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Posts posted by kwyn

  1. 47 minutes ago, Dockeys said:

    I was thinking the other way round as the B3X has different CC numbers for upper and lower drawbars but the legend has the same set of CC's for both manuals? 

    All B3x has to do is let you assign the lower drawbars to channel 2. Simple! But they don't. Why not?


    So the app works with generic controllers well, like my axiom. But won't work with viscount, Nord (I'm guessing), Hammond skPro.


    Further, and maybe not your issue,. ridiculous implementation of the software doesn't even account for the messages Hammond's Skpro sends via buttons (although it does support the older sk and xk). 


    The only reason I use B3x is because it has my favorite Leslie emulation of any and a pretty tame high octave. I like it more than viscount, Hammond, ventilator, etc...

    Hammond's Skpro emulation is really solid though. I still have a bit of trouble with the upper octave.


  2. 1 hour ago, Dockeys said:



    Thanks for your reply on this. I thought I made a breakthrough when I saw your thread last night but it sent me down another rabbit hole!!  I’ll look into a midi configuration app for the Mac similar to the one you used on the iPad and see if that works. I thought for a decent two manual clone the legend would have the ability to send midi messages for the drawbars for both manuals, even one set for each manual. And it still may well be? Will keep trying but I really appreciate the response. 

    Honestly, rather than blame the legend, I blame the B3X software for not being more flexible.

  3. 2 hours ago, Dockeys said:

    Just an update in case anyone is trying to do something similar. There's a thread I tracked down here which deals with a similar issue but with the iPad version of B3-X.




    Yep. That was my thread. I actually solved the issue but it required midi flow. It took a long time for me to figure it out, but I posted a screenshot of the setup, so you should be good.


    The issue which I didn't realize, was that going through midiflow which was necessary, introduced noticable latency on my 2018 iPad. That, was unsolvable. Perhaps newer iPads or pros don't have that latency?? I'm not sure. 


    However, a used axiom 61 for less than the cost of the B3x app is a possible solution. Obviously you would sacrifice the layout of the legend, sliders instead of drawbars, and lipped keys instead of waterfall, and the keyboard action. That being said, for rehearsal I have no problem with the axiom, just those minor ergonomics.

  4. 10 hours ago, Al Quinn said:

    Kwyn, can you post an example of the type of sound you're looking for? I'm asking for something recorded by someone you like who's getting the sound you seek. 

    I will. I have to find something. But let's say the band is playing Folsom Prison in E and they want a piano solo. Or maybe a Clapton rendition of key to the highway in A? In those cases, minor pentatonic blues scale doesn't really seem to cut it





  5. 43 minutes ago, JamPro said:

    So there are two pentatonic blues scales - get to know and use both of them.


    Key of A blues scale: a, c, d, eflat, e, g, (a) - and its relative major: c, d, eflat, e, g, a, (c).


    I use that relative major scale to get a major, country-ish sound over the I chord of a C blues (continuing with the C blues scale over the IV chord of a C blues).  To do something like this, you need to shred the blues scale and its relative major in every key.

    So if you were playing a 12 bar C major blues: 


    On the C chord: C D Eb E G A 

    On the F: C Eb F F# G Bb

    What about on the G?





  6. So much of my soloing is based on the minor pentatonic/blues scale. When it comes to major solos I just don't sound right. In some tunes, I just use the relative major and focus on the root ex) using Am pentatonic for Cmaj solo. In some songs, it doesn't sound right.


    When I have to solo over major, happy-ish blues, I'm severely lacking. Just not pleased with what I'm doing. Do you play a I major pent, IV major pent, V over the corresponding chords? Is there another trick?


    I listen a lot, but don't have a great ear especially when peeps are playing fast.  Any tips? Although, my band plays mostly Allman's, Dead, Clapton type stuff, I feel like I need more than I have in my belt.


  7. 1 hour ago, AnotherScott said:


    A tip from one of Jim's first videos, to set the crossover frequency low, is a big help. Though it does make me wonder why they ship the unit with a default setting that is actually pretty poor. A new user who simply goes onto the screen to increase the overdrive will probably be disappointed, since It's pretty bad until you employ Jim's tip which presumably most new users won't immediately know about or be able to obviously discern from simply looking at that screen.

    Did he mention where to set it?  How low? Approximately?

  8. I'm looking for a cheapish ($300ish or less) controller for rehearsal that would have the following. I just want to leave it at the studio and only have to bring my iPad with me to practice for B3X and korg module


    9 sliders (drawbars)


    Expression pedal input


    Buttons that can be interpreted by B3x for percussion and C/V (just on and off, doesn't have to select which type of vibrato or percussion)


    61 Keys


  9. When it comes to clones, especially by smaller companies, reliability is a huge issue!! I highly recommend doing the research. I'm not comfortable making that call for you, but seriously, make sure the company makes a reliable product, not only one that doesn't break down during a gig, but also one that you won't have to be without for extended periods of time

  10. Yup. IK seems to think everyone only uses Hammond stuff as controllers. I sometimes wonder if that was a stipulation of their licensing agreement?

    and irritatingly, although the SK Pro was announced over a year ago, B-3X has still not been updated to use it as a controller. And since Hammond does not use standard CCs for most of the non-drawbar controls, you can't fully map it yourself, either. Especially considering that it is one of the priciest apps you can get, it would be nice if they were more responsive.


    Yep.. bought it when it came out for $100, maybe more, I think. Sucks that I can't even map my Skpro to it.

  11. So when you're on stage for a "no-keys" song that you don't sing on, do you add something on your keys or do you just smile and dance? For real though, what do you guys do in those cases? I play in a classic rock band that does a lot of guitar only tunes. I add in some organ or EP at times.
  12. Honestly, why can't b3x just allow for different channels for drawbars as well as notes?

    I noticed there are a couple of old Native Instruments B4D controllers for sale on reverb.com at the moment. Based on this mapping chart for Logic Pro, it looks like it sends both sets of drawbar commands over the same MIDI channel, so that could be another option for someone who doesn't want to bother with the complication (or possible additional latency?) of inserting a conversion app between your hardware and B3X. But yeah, B-3X should have an option to support each manual's drawbars on the same MIDI channel as the drawbars themselves. They also should update their Hammond compatibility to support the SK Pro, which, itself, irritangly does not use standard MIDI CCs for percussion and C/V, nor does it appear to use the same commands that previous Hammonds used, so you can't pick something like SK1 or XK5 and expect those mappings to work. So again, you'd have to use something like Keystage, Midiflow, etc. to do the appropriate mapping.


    I actually don't have the legend anymore. I have an skpro. Sadly, because of the way it sends midi, the skpro doesn't work either. That being said, the skpro is pretty damn good, but it would be nice to experiment with b3x

  13. I just ordered two of those Belker line lump supplies from Amazon (one for my KL, one for my Lester K). Supposed to arrive Monday, I'll update once I see if they work adequately.


    I was due to reconfigure my pedalboard a little bit, this provided a good kick in the pants to do some fiddling.

    Yes please post on the kl power supply. I'll probably get one more. Don't wanna be caught without one again

  14. I was hoping to like the APs and EPs enough to use on gigs and tried them on a gig and a rehearsal but find them dull and uninspiring


    On the other SK's it can be difficult to generate a high velocity value without playing whack-a-mole with the keys. This causes the various instruments to sound dull and lifeless since the attack harmonics etc. aren't produced. The SK-Pro probably has the same issue. Shortly after the SK-1 was introduced an adjustment named "Velocity Offset" was added that allowed the musician to add (or subtract) a value to the values generated by their normal playing. This greatly improves the quality of the sounds of the pianos and other velocity dependent instruments. The Velocity Offset adjustment is a system parameter (Pg. 81 #24 in the SK-1 manual). Velocity is a patch parameter in the Extra Voice menu (SK-1 Pg. 77 #7).


    Good luck.


    The Sk2 was like that. The SK PRO, however, is better. Just set the velocity curve on the SK PRO patch and eq a bit. DRASTIC improvement! Just the velocity curve itself made it sound like a completely different patch to me


    Edit: I think the Sk Pro deserves a new thread!!

  15. Lachy is offering the course for $350 temporarily. I'm guessing OP didn't sign up. This thread was helpful. I should probably finish working my way through Brian Charette's book but I know from my past progress in guitar and bass that learning Hammond licks and tricks would be helpful now.


    I didn"t buy the course. Can"t afford it. I"m not sure that I would be able to get a whole lot out of it, because it"s my rhythm that I struggle with more than what notes someone is playing. I struggle with that creative percussive style. I"d really like to get better at that but not sure where to start

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