the 2019 i5 (8 GB RAM) vs. the slowest Apple silicon model (also with 8 GB RAM), and also for comparison, a higher end Intel model (also 8GB RAM), showing why I think it might be a tougher call if you had a high end Intel. Look at the Geekbench 4 benchmarks, and you can see that a top-of-line Intel i7 Mac can be performance competitive with an M1, which is why I've looked into this myself, since I have that Intel base Mac and I have it with 32 GB RAM. That could be competitive with base Apple silicon, especially  perhaps if that Apple silicon model has far less RAM. But unlike my i7, your i5 is smoked in raw performance by even the bottom line Apple silicon model, to an extent that I doubt having more RAM in the i5 could possibly make up for it.




    Good stuff Scott! Thank you 

  8. 18 hours ago, Reezekeys said:

    Between the two Macs, the M2 Air without question.


    Mac vs iPad is another ball game. Both can now host some fairly involved setups with decent sounding plugins. I don't know what kinds of gigs you do, but my local hits are fairly low-key jazz, r&b & funk, just needing bread & butter acoustic and electromechanical instruments; not a cover or wedding band needing loading/unloading of many different plugins and samples during a set (I load everything once at the beginning of the night). My iPad does fine for that (and it's a relatively inexpensive 9G), but the reality is that – imo – the sound selection and quality are not quite at the level of what you can do on the Mac. The iPad is just so much easier to bring to a gig and set up, and the sounds I use are satisfying enough in a live setting, that I accept the slight compromises in sound quality. To be honest the quality is more than good enough for me to be happy on a gig - I don't think about it at all as I play. However, If it has to be one or the other - right now I would still go with that M2 Air! It should be useful for years, and you'll have access to top shelf plugins and other music software, as well as the Apple AI stuff coming (who knows what that's all going to lead to?). So the M2 Air would get my vote for sure.

    So even though the 2019 i5 would have 16 gig ram, you would choose the M2 with 8? 


    Id probably like to load up a Hammond, a grand, a Rhodes, a wurly, horns, and a synth or 2 on rarer occasions. Maybe an upright.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Reezekeys said:

    If you're like me you don't have a bunch of apps you're not using open while you're making music. 8GB should be enough. I wanted an 8GB M2 Mac Air last year but couldn't wait for a BTO so took a 16GB model that was in the store. I never come close to using up the ram, and I have a decent-sized Kontakt pianos, strings, plus organ, guitar, brass, etc. all loaded up for my gigs. If you're doing film scoring work with massive libraries then yes, 16GB would be my choice. Otherwise, I would rather have a larger internal SSD.


    It's not for film scoring or even studio recording or anything super fancy. Just live performance. I would probably have B3X, an acoustic piano or 2, a Rhodes, a wurly, and a synth or 2.

  10. 4 minutes ago, BluMunk said:

    For gigging? 

    I know it depends on how you're using Mainstage, but I've been getting by fine with old (10 year+) Macbook Pros with 16 gig of ram. I am not running many VSTs outside of stock.

    I'll be replacing those laptops with apple silicon in the next year, and have no doubts that an M1 with 16gig will be more than adequate to get me through the next 10 years (currently running an M1 mac mini for my home studio, no complaints).

    So, for my use case (which may not be yours), a 16 gig M1 macbook pro should be great, and come in just at or under your budget.


    Yes. Live. Thanks!

  11. What is the best Apple product for MainStage with a budget of about $850-$900? I'd like to stay "new" or refurb from Bestbuy. A friend has a legacy plan that comes with AppleCare+ with any Apple product I buy from there. Budget may have a little wiggle room, but not a whole lot.


    MacBooks- I'm guessing anything with less than 16 gig ram is a no go? Even an M1 or M2? I currently have a 2019 i5 MacBook Air 16 gig RAM. that does seem to really crank up the fans and sound selection lags, when using preset concerts in MainStage, which I know tend to have a lot of sounds pre-loaded


    iPad Air (or pro)- I know these don't run MainStage, but I assume I can get every MainStage sound running Logic?  


    I may want to use additional instruments like Pianoteq, B3X, Korg Module, other high quality pianos either from App Store if I go with iPad or Kontakt if I go with MacBook.


    Thanks in advance for your input.

  12. 7 hours ago, Reezekeys said:

    Nice! Yea Midiflow is a great app. Too bad it's abandoned - makes me scared to update iOS!

    It appears that an update, "compatibility improvements for recent iOS versions" was done 2 weeks ago. 👍

    • Like 2
  13. I did but that. I can't figure out how to make it right work though. Cc to cc is easy enough but I'm struggling with how to change nrpn to cc. I guess I'm not setting the filter options correctly. There are a lot there, and I don't what it all means.

  14. 24 minutes ago, Reezekeys said:

    I haven't dealt with your exact issue so can't speak with 100% certainty, but Audeonic StreamByter (free on iOS, $20 as a Mac app) can most likely remap NRPNs to regular CCs - with the caveat that it's a scripting language that requires knowledge of the nuts & bolts of midi, as well as some programming experience. I got help from the newbie-tolerant forum there, and may even be able to suggest a script to do what you need should you go this route.



    Thanks..it may be able to, but looks more complicated than midiflow even. Unless there is a script already available. But seriously appreciated!

  15. Anyone know how to use midiflow (or any other iOS app) to map NRPN.


    Specifically Hammond Skpro buttons to cc to play around with Hammond B3x,  Vb3m, Vb3 ii, some other non organ AUs, etc...


    Most of those don't work well NRPN, just CC

  16. So, with my old iPad there was a headphone jack. I used the camera kit to be able to charge, connect my keyboard, while outputting audio through headphone jack. 


    I want to be able to play, charge, and output audio, but I forgot my new iPad air gen 5, ($400 :)), there is no audio out.


    Can someone recommend a simple, reliable interface for playing live that fits the bill?


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