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Posts posted by Bobadohshe

  1. Are there any examples of good chord rolling done in a jazz context? Perhaps some YouTube videos or specific records would be great.



    It depends on the style you are playing. If you are doing old solo piano styles like Stride, or even doing some LH bebop voicings, the rolling effect can sound fine. If you are just comping chords in a modern ensemble context, rolling chords would be weird unless you are going for that specific effect.


    The good news however is that we usually don't play huge fat chords on uptempo ensemble tunes. Comping is lighter and more surgical and you don't really need them. It's only mostly when playing solo that you need to spell out so much harmonic information across different registers of the piano that you would call more on those 10ths. And in that case, rolling it will probably be fine.


    If 10ths are truly out of reach I would suggest at least getting more comfortable with 9ths. Even if the 9ths are a stretch, hopefully you can work on them and get it feeling more comfortable.

  2. Luminescence was a pivotal record for me. My friend Adam Schroeder, the great bari player, showed it to me and it rocked my world at just the right time when I was diving into bebop piano with Bud Powell and of course Barry on this record, after my early years with jazz starting with Chick and Herbie. I've transcribed parts of his solos on this record. The title track is a contrafact on How High The Moon / Ornithology, and some really meaty piano soloing. And the arrangements! What a hip sound with tenor, bari, bone. Gonna spin it again today in his honor.
  3. But I think it either needed to be split into more parts, with some kind of thematic tie for each episode, or some harder editorial decisions had to be made. (16251 posted something similar as I typed this.) I mean, just because THEY had three weeks to make the record, doesn't mean WE have to have three weeks to watch the movie about it.


    I heard they did a 100 minute edit for the premiere. I would love to see that.

  4. For me, the best way I can describe it is both fascinating and tedious at the same time...


    Watching Part 1, I can"t stop commiserating with the poor stagehands, engineers, roadies â all these 'support' guys just apparently standing around watching the Four rehearse. The way it strikes me is incredibly fatuous. Ok they"re The Beatles, but they seem to have absolutely no problem just wanking around for days while a couple dozen hapless studio folks look on, wondering if they"re actually getting anywhere.



    Dude that's their job. And it's the Beatles. And as in the doldrums as they seem they are still quite productive IMO.

  5. I'll be darned. The stand is here from Germany 5 days after I ordered it from Thomann.
    Which stand is that? I lost track.

    Edit: is that the K&M 18840 Baby Spider Pro Black?

    I was amazed at the price difference between Thomann and US sellers like Amazon and Sweetwater. Even with large shipping costs, it's still much cheaper. I'll try to remember to check Thomann in the future.

    Edit2: Some products, like JBL Eon One Compact, Thomann is not allowed by the manufacturer to ship to US.


    The Spider Pro. Not the baby one.

  6. Is that including shipping and VAT? I checked that too, and the advertised price was half as much as the US, but with shipping and VAT it was about the same-
    There's no VAT when shipping to the U.S., and their shipping is reasonable, it would probably be about $40, give or take.


    Yeah shipping was like $50 so it still comes out way way cheaper. But I am waiting for / dreading the 'your real shipping time will be February 2022' E-mail or something like that.

  7. Check the Thomann US prices for the K&M stands. I ordered the white Omega Pro plus two attachments from there despite the extra shipping--it still comes out much cheaper than any other retailer I found. Same with the Spider Pro and probably the baby spider.


    As I mentioned above, beware ordering more than 800 dollars and/or anything that was produced in China...you'll be subject to customs inspections and a big import fee respectively. A K&M stand would fall into neither category.


    Holy forking shirtballs I just checked and it's literally half the price. I ordered one and it says it'll be here by Friday!?! Too good to be true? We'll see when I get the confirmation E-mail. No idea how they can somehow have these at half price but you just seemingly solved my problem for now, so thank you.

  8. Why not the K&M 18820 Omega Pro Black: you can adjust the height, it's foldable in one piece, and it's cheaper than the Spider pro.


    The only inconvenience is that you have to put an extension on top for a second board, then it's not a one piece stand anymore...


    I'm thinking about getting one sometime. But why is the Baby Spider Pro so expensive in the US: here in EU, it's "just" 195 EUR :crazy:


    I have this stand, and though it folds, I do not consider it "foldable." It's a bear to transport, and has no direction you can lay or stand it in that is flat. You can't even put it on a cart comfortably because of the awkward shape when it's folded. It's my best-looking two-tier stand and does the job great once it's set up, but I hate every time I have to consider bringing it somewhere, because it's a space- (both car and head) hog.


    The best option I've found is to just pull the legs out for transport. But now there are THREE pieces to worry about, and the legs don't get any smaller than they already are. I wish K&M had least allowed the feet to fold in.


    If I'm completely honest, I only keep using this stand because of how expensive it was. And it does look very nice onstage--very neat and severe and Teutonic. But I swear at it every second I'm not using it.


    EXACTLY. I spent way too much time at the K&M booth lusting over this amazing stand. In fact I do every NAMM. I stand there on the white carpet of the K&M booth looking at the Omega from every angle and lusting over all the attachments and how slick and sturdy it will be onstage. Then I sigh in exasperation because I know there is no chance I can deal with the headache of loading this thing in and the setup and tear down hundreds of times a year. Almost the perfect stand.

  9. I have had the Baby Spider Pro for many years now. It is all aluminum and folds up into a single piece. Excellent design, except they are very expensive now.




    Boy you got that right - pretty much $500. My Spider is in desperate need of replacement but I am having a tough time thinking of shelling out half a G for a keyboard stand.


    I'm with you on lightening the load, for this reason I've recently switched to the K&M 18880 with 18881 stacker.



    - lightweight .... 3.19kg

    - folds flat for easy transport

    - sets up in seconds

    - table style (my preference) so no obstruction to pedals/boards etc

    - very stable.


    Very happy with it so far.


    But you can't adjust the height!!! Total dealbreaker for me. I need to play this thing standing and boards have dramatically varying depths.



    I haven't found a suitable replacement for the Spider pro yet. I use a Montage 7 on top and a CP4 on the bottom and the Spider is great for this. The small form factor of a single column for transportation is absolutely clutch in my load in / load out workflow. Sigh, I might have to shell out the $500; I don't want to.

  10. Did I miss something or is there not a single modern poly sawtooth synth sound?

    I'm not sure what a "modern" poly sawtooth synth sound is, but there is a saw pad in there if that helps, at about 45 minutes in.


    I use a poly saw to play the chordal parts on '24K magic' and 'Uptown Funk'. I guess those are more 80s poly saw vibes than EDM poly saw vibes so I might be able to get away with these options. I can do it with my CP4. In short I'm wondering whether all the alternative sounds on the CP88 are as broad an offering as they have on the CP4. I rely on those alternate CP4 sounds quite a bit.

  11. I've been considering this board for a while now. Love the sound of demos I've heard and, while I'd need to play one before buying, I've always liked Yamaha actions.


    One thing that put me off at first was the extremely limited number of sounds on board, particularly once you get out of bread-and-butter AP and EP territory. I understand these have been increased with updates to the OS. But then I read somewhere they were planning to release these about once a quarter, and the last one I can see any reference to was in September 2020.


    The good thing is that nearly all the sounds there are super high quality. I understand the difference between a stage keyboard and a workstation and am happy to see it in the appropriate context. A slightly more comprehensive orchestral/wind/brass section and I'd probably buy. Anyone know if there's anything further on the horizon?


    This is mesmerising:



    Did I miss something or is there not a single modern poly sawtooth synth sound?

  12. I get a couple calls a year and it's always friendly. I tell them I'm not looking for anything right now, I'll let them know. Once in awhile I actually DO need something, like to stock up on a couple cables, a new sustain pedal, a stand; whatever. Then we can actually have a convo and they'll E-mail me with follow up. It's always smooth and professional.
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