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Everything posted by mrk7421

  1. I have the Mojo module. I like the organ sound without the Leslie sim.....chorus vibrato, second or third harmonic percussion etc. pretty well. The Mojo has excellent overdrive. I do have to turn the percussion volume almost all the way off. The inclusion of 25 or so different organs is almost a waste of time....if percussion is global to all of them. The thing I do not like about the Mojo if the Leslie sim. I can't seem to make it so that it does not affect the organ tone dramatically. In that regard I prefer the Viscount Leslie sim.
  2. Thanks to the person who said I could go to the owner's manual and adjust touch sensitivity sensitivity parameters on the p225. One just showed up near me so I will go for another spin tomorrow. Does it's sample have anything to do with previous CFX samples....P515 , CP4 etc. or is this something else?
  3. You have to be computer savvy as Scott ls to get anything out of that board. It wasn't obvious to me or anybody I knew how to download into this. I saw no instructions .I think I even asked on this forum....but not obvious to a novice. Why did they put those crappy EPs in there? The acoustic pianos not much better.
  4. I had a S9 and I couldn't get rid of it fast enough! I got it at a blowout price because the S 10 was coming I guess. It had THE WORST Rhodes sounds I can imagine.....the acoustic samples couldn't touch my $500 Roland FP 10 and the the organs were the best thing about it but the percussion volume was still too loud.Took me one year to sell on Reverb but I finally made a profit. I was desperately trying to load a tolerable sample into it while I had it but tech support was non existent. Sorry.....how could they let Rhodes sounds like that go out? No match for Nord....not even close. Just had to speak out.....Nightmare!
  5. Is there an easily accessible touch sensitivity function on the P225? How about brightness control? Out of the box the 225 resembles a Baldwin Acrosonic spinet more than it does a real CFX acoustic. Let's hear about some adjustability of this. And whatever happened to 5 pin midi????
  6. III tried looking at the owner's manual to see if I could find touch sensitivity on or EQ settings.I have a Roland FP 10 and fortunately it does have touch sensitivity and treble brightness settings from using the function button on certain keys. If you spend any time with an FP 10 you can get it to sound virtually identical to the Supernatural sample in the Roland FP 30x if you happen to like to tame the brightness down.A lot of upper harmonics sound artificial to me unless you are really hitting it. The same goes for electric pianos. Let's see if I can tame down the touch on these newer Yamahas.
  7. You have to start with the environment he grew up in. His father was a gigging musician on Hammond organ. He grew up in Philadelphia in the era of the mid 70s when the greatest musicians in the world were performing on house organs and he had the chance to hear and meet just about anybody ,and his family actively promoted this. If Joey wasn't perhaps the greatest teacher it may be because he doesn't understand the difference between himself and some of the rest of us. What may seem to him to be obvious may be quite challenging for many of us. So given what Mitch is saying,the gold if there but you better be prepared to do the digging in a very committed way. Unfortunately for myself daily chores and responsibilities really get in the way. So I am looking for a more well spelled out plan for learning. That transcribed Stella by Starlight solo would be do able and a place to start.
  8. The wiring at the terminal strip is intermittent. The manuals seem not to be the problem. They usually or eventually trigger tones....it's something about those black wires. The diagram I found....from the George Benton site appears to be hand written and some of the numbered tones seem hard to read.I also have seen a chart of which tones correspond to which key and drawbar. My biggest question would be how to check signal at the top of the tone generator. I have seen problems with loose capacitors in the past
  9. It's nice to see that his instructional videos would include something like this. It seems to be a well laid plan for a teaching example. And I am extremely grateful to Mitch for providing this.Right now a phone is my only internet access so I can't quite quite sight read it but I intend not to ignore this. And Mitch....congrats on the exposure you have been getting with the J.R. Robinson project
  10. I don't think a photo would matter....and I apologize....not sure how to post a photo here. Can tones be tested for output at the pickup coils? In order to do this I would probably need a diagram of which pickup coils are which.I have seen a diagram of the terminal strip from Hammond Wiki.....and that helped....I was able to get a few tones back. But some points at the terminal strip do not seem to respond.....
  11. There are a few disconnected wires at the terminal strip. This organ was previously owned by a Hammond " tweaker" who used to tear apart mostly spinets and sell parts on ebay.He died and his wife had an estate sale. Most of it is intact and it had a real nice cabinet and bench. What I am trying to determine is if there are tones at the top of the tone generator BEFORE they go to the terminal strip.
  12. Hello....I had high hopes when I went to demo the P 225 but I could not prevent it from sounding overly bright.I probably should try a touch sensitivity adjustment but how would that be done? I did like the action the default piano sound is not my cup of tea.
  13. I have been on the forum for a long time but lost my original screen name when changes were made a year or two ago. So.....I have a '62 B-3 here but there are some issues.Apparently the wires that go from the tone generator to the terminal strip are not making contact.Some of the wires that should go to the terminal strip are disconnected......I need to perhaps communicate with an experienced person but am not in the position to hire a service tech.I understand the principal of the wiring that goes from the generator to the strip.....but there seems to be an issue with the terminal strip OR the ends of the wires that go there.I bought this organ knowing there were issues.....there are 3 or 4 missing tones. Beyond that the cabinet is in real nice shape but someone messed with this organ before I got it. Any help appreciated but please....no abusive comments either.
  14. As far as CK through a leslie the above video does not represent that well. The pentatonic beginner blues licks don't help One acid test would be to see how the percussion tapers in the 5th octave. Yamaha screwed up the chorus vibrato by adding vibrato to the percussion. Who designs these things? I will have to go by GC and see how that percussion is in the last octave. Does it taper off at all? I am still trying to find out how the CFX sample stacks up against the CP4, P515 , Montage etc. The 61 still offers a lot for the money .
  15. I want to say that I appreciate all the good insight and advice on this thread. Thank you for your input The bottom line is.... installation of Ravenscroft is not for the faint of heart. We went through a fair amount of hell to even get it to make sound. I kind of let the thread ride and waited for the information that did show up. I am working with another person... fairly skilled on this and we are going to try the suggestions provided. Once again , thank you. I am in a sense trying to avoid spending another two grand or so for another digital piano. I have some good controllers as candidates ... the best probably being a Yamaha CP5. I do not want a Yamaha sample.... I am not in agreement with how they address low register overtones. Just curious.... would something like Pianoteq be easier to install than this has been ? And last question... does VI Labs offer any support for Ravenscroft Thank you for any and all input
  16. I agree with Joe.... too many hoops here. Consider yourself quite skilled if you got through a Ravenscroft installation.
  17. The PC is the problem? What am I supposed to do, get a Mac? The whole thing about the computer world is that you are supposed to just figure out everything on your own....by intuition. I had a fairly competent person assisting me in trying to install Ravenscroft.... I knew I couldn't install it on my own and apparently he couldn't either. The computer I am using has 8 gig of Ram. It is currently not hooked up because we were trying to get it to run at a different location . At this time I don't know the other specs. I will check the issue of audio interface. I am not using anything out board... it would all be whatever is inside the computer. At one point I was communicating with a person named Lance at VI labs... who I met at NAMM. I may need to see if VI labs is offering any support.
  18. I have been hearing for years about how wonderful the VI Labs Ravenscroft virtual piano is.There are some impressive demos on Youtube etc. so when this software was offered for 99 dollars awhile back I decided to give it a try. A friend of mine who is A LOT more computer savvy than I am offered to help me install it.....we elected to put it on an HP desktop that seemed to offer enough memory and enough ports to plug what ever it might need into it. I apparently tested the patience of my friend during the extremely long installation process. According to him he has never seen anything like the difficulties he encountered installing this thing....particularly involving the additional player required to operate it and the whole dongle issue that had been discussed here before. He finally got it working. So now there are obvious latency issues....how frustrating. I don't know how some of you manage to deal with installing programs like this. And my friend commented that he can't imagine how this product exists with such obvious lack of support. He did talk to Sweetwater and they told him they dumped this product based on some of the very issues we are having. Can anyone comment on what the source of the latency might be? The controller is a Roland FP10....I would like to hear your experiences regarding installing this and if you feel it was worth it.
  19. Also... I did like the pianos. The CFX sample sounds pretty good...also like Warm CFX. The 1973 Rhodes is nice and I liked the Wurli... but could not get tremolo for some reason. Still am not sure what the difference in the CFX sample is between CK models and CP4, P 515, Montage etc. But I do think it sounds good. Overall.... a lot going on and almost a Nord Stage Killer given the price. The Nord probably has better action. What I would do is get the 61 and use another 88 controller.... use the 61 for portable applications rehearsals etc.
  20. I have been playing a CK88 a few times at a local music store... Has any else commented that the CHORUS VIBRATO settings have vibrato on the percussion? The same issue the Roland VR09 had. I guess Yamaha just doesn't get organ. I was surprised when Roland did it.
  21. I was not aware that this is how Amazon works.... that they broker for other small stores. So Palen Music and I were both caught in the middle of this. The problem is communicating with Amazon. It is really really difficult. I would NEVER buy an expensive item from them again. I didn't know it would be this crazy. Bottom line...they advertised a Yamaha CK88 for 999. Of course people like me would be tempted by this.....I have documentation .....but the refund has gotten screwed up because it is coming from someone other than Amazon.
  22. I ordered a CK88 on Amazon for $ 999.00. Well of course this order got screwed up. The order went to a music store in MIssouri called Palen Music and they refused to honor this order. My first experience with Amazon. What a nightmare trying to communicate with them. Not sure where my money went at this point. I could possibly start another thread about dealing with Amazon. When you call customer service you get the somebody in the Phillipines with very thick accents... Businesses are closing all around me and one very possible reason is because it is cheaper to buy things on Amazon. My trustworthy local auto parts store is going out of business....Amazon has certainly affected this. When it comes to customer service , Amazon sucks. To talk to them you have to Log in with passwords ....security codes....and trying to figure out what they are even saying through bad phone connections and thick accents I made a huge mistake trying to snag a bargain on this. Lesson learned!
  23. In reply to Another Scott about leslie sim on spin.... As soon as it becomes stereo... the sound of percussion changes. And then when it spins the tone of the whole thing is altered. I am NEVER trying to emulate a "miked" leslie. Why would I want to do that? I want to hear a natural leslie not a miked one. I don't understand this miked business....mike distance and all that as it appears on Crumar Mojo. etc Crumar is NOT my favorite sim by a long shot. I have the module.Too much riff raff on that one. I don't think my problem is an "APP" or "VST". Simulation changes percussion if you listen critically to ANY of them. I have Mojo, HX3, Viscount and Numa 1. Numa 1 affects the organ tone less than any of them. Numa 1 also has excellent chorus vibrato. But the percussion changes as soon as it becomes stereo. A tonewheel Hammond does not have stereo percussion. That is the problem. Sorry
  24. There is one thing I don't care for about EVERY leslie sim, I don't care which one you have. That is the way these sims affect PERCUSSION. My opinion is also...percussion does not sound right in stereo. There is a "twang" is the motion simulation My solution is .... get percussion separated from the sim . The way I do this is to run a separate percussion source from a module such as HX3 or whatever. The percussion will not "spin" of course.... but that is fine....a small compromise for accurate tone. Overall I like clones but there is a real art to getting them to sound authentic. I also do not agree with trying to achieve a " miked" leslie sound. What the F is that? Miked through what? OK enough....but I can pick out the twang of the percussion in just about every performance or recording I have herad of leslie simulation. Member 1.3k
  25. What is up these days with no 5 pin midi? I don't get it...all the cheap CASIOS had MIDI 10 to 15 years ago.... I have an FP10.... I think a lot of people missed the boat on that one. I think the piano sounds very good if you adjust touch sensitivity. The FP 10 has PHA4 so I know it....yes it is a little tough but no more so than a Yamaha P140 I still have... I prefer PHA4 to that. I practice mainly chord arrangements on the FP 10... not chops excercise or any of that. I am assuming this new Roland has a Supernatural variation. I am a big Roland fan...still using a RD300GX by the way.... a classic. When you compare the 300GX to just about anything else from around 2010 or so you can see why sometimes Roland might be ahead of the curve. They are for me in the lightweight department with the FP 10.
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