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Everything posted by niacin

  1. There's an interview on Youtube with Ricky Gervais where he remarks that when it's possible he speaks to those people he's gonna take the piss out of before the show to see if they're ok with it. Sometimes they even play along, as with Steve Carell actually handing Ricky Gervais the award for The Office. iirc Gervais explains that while his humour absolutely involves taking the piss, his job is to help everyone have a good time, not to make people miserable.
  2. Mine came with the stand and an expression/volume pedal which isn't cheap either.
  3. the 61 isn't discontinued, the new black one just comes in a 73
  4. ok, can you see any reasons not to expect an OS update for the original version to add these features?
  5. Yeh I read that and commented on it a few pages back, but I'd like confirmation from someone who has laid hands on one, there's been no announced software upgrade for those of us who own the orange original which could be reasonably expected, so atm I'm inclined to believe its an error on the part of whoever wrote the web page text. Unfortunately the manual isn't up yet.
  6. Has anyone confirmed that on the Black version each scene memory does in fact save the valve, dynamics and EQ settings ?
  7. I have had one for a few years, I cut a section of each pipe that supports the second tiers so that I can get two keyboards as close together as possible. It’s rock solid and sets up in seconds. Being an x it’s not great if you want to put pedals underneath, but I have a lot more confidence in it than in other x stands. Pretty good value IMO.
  8. Wurli #2. Upgrades imo should include +/-2 octaves for each side of a split, and for each side select independently whether it goes through the FX, reverb and/or delay. And voila you have something with the versatility that would be far more attractive to those who otherwise purchase a Yamaha YC or a Nord Stage.
  9. use a Wurli. There's a great clav thread here: Clavinet Songs - forums.musicplayer.com/topic/178471-clavinet-songs/#comment-2840886
  10. the Integra has enough inputs that I never needed to use a line mixer.
  11. When I was younger, and poorer, I'd buy a synth on Ebay and if turned out to be not really my thing I'd put it back up on Ebay, and sometimes I lost a few dollars, sometimes I made a small profit. More recently however, 1. Nord Electro 5D. Sounded great in cans in the store. They'd finally replaced the drawbuttons with sliders. Wohoo. Did 2 gigs and found myself pulling drawbars and thinking "Wtf". Love the acoustic pianos and the Rhodes, just not my idea of what a Hammond should sound like. Thankfully red keyboards hold their value pretty well so the gig money covered my loss on selling it. 2. DSI OB6. Cause it's not an OBX/Xa/8. Duh. This may happen again when Behringer finally release their UBXa.
  12. This will sound odd, but the gotcha may involve assigning the extra voice to upper (or lower if you have a split and the range of the external zone is there). I have no idea why, or if it changes with midi settings or the sounding point settings or what, but it happens on both my SK1 and SK2. So, assuming you've set the velocity send to a value between 1 and 4 for the external zone, try assigning the extra voice section to upper and reduce the volume of the extra voice to zero, and see if that gives you velocity control over the external zone instead of sending a fixed value.
  13. This thread is hilarious: OP - gonna buy 2 cables, whadya think? KC members - you need more gear OP - going to hold off on buying anything new and see how things work out with the bookshelf speakers KC members - buy more gear. Pair of EVs. K8.2s. More gear I tell you. OP - I'd rather not buy something that already works totally fine and is just sitting collecting dust in my garage KC members - new monitors I tell ya, buy, gear, bluetooth, small. PA. BUY. SOME. GEAR. (dissolves into inarticulate vicarious GAS induced hysteria punctuated by frothing at the mouth) fwiw I've done jams with a trio including a drummer playing at sensible volumes at his place and run straight into his bookshelf stereo. Sure I'd get more bottom end from my DBR-10, but it serves the purpose. I'd just get the $15 cables.
  14. KORG Xvp-20, mine came with my KORG Vox Continental, you can use it as a volume pedal with the Key Largo as you described or as an expression pedal connected directly to a keyboard
  15. clav from the top, fantastic first rhodes solo from 2:18, second solo from 4:10, hell just listen through the whole track, often overlooked I'd rate her up there with George Duke, this whole album is just outstanding, she was 22 or 23 years old when she recorded this.
  16. And if you ever have to play Get Down Tonight you'll find yourself playing that solo - originally a guitar recorded at half speed - on clav.
  17. That’s the first thing you’ve said in a long time that’s made sense to me. Now where’s the exit?
  18. There has been an OS update for the SKpro but just a few bug fixes, afaik the sounds for the X are the same
  19. Sure, if you want something that just does the occasional piano on the lower manual, or you want weighted keys, you’re not the target audience. If it’s the former though, there will be a few SK2s and SKxs up for sale in the near future at a much lower price point
  20. It's the organist's equivalent of a Nord Stage 88. Sure you could use an iPad with another clone but that clone will have very limited midi functionality, just a separate channel for each manual, not to mention the extra bits and pieces you'll need. Small company. Small market. So you pay what you pay. The SKx was already pretty expensive compared to the SK2. Not sure if I'll jump or not but I have ordered some replacement end cheeks for my SK2 in case I decide to sell it, the original ones have taken a few hits.
  21. Answers and opinions on these sorts of issues have been discussed ad nauseum here: Hammond Teaser ??? - The Keyboard Corner - Music Player Network
  22. Sorry, I was thinking of the SKpro, but nonetheless, the answer to slider drawbar reliability is there have been no known issues with earlier SK boards, the answer to layers is yes, and the answer to "2 extra-sounds lower and organ on the upper and vice versa" is yes. Not 100% sure but the answer to using the SKXpro as a 2-manual Hammond while playing one of the other sounds from an external keyboard is probably no as you turn the voices on by allocating them to upper or lower and there doesn't appear to be any other option, but I may be wrong about this. The SKpro latest reference guide is here, presumably the SKXpro manual will be up soon: https://hammondorganco.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/SK-PRO-Reference-Guide-edited-r.pdf
  23. I’ve had zero issues with my SK1 and SK2, and the SK2 particularly has a few battle scars, but they’re merely cosmetic. I think the answer to all your other questions is yes, but suggest you download the manual and read the relevant sections to make sure it does exactly what you require, it is in English, not Rolandese, and provides pretty clear explanations.
  24. Clannad, Neville Brothers, Brothers Johnson, Staple Singers, The Waters, Aretha Franklin with her sisters on b.vox
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