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Everything posted by DanL

  1. no midi on song mode is kind of a deal breaker for me. I'd need to be able to do splits/layers, which i'm guessing is where you'd use song mode, and also send midi program changes to my other boards when I call up a song preset. I have this board on a real short list- to the point that i'm working on the wife, greasing the wheels for a new purchase once it's available.
  2. The patch remain was shown on a couple of the demo vids.
  3. I'm giving this board some serious consideration to replace my S70XS, SP404SX sampler, and a netbook I use for sequences. The only minor sticking point might be if there is/isn't a vocoder effect that can be used with the external mic input, there are a couple songs I use that on with my dance band, but I could probably work around it. Patch changes are the other thing that concerned me at first, but with the sampler pads being able to send numeric data, that point is resolved. It looks like multi part setups are easy to create and I'm guessing the control knobs on the left can be assigned to part volume.
  4. For me the aftertouch lets me keep my left hand free to do other things, like play other parts. I typically program it for what the mod wheel would do, then program the mod wheel for something like filter cut off or delay amount, things I like to have at hand but don't always use. It's a lot easier to grab the wheel for that stuff than the knobs on my S70XS as they are typically underneath my top keyboard and are harder to see/reach.
  5. I like having aftertouch, it's on 2 of the boards I use for gigs and I use it a lot. Could I get by without? Yes, and if the sound and features are good enough for the price, then it's something I might look past it not being there. I'm intrigued by these new Rolands, and will take a closer look at them as more info becomes available. The main thing for me is being able to switch patches very quickly. I don't want to rearrange them for each show to put them in order. I want to be able to jump from program 1 to program 37 by pressing 2 buttons. I don't want to rely on a tablet/laptop and some kind of set list software. This is the biggest feature of the Yamaha's, with the Master Mode, that keeps me buying them. The ability to select any patch in the keyboard and also to send out midi patch info to the rest of my rig with a couple button presses.
  6. Every reference I've seen to loading samples has been only in terms of triggering them from the 16 pads. I don't think this is going to be comparable to the MOXF's ability to load 512 mb or 1 gig of new sampled keyboard-playable sounds. and even then probs only a 20 second ( or less?) "soundbyte" per pad. The MOX definitely has the edge for adding further sound samples imo. If the sampler is similar to the SP404SX, there is no time limit on the length of the sample per pad, only the limit to what the SD card can hold. I have samples on my 404 that are several minutes long assigned to 1 pad.
  7. I think the original Nord Electro didn't have split outputs until a later release of the operating system, so maybe this is something Roland will offer at some point. I'm not in the market for a board like this since I already have a Stage, but it is an intriguing piece of gear. If I were in the market it'd certainly get a long look. The sounds are not bad at all and the price point will get a lot of attention.
  8. He was the lead singer and driver of the Winnebago.
  9. dude your pedals are backwards. Everyone knows you use the volume pedal with your right foot and leslie switch with your left! ??? This is the way I've played for years. I guess I'm backwards that way! But did you at least dig the shoes??? I most definitely dig the shoes!
  10. dude your pedals are backwards. Everyone knows you use the volume pedal with your right foot and leslie switch with your left!
  11. Nice compact setup- does the Stage sit right on top of the clonewheel with no additional support from a stand?
  12. All that great gear and he's got some old piece of crap computer monitor!!
  13. That is one of the nicest instruments I've ever seen, amazing!
  14. Most newer boards take 20 seconds to boot. My S70XS takes that long. My older Stage compact probably takes 15 seconds, maybe longer. I'll have to time it next time I power them up.
  15. If you already have a performance built for the split, then add a sax section sound in as a 3rd voice to go with the brass sound you already have going. The Sfortzando brass is a good sound to start with, then (at least on my S90ES) there was a sax section that was called "4 Brothers" that is pretty thick sounding that you could blend in. I play clav on my Nord Stage for this, and then have a brass performance that is 4 different parts that I can blend with the volume faders to bring out more sax, less sax, more trumpet, etc.
  16. Any time that has ever happened, I always say "let me hear what you sound like. Sing something acapella right now." Most people, when put on the spot like that, tend to chicken out. Then no explanation is necessary. that's a great tool for auditioning singers too. One time this original project I had was going to have 3 backup girl singers. We put ads out and word of mouth and had a bunch of girls come in over a couple weeks. We'd talk to them for a minute or 2 and then say, ok, let me hear you sing something. It blew me away that hardly any of them would agree to sing without any music behind them. A few said sure and belted out something. We picked the 3 most enthusiastic ones and they worked out great.
  17. Not said to me, but to a guitar player in a band long ago- drunk biker type guy comes right up to the stage area, while the guitar player is doing a solo, and says "you play like a pussy". Friday night, the place we play has a small stage in the corner that is like a quarter of a circle and my keys are right at the edge. People are packed right up to the edge of the stage, which is only about a foot high. Drunk girl starts banging on the top end of the keyboard while I'm playing. I say don't do that, and she says "It's ok, it's my birthday!"
  18. Even an SUV is hard pressed to fit an 88 across the back. I have a full sized conversion van and my 88 has to go in long ways. There are just not many options if that is the need. You either use 88 and pack it long ways, or you use a shorter keyboard. I used to pack an 88 note board in a big SKB case in a Hyundai Accent, along with 2 speakers, 2 racks, another shorter keyboard case, and all my stands and other stuff. I don't know how I did it, but I did.
  19. There is some amazing stuff on this thread. Linwood, your harmonica playing is top notch and your arrangements are spectacular. I wouldn't even know where to start on things like these. To bring it back into low-fi land, here's a video of my band live, recorded from an iphone sitting on the table. Not our song obviously.There's a little bit of a keyboard solo near the end. [video:youtube]
  20. running would grind my knees to dust. i walk a lot (2 big dogs) but it does little for me in the way of weight loss or fitness. congrats to you guys who are making a lifestyle change for the better. if i could only stop eating food that i cook and having my ipa's, i might be able to join you!
  21. Nice find! Still looks heavy as hell though. Whats that old bike in the background?
  22. HER DIARY Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn't flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn't say much. I asked him what was wrong.. He said, 'Nothing.' I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn't upset, that it had nothing to do with me and not to worry about it. On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior. I don't know why he didn't say, 'I love you, too.' When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later, he came to bed. To my surprise, he responded to my caress, and we made love. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep - I cried. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are on someone else. My life is a disaster. HIS DIARY My Motorcycle wouldn't start today, but at least I got laid.
  23. I bet their mom's were proud and thought they sounded fine.
  24. I chopped my L100 that I grew up playing the same way. Didn't save much weight but made it a little easier to carry. I was REAL close to getting a chop when my dad passed away a few years back and left me a little money. At the time I was doing a couple gigs with horrible stairs and knew I'd never get anyone to help me carry it so I decided against it.
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