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Everything posted by SK

  1. Hey Menno, that was great. While I'm not into "fusion" anymore (even though I play some of those gigs sometimes), you breathed life into the groove. Nice "slash" chords there on the head, and nice, twisted lines on the solos. I liked it all - well done.
  2. Yeah, David, very nice... voicings, mood, and unresolved ending.
  3. Old movie quote from Vincent Price: Alas, why must I be plagued with yammering magpies on the eve of battle?
  4. :grin: Check out the softer/stronger double-ply Real Book. supersonic wah-wah processing
  5. Theo, if you'd taken the time to look over this massive thread, you'd see this is a music thread, not a debate room. Please stop the name calling ("bigotted", etc.) and the OT arguments, or I'll put my "suggestions" post to you back up.
  6. On this, we agree. Don't let it bother you Theo. Carry on and good luck.
  7. Well now THAT was a failure of communication of the highest order! Sorry, didn't mean to offend you there, Theo. I never said I was "better" than you. I don't consider myself "superior" at all, and I didn't mean to seem condescending in my suggestions, which I think were valid. Guess I finally see why you've been so "misunderstood" on this forum. Post away, but this thread is for reharms only. (this should get the thread post count up. )
  8. I edited this post only out of respect for Theo since he took offense to my post. It was my attempt to defend him, encourage and suggest some musical aspects... since he posted here in the Reharm Room.
  9. Yeah, the piano sound is excellent, Dave. Your playing too.
  10. Hey Dave, nice playing! The piano/recording sounds really great. Farther mic placement could help, but I'd be curious to hear how it would sound with a closer mic placement too, since such a good thing might get even better (I don't know your setup - just my "uninformed" recording thought.)
  11. Very nice stuff, Dave, and good recording too! I agree that a series of music vignettes would be cool. I'm playing around Ontario, Canada now for a few days, using a friend's laptop... or I'd write more. Good to see the old thread back in the mix.
  12. Good one Griff. Reminds me when I first got my Mini-Moog, which was supposedly the first one available in Virginia. No one around the area had ever heard one before. I decided to try it out for the first time with a rock band at a total dive - a good place to experiment since I wasn't used to it yet. I was playing it pretty loud, and it caught the attention of an old guy sitting at the end of the bar, who watched me with a disturbed look on his face. When the gig ended and I was packing it up, he yelled over to me "I tell you one thing... I wouldn't want to be high and listen to that spooky MF'er."
  13. I missed that joke, but you might be on to something.
  14. Funny stuff. Strange things happen in Baltimore (this may not work without a video of it.) Playing with my trio, and we were set up very close to the front door of this club. In the middle of a solo, my head down, eyes closed... heard someone say "10 bucks"... opened my eyes, and about 6" from my face were a pair of what looked like green elf shoes (with the long turned up toes and bells on it) on some sort of platter. :freak: Completely confused, I look up... there's a very drunk guy holding this tray with shoes over the keyboard in front of me, saying "10 bucks, 10 bucks" while I'm playing. He'd come in the door from the street - the band is right there when you walk in. I just said "sorry, not my size" and kept playing. A manager quickly escorted him back out the door. No idea where he found those things in the first place, although it was jazz night at an Irish club.
  15. That's beautifully done. Nice logical reharm which paid respect to the original, and your solo avoided predictability. You should be happy with it. Hopefully some people will stop in this 'room' to hear it.
  16. I will add this: that gear questions are usually relevant. I came to this forum seeking gear advice myself. And I'm all for musicians helping others with musical questions. All of that is positive. The underlying thought in my post was mostly about how we have a ton of info, music and music history on the net, yet there seems to be a lack of curiosity in digging into things for real insights. There's so much info available, it gets glossed over. In earlier days, musicians would travel great distances to buy records and thoroughly digest each one as a big part of their musical education. That research is just as important today, but there's a tendency on the net to look to others for every single answer, which no one can have without digging for it themselves. Pardon the OT.
  17. Oh... I know, MonksDream. Just joking. And it was harder to make as many gear mistakes back then because there weren't as many choices.
  18. Nice photo, D. My solution: Camry with large trunk = invisible 88 key keyboard, most any brand. Now I'll have to agree with that. "You've reached the musician support group. Post your questions about gear, music or life's problems, and 50 experts will be along soon to offer customer support/counseling. Press 1 for English, 2 for near English." Before the internet, how did the world ever get by?
  19. Thank you, Sue. Random was my wrong word choice, which would just be cacophony. One note does lead to another. I just wasn't trying to play a logical song, but there is some chromatic theme there. The point was just to finally get a realistic piano sound, which I have worked on for weeks. There are still a couple of substantial improvements I need to make, but I think I'm getting there.
  20. Well thanks, Aidan. Haha, or music to be played after the nursing home.
  21. Thanks, "Mo". It is the EW. The plastic sound you're hearing isn't the piano's fault... it's a combination of divshare's compression on an mp3, your PC speakers, and my lack of expertise as a home engineer. The Wave file through my monitors sounds much better, even if the playing is a little on the edge. (just re-uploaded it - sounds better)
  22. Nice sounding recording and feel, davinwv. With the recent Julie Andrews vs. Coltrane thread, here's one of 'my favorite things' - completely random playing. Actually, I was testing the piano sound to record, not trying to play, so it's kind of unusual. http://www.divshare.com/download/14541549-293
  23. "So what do you do?" "I work with the circus." "Wow, I bet that's interesting. Traveling, seeing lots of interesting towns..." "Well, we're on the train most of the time, so I don't have much time for sightseeing." "Then you must meet a lot of interesting people." "No, circus folks stay to themselves and hang out together. We don't meet many people." "Well, I bet you get to meet a lot girls at the shows anyway." "No, not really. Girls don't seem too interested in circuses." "Then why don't you get another job!" "What, and leave the entertainment industry?!?"
  24. Thanks Bobby, your's was cool, the same slower groove can work for Round Midnight. Mine was Giant Steps performed by sarcastic Martians. Bit crushing by "bothead" (who I've now renamed "Milton", for no reason.)
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