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Steve LeBlanc

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Everything posted by Steve LeBlanc

  1. Hey guys, check out this new tune...totally different than our other stuff...seat belts recommended. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif "Tired Horses" http://www.jamfree.com/music.htm
  2. Melvin, I listened to "Shot in the Desert" I enjoyed it...write some lyrics and sing to these tracks...y'know you want to http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif. Keep jammin.
  3. Besonic must have had a temporary outage...it's working now.
  4. Wait a minute, I just realized Mojosaur was commenting on BFunk's music...oops...let me go back and edit my post http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif.
  5. Thanks for checking it out guys... Bfunk, I thought about percussion too. MojoSaur, If you want to hear some Funk that's more true to form, our old tune "We Have The Power" is close, you can hear it here: JamFree at Artistlaunch . I'm really busy right now but I promise I'll listen and comment on both of you guys music before the weekend. Peace, Steve This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 07-19-2001 at 06:35 PM
  6. Rob, Thanks for listening...I'll listen to your music later today. I already have a better mix of "Unless You Know" that I should have on the web tonight...this song has been the most problematic mix...I think I've got it now.
  7. I recorded a vocal using my new Rode NT2 Friday night...we mixed the same night. It's nice to hear the real sound of my voice for a change...the SM58 was a struggle for me. Have a listen: \"Unless You Know\" I'm playing Rhodes and Guitars Nick Jett (my 19 year old nephew) - Bass and Guitar Tom LeBlanc - Drums This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 08-06-2001 at 03:27 PM
  8. Woogman in de Jungle Well, at first I didn't like this tune but after listening to it again it started to grow on me a bit. The keys are great, I'm just don't know about all the other stuff http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif. Tapdancer I like this a lot. Have you called Michael Bolton yet? Could be sittin on a gold mine here http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif Nice piano sound and playing, I'll be listening to this song a few more times for sure. This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 07-03-2001 at 05:57 PM
  9. Hi Nate, welcome. I have family in Kennebunk, Maine...I love the air up there. Just keep playing, keep playing don't stop unless you just hate it. Also, there is no one way to learn...try anything that works for you. Oh, and don't rush to get old...it's nice to be young...besides guys think I'm young around here and I'm a 29 year old father http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif.
  10. David, I listened to "Goin Round." I'm not a techno guy and don't even know new synths very well but I like what you're doing...a lot more interesting than most of the stuff I hear from this genre. You don't sound new to Digi, very cool vibe.
  11. sr minimo I normally don't like this style of music much but I did enjoy the sounds you used a lot. f7sound You're crazy man...love it. arsenious Have you listened to "UK" before? "Northern Woods" reminded me a lot of that band minus Bill Bruford. On "Journey..." the contrast between the flute sound and the sound doubling the melody with it was really cool. The section at 2:08 is beautiful, I can hear a full orchestra playing an arrangement of that in my head...very nice. Peace, Steve P.S. I wrote more detailed reviews of these songs but because I hadn't put my user name in yet it all got erased...man I hate that about these forums.
  12. Wow. Andy, I'm truly impressed and excited to hear your music...I'm definitly going to buy the CD. Fantastic! Again, I can't say enough, I can't wait to hear all of the songs. This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 06-18-2001 at 01:05 PM
  13. Thanks Phil...I'm really glad you dig what I do it means more than you can know. I'm really hard on myself and sometimes have a hard time keeping my confidence up. Peace, Steve
  14. I just recorded this in my gargage on a Tascam 22-4 1/4" four track. It's mostly guitar and vocal but there's some Synth piano played on the EPS too. Wonder Why(7.8mb) Steve LeBlanc at Artistlaunch.com
  15. Yeah it's definitly the double octave bass I'm hearing the most...IMO it's never necessary to play octaves in the left hand unless they're by themselves...I did notice other instruments doubling the root as well which is the main reason I commented on it, if it were just the rhodes sound it might not have bothered me as much. I never really took the time to listen to your music in a critical manner before...I enjoyed it a lot. Keep jammin. Peace, Steve
  16. Footprints: Ok, I'm listening through computer speakers but I think it needs more snare in the mix...just to make the groove feel a bit better. Bass sounds good...I like the wood block accents...definitly gives it that vacation away from work/home vibe. I'm hearing the root in a lot of your chord voicings...this is ok but I think the overall sound would have a lot more depth if you let the Bass cover the root and avoid doubling it in your right hand chords. It's not a big deal but I'm hearing the Root in several places at the same time (Bass, Rhodes sound, String sound, Guitar, etc.) which takes away from the hip jazz chords you're playing. My ears are sensitive to that though, if you look at the physics behind sound you'll find that the root of a chord dominates already, if you over do it you lose harmonic bliss. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif I know you want Ric's guitar solo to be featured but it seems a little loud compared to everything else. Nice tasty solo though. Overall very nice...compositionally this is my favorite of yours. I kept wanting to hear a breathy lead synth or guitar playing the main theme but that's just me. P.S. I'm not a good reviewer...I promised Phil I'd get around to giving a critical review of one of his tunes...don't expect many (if any) more http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif. This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 06-12-2001 at 08:38 PM
  17. Hey Phil, I'll give a little review of at least one of these tunes later today...I've got to wait for the bosses to leave before I jam tunes at a proper volume http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif.
  18. Man that was a fantastic School...it's too bad a few people got greedy and screwed it all up...at least he kept it going in Vegas for a while. I literally cried the day Dick Grove died...his concept of Modern Harmonic theory is by far the best approach I've ever encountered...oh and he was a beautiful person too. This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 06-04-2001 at 03:32 AM
  19. Yeah the knobs were great! Midi-wise I had all kinds of problems but it did work. Mostly it got stuck when I tried to send a fast sequence to it through midi, sometimes it would just freeze on one note.
  20. I just read this thread for the first time...why are you playing for people that don't want to hear you? Stop playing for a few weeks...if they want drums they'll ask you back. I'm an atheist so I don't really understand why people miss basketball games for a church service but if you aren't free to express yourself it makes even less sense to me. I was raised in Memphis, TN, I used to go to Black Baptist churches a lot because the band just ripped...The congregation was so into the music and the celebration of God, etc...it would be silly to even imagine them complaining about a loud drummer. I miss those days...I used to play the B3 every once in a while at Al Green's church, there was so much spirit there I almost believed http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif. Sorry about that rant but that's how I feel... Now for a solution... Stuff your Kick with pillows, completely fill it up...do the same with your toms...hit your Cymbals really litely...buy a rubber practice pad and place it on your snare. If you're still too loud after doing this...you'll never win. A drum shield won't help one bit IMO. This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 05-18-2001 at 04:43 PM
  21. Hey Dan, that was my first synth too...I frustrated the hell out my brother with the sequencer in that thing...I could never get it to loop in perfect time but I'd make him play drums with it anyway...he still hates that thing. I would play Seq 1 for 8 bars then go to Seq 2 and for the chorus I'd hit the appegiator. I think there's still a mark above my right eye from my bro throwing a drumstick at me. hehe The prophet sounded best as a lead instrument or for fat basses I thought. The organ sounds were cool when put through an MXR Chorus... I still kick myself over selling my Prophet 600 so I could buy a Roland D-50, YUCK. Sorry to ramble I just really miss that synth.
  22. Yeah, it's loud and even rude sometimes BUT most of my phrases are influenced by Charlie Parker and Miles Davis, I'm sure you're not too old to appreciate those guys http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif. Thanks for listening http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif. http://www.jamfree.com/ P.S. I changed my UserName, felt kinda uncomfortable being called Truth http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif
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