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Everything posted by Morizzle

  1. Grr... I can't find it in the manual. How can I assign the "sound modify" knobs on the front panel to affect a part in realtime? I want to be able to control a part's release in a studio set with one of the knobs. I found the "knob" page via the Studio Common menu, but the changes I can make there seem to effect the whole studio set and not just one selected part. Any idea?
  2. Enrico Pieranunzi Trio - Chant of Time. Great CD! Check it out if you like piano trios.
  3. A girl walks through the park and notices a frog in the grass. She carefully comes closer, the frog sees her and says: "Help me! I'm a cursed jazz musician. I can only change back to my human appearance if you kiss me." The girl picks up the frog, thinks for a second, and eventually says: "No thanks, I think I can make more money with a talking frog."
  4. A man goes into a music store, turns to the clerk, says "guuuuuuuuh" and drools a little. The clerk replies: "Sure. Four or five strings?"
  5. Love this Tom Waits bit. Not totally safe for work, though. [video:youtube]
  6. Another great one of Django's reharms: [video:youtube]
  7. Thanks guys! Linwood, the strings sound amazing. And your production skills don't hurt
  8. Last week I recorded some pieces with a band I just met a few days before. Here's our take on Henry Mancini's "Lujon": And the jazz classic "My Favorite Things": https://soundcloud.com/moritz-schippers/my-favorite-things
  9. Hello guys. I finally have time to relax again, and I made an uninstructional video: [video:youtube]
  10. I did this last night. If you have 30s of your life to waste, watch it [video:youtube]
  11. From a recent gig: [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7QpkkUG_9U
  12. Okay, so everybody on the internet knows this, right? [video:youtube] Well, here's an even worse version: [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o2ufv_c0xI
  13. Hi guys, I wanted to share one track of a live recording I did with my trio in December. It's an original composition by me called "Easy Manni". It was recorded in the Malteserkeller, one of the oldest jazz clubs in Germany, that sadly had to close at the end of 2011. By the way, after listening to the recordings, I decided to a) practice more and b) dump the Yamaha CP33 and get a Nord Piano. http://soundcloud.com/romanwollenhaupt/easy-manni
  14. I just had to do a second take [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY3ztLYfNx4
  15. Wow guys! Thank you so much for your comments. Coming from you it really means a lot to me! @ Bob: actually, there's a sax player in my hometown named Moritz, too. We all played together in a quintet named Moritz3+2 @ Dave: I put the sheet on divshare, clonk.
  16. Hi guys, I spent a little time with my trio in our bassplayer's basement studio. One thing we recorded was a reharm of "The Way You Look Tonight", a tune that I like very much. I thought you guys might enjoy, although it's not my finest hour of solo playing The Way You Look Tonight
  17. Hi Steve, nice playing - as usual! I especially enjoyed the piano sound in the low and medium register. Is it the EW piano? Sounds gorgeous, even on my crappy PC speakers. Some of the high notes in a higher velocity tend to reveal a little plastic-ness, at least to my ears. But the medium to low register... really really nice!
  18. Epic Thread! A few suggestions: Yes or Yes One, Two, Freeform Vulgar Boatmen Cinnamon & Garlic Buddy Odour Semi-Mental Mood Evan Further Evan Longer Evan Harder Old Air Oui Will Rock You Weltfremd Boy Scout
  19. Goie avond vanderSchoot, welkom in't toetsen-hoekje. Mag ik vraagen waar je vandaan komt? Ik kom uit Duitsland maar studeer in Maastricht en heb en beetje Nederlands geleert. Vroolijket keerstfest!
  20. Welcome, Carver. Your avatar shows you've got a good sense of humour
  21. Here's a little vacation project I did with a friend of mine who plays bass and guitar. It's a rock tune, unfortunately with German lyrics. The joke is that it has kind of a unusual word choice for a rock song, so it's hard to translate. The refrain is "I'm just a man (2x), please forgive me, 'cause I'm just a man". I hope you can enjoy the music, and if you wish, you can watch it in full HD (1920x1080) on Youtube [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkwjB-lipYA
  22. Wow! Thank you for that video linwood. Made my week!
  23. Hi guys, I just finished a little rain song. I've been carrying the main riff around with me for 1 1/2 year now, it's too schmaltzy for my jazz trio but I wouldn't want to let a singer in a pop band go berserk on the tune. So I did it myself, with a synthesizer The instruments are nearly all Logic's internal software instruments, there's just a little Nord Rhodes on the track. I'm curious what you guys say about the mix, my studio monitors are only a month old and I'm starting to learn some stüff about mixing (with Owsinki's "The Mixing Engineer's Handbook). http://www.divshare.com/download/10467360-090 Cheers, Mo
  24. Carlo and SK, thank you both for the feedback. This morning I actually did a version with F pedal through the first A section. Works great and makes indeed a nice contrast. The inner voice leading thing is something I'm just starting to work on. It will definitely be part of my studies in the near future! Thanks again.
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