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Everything posted by niacin

  1. No and maybe. 1. Your Tall & Fat is going to be after the Leslie sim which is absolutely not the sound you're after. There's no effects loop like you get with the MAG. 2. I don't know what you mean by 'good', but could agree to 'serviceable'. I've used synth bass occasionally and the 9 LED 'drawbars' can be used to usefully tweak the amp envelope, filter cutoff and resonance, and a few other parameters.
  2. ok, I use an SKpro-61 over a Vox Continental-73, but given your preferences I second Eric on the Mojo. But it's just my opinion, ymmv. I have a played a dual manual Legend and much prefer the lighter key action Eric mentioned on the Mojo, but you get 2 sets of drawbars on the Viscount versus one set and a workaround switch on the Mojo. Neither overdrive is as good as the Hammond SKpro or the MAG (I have an HX3). It really depends what matter most to you.
  3. The Mojo, like the SKpro you don't want, has extra sounds. As Eric said the Rhodes (and the Wurli) are very good, and I like the clav too, but it's not a 'pure' clonewheel. I think you're looking at the Viscount, or for more than twice the $$$ a Hammond XK-5. I'd still take the less than 'pure' SKpro or Mojo61 over either of them, based solely on the quality of the tonewheel emulation. But if you absolutely must have 2 sets of drawbars then you're back to the Viscount I reckon. TBH they're all top tier.
  4. Um. No. Sorry. Marketing copy error posted on Korg's website and since removed. I do wish you were right.
  5. the OS update added adjusting the lid on the piano sounds with the pitch/mod lever so you might try that to adjust the brightness of the piano sounds, I think it gets saved in scene memory
  6. Yeh it’s not imo preferable, but i guess it was designed as global EQ for adjusting according to the room or space you’re in. In the end I’ve only found myself wishing for it on one particular scene which I use to replicate Rick Wright’s Farfisa sound as he always had the top end wound back to smooth out what is otherwise quite a sharp, piercing sound, so i have to remember to hit the EQ button when I pull up that scene so it doesn’t take your head off. Per sound EQ (along with per sound FX and Drive) is one thing I love about Hammond’s boards and it makes their limited selection of non-Hammond sounds go much further than they might otherwise, using say a combo organ or piano sound with the crap EQed out of it through a phaser or flanger to replicate a particular synth sound 😎
  7. the Korg Vox Continental scene memories include effects settings (multi fx, delay and reverb, including delay/tremolo tempo/time), but don’t include EQ. There was some misinformation about this on Korg’s webpage for the 73BK edition when it first came out.
  8. Given the comments and comparisons made concerning the Kurz PC4-7, here and on other threads, often by AnotherScott, I’d love to try one, and have also kept an eye out for the black Vox 73, but neither board has appeared on Australian shores. I do wish Korg had put the Vox keys on the Nautilus 73, but the Vox seems to be a unicorn in a lot of ways. I use it as a lower board and it’s almost perfect for that role for the reasons mentioned in the OP, the only thing i occasionally wish for is the ability to adjust the octave of one side of a split. And I think the YC Reface organ is perfectly serviceable buried in a mix, probably at least as useable as the Vox CX3 (which I don’t care for, possibly for the same reasons AnotherScott mentioned), and to my ears close enough to the KB3 I played on a PC4 (88) at a jam. But then I’m a self-confessed Hammond snob/addict and think there’s Hammond and HX3/MAG with Crumar and Viscount close behind, and then everything I wouldn’t use on a Hammond trio gig.
  9. tbh the 3-minute boot time is a concern, but if it’s the same action as the Vox Continental there’s a very attractively priced one just down the hwy that is tempting me
  10. Korg use the term ‘light touch’ to refer to the key mechanisms on their Kronos LS-88, Vox Continental and Nautilus-73 boards. Hoping someone who has played them can comment: are they the same (excluding the shape of the keys themselves) ? I have a Vox Continental and am interested in the Nautilus 73. Thanks in advance.
  11. I’m not at your stage of life, and I’m no good at saying ‘no’ to things, but your 40 year old singer having her first child in 4 months is probably kidding herself and it’s likely the band will have a break of some sort, both pre and post the birth, if you and your wife can stick it out until then you both will have a suck it and see opportunity to ask yourselves how you feel about not doing that gig for a while and how much you really want it, and come to a decision. Alternately you could tell them you’re not available for a month or so, organise the sub yourself, and create the opportunity to experience life without that band. I’d also be inclined to lose the gigs at the “same half dozen local clubs/breweries/wineries”, but if you’re unsure organise a sub yourself for a few of them and see how you really feel about not doing those gigs, and that way it’s still your gig if you want it back. i’ll add one thing: don’t fill up that time out if you take it with plans to finish you recording projects or the like. plan to do nothing. maybe plan to do it with your wife. and when the time comes around and the band is doing the gig with a sub and you haven’t played with them for the past 3 weeks, your only task is to notice how you feel and what is running through your mind.
  12. The Rhodes on the Vox are outstanding, you can do a split with bass for your left hand but the bass sounds are limited so it will depend what you want there
  13. I used a 76-note ensoniq KS32 through the 90s for hundreds of solo/duo with singer gigs. I’d have liked a better key action but the range wasn’t an issue. ymmv
  14. stage presence, sitting position, rear of stage, behind a large piece of furniture, start at 4:40:
  15. yep, i build a wurli part around it 😎
  16. my method: verse: synth brass, top octave ‘pin prick’ electric piano chorus: right hand synth strings 16ths with xylophone layer on top a and g notes, left hand other slow rising orchestral string line. end solo: synth brass continues, add Hammond set-up: upper keyboard split Hammond/synth strings with xylophone layer g to a (or whatever bell sound works). lower keyboard: 2 patches: 1. synth brass/‘pin prick’ ep split. 2. orchestral strings.
  17. that’s a great idea, I’m gonna steal it 😎 Another thing with Hammond through a wah is to set the wah and treat it as a band pass filter, you can hear the effect on Clapton’s The Core on the Slowhand album.
  18. the topic makes me think of guitarists who have played well with keyboard players (so reflects my taste in keyboard players): Jim Hall (with Bill Evans) Wes Montgomery (with Jimmy Smith & Wynton Kelly) Joe Pass, Herb Ellis, Barney Kessel (Oscar Peterson) George Benson (Jack McDuff) David Gilmour (with Rick Wright) Ritchie Blackmore (with Jon Lord) Santana (Gregg Rolie, Tom Coster, Chester Thompson) John Scofield (John Medeski, Larry Goldings) Steve Cropper (Booker T)
  19. no, for the internal engine the drawfaders step through 8 values, so you can’t do a smooth filter sweep.
  20. the key contacts that make that click sound trigger the drawbars from highest to lowest, so 1’ first through to 16’ last. If you pull the top drawbars out, they will sound slightly sooner, which means you’ll hear the pitch material sooner, so go for some of the lower 5 drawbars. On my Hammond SK2 the second drawbar worked well for me. it can take a while to get used to triggering the click without getting the sound of the tonewheels as well, which you don’t really want. on the SK2, which is fairly tightly sprung, it was much easier than on my new SKpro which has lighter springs and less resistance, and is much closer to a real Hammond, but I’m still getting used to slapping lighter than i did on the sk2
  21. the sound you’re hearing is the click produced as each of the drawbar selected tonewheels are triggered in sequence. the trick is you just want the percussive sound, not the pitched tone, or not much of it, so you tap lightly and staccato.
  22. Portamento time isn’t adjustable. The organ is fine unless you’re playing in an organ trio. It sounds more like a Hammond tonewheel than like Korg’s 1981 analog CX3 (which i used to own). I believe the engine is from the CX3 model in the Kronos, but as with everything on the board editing is limited, in the case of the organ you can change a preset’s drawbar settings and turn percussion on or off, chorus/vibrato on or off, and leslie fast or slow or off. The expression pedal can be used for expression or wah.
  23. Jim Alfredson once described Clavia’s Hammond sound as a synthesist’s idea of a Hammond. Maybe they’ve polished it as best they can given the basic tone. Ditto the Leslie: it’s one of the hardest effects to get right, and Yamaha seem to have tried their best to fix the one in their YC and it’s ok but not great, maybe the folks at Clavia just can’t improve what they have. 100% agree about the split points though, burying the option in a menu is fine, just do it
  24. Plenty of synth-focused folks bought the Wave 2 found in the Stage 4, and indeed that A1 found in the Stage 3 upon which it is based. While the Stage 4 has only just been announced there are plenty of reviews and videos of the Wave 2 that show that your 'impression' isn't a widely shared one.
  25. I like Jack's reviews, I like that when he dials up a wurli patch he'll play some Donny Hathaway, but he is such a Nord fanboy.
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