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Everything posted by zephonic

  1. Herbie Hancock's all-time masterpiece "Head Hunters" was released on October 26, 1973. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_Hunters https://thegrio.com/2023/10/26/the-future-of-fusion-is-funk-50-years-of-herbie-hancocks-head-hunters/ It's hard to overstate how this album changed my life. It echoes on in every sound I create. That is true for pretty much all of Herbie's 1970's output, Thrust, Man-Child, Secrets, Sunlight, and even Feet Don't Fail Me Now. But it all started with Head Hunters for me, and my life has been better for it. Thank you, Herbie!
  2. I like it, neat one stop shop for computer musicians. The plate can also be used horizontally, hope it is big enough for a 16" MBP, but prolly not. edit:
  3. I think “practice” and “thinking about practice” are reversed
  4. on behalf of all musicians: “What is a mortgage?”
  5. How about going from the headphone output of the Surface? I do it all the time with my MBP.
  6. I'm really trying not to order an m7. If Korg would only hurry up with the Nautilus 73 AT...
  7. I downloaded the demo a few years back, but gave up on it
  8. I’m not sure what people find ‘convoluted’ about GP, its ease of use is what attracted me to it in the first place, most things were self-explanatory. I’m an undisciplined and lazy twat, things have to come naturally to me or I don’t do it. Steinberg had another live host application about ten or fifteen years ago, Vstack, but it was discontinued. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/v-stack-by-steinberg
  9. Absolutely, been doing this forever and it works fine, just another box to tick. That's not to say I don't want polyphonic aftertouch, but channel has served me well so far, and I've never felt it was a limitation.
  10. I use Gig Performer on all away gigs, and it’s been great. It does everything you’ve outlined and more. The devs are on their forum daily, so it’s easy to connect to them with questions etc.
  11. this got me into practicing Giant Steps and I came up with this idea:
  12. After the point update I continued my usual workflow at home for several days without issue. More significantly, this weekend we had back to back gigs, and the first night everything was fine. It was on the second gig Halion(Sonic) purported to be not activated/registered. Like I said, once Activation Manager had phoned home it was fine, no big deal. But it was not the first time I experienced this with AM. Roland Cloud occasionally does the same thing, but stuff like Spectrasonics never does. Thank God for iPhone hotspot, though. I mean, the venue had wifi, but what if they don’t or the network is down? What if there’s no cell signal?
  13. While we should be happy they're getting rid of eLicenser (the last ones to ditch the USB dongle), Activation Manager isn't always great either. I fired up Gig Performer on a show this weekend and Halion(Sonic) patches wouldn't activate because they were "not registered". I nearly panicked, but after connecting to my iPhone for the internet and opening Activation Manager all was resolved with minimum hassle. But it did require me to close and restart GP, which has to rebuild the entire "gig" each time. All in all, it only took a few minutes and it wasn't a big deal, but I'd rather have it not happen at all. This is the world we live in now, however, and OS updates habitually require "re-activation/whatever" for assorted applications.
  14. I have had Halion since v4 (HalionSonic since v1), as it was touted as having been developed with help from the Motif sound team. It's good and I use quite a bit, but it doesn't sound like a Motif or a Montage to me. If Montage VST becomes available as a standalone purchase, I'll happily pay $400 for it.
  15. Yes, I still have mine but keep it at home. The buttons are finicky and replacement parts hard to find. Zenology covers a lot of Fantom X ground, but not all of it. Something as basic as the R&B TriLead is conspicuously absent... The aftertouch sensitivity is better than on the current Fantom IMO, and the main reason I didn't get one. @OP: Korg has just released the WaveState SE, which has 5 octaves with aftertouch, available directly from Korg on Reverb. I'm waiting for the Nautilus AT to drop.
  16. Blake Angelos does not mention separate availability of the plugin, he says it’s coming in 2024 and is free for all Montage M owners. If they make it available as a separate purchase, I’m buying that the minute it drops. But I doubt they’ll do that... edit: from the product page:
  17. But no mention of the virtual Montage yet?
  18. It sounds like...a Yamaha! Even the demos of the new AN-X engine don't sound radically different to my ears. But it's a good update. I really like the layout of the Montage/MODX and this latest M. They did a great job on the UI, IMO.
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