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mate stubb

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Everything posted by mate stubb

  1. The Colossus line is a call back to the EMS Synthi 100, the mac daddy of the VCS3.
  2. Those things are so inexpensive, they would make a good experimental first step. Please keep us posted.
  3. I think I was destined for this. Disregarding all the loud music I played over the years, both my parents lost most of their hearing as they aged. Dad also coached machine gun fire in the Army without wearing ear plugs, which didn't help.. When I was younger I set up a synth in their living room and swept an oscillator. Neither one of them could hear anything much above 3kHz.
  4. Some good links to check out here. Unfortunately I don't have access to a Costco.
  5. Not to mention in the iconic Morricone scores for the Dollars trilogy.
  6. I've come to the point where my creeping deafness is starting to inconvenience me daily. My inability to train my wife to stop having conversations with me from 2 rooms away, and problems understanding phone conversations are starting to make me feel isolated. I'd like to dip my toe into hearing aids but am not interested in going the ridiculously expensive route. More affordable versions are now starting to appear OTC for much less money. Anybody tried any of these less expensive alternatives? I'd like something that I can at least tweak the response curve with a phone app or something.
  7. Tremulants on the Novachord don't share any DNA with the organ consoles. They are actual vibrating reeds.
  8. Regarding action, I have of course not tried a Stage 4. But any Nord Piano I ever played felt better and faster to play than any Stage.
  9. Here's a pic of my controller. Unfortunately the carbon fiber pics are in a different thread which I can no longer access since the forum migration. Just imagine a sheet of corrugated cardboard and you'll be pretty close. http://www.hotrodmotm.com/images/hammond/keeper/keeper_dualmaple_09.jpg
  10. Absolutely not. The classic vintage 122 and 147 type leslies have an all tube power amp, and no preamp at all.
  11. I knocked 10 lb off my organ controller by carving out big chunks of the wood chassis and replacing with corrugated carbon fiber.
  12. I finally got the Add To Cart button. Yay!
  13. I just went and looked at the 55's panel, and it looks like the midi input module can switch between v trig and s trig. I don't see a jack for midi clock however, so the Kenton may still come in handy.
  14. If you have the Pro Solo, it can configure an aux output for midi clock, in case the Behringer input module doesn't provide clock output.
  15. I may be confused about which Kenton box you have. From their website: Pro CV to MIDI Seems like there's more Control Voltage around now than ever before! So this box translates the pitch, gate and two other voltages from your chosen analogue source and converts them to MIDI data to ensure that none of your synths get excluded. Pro Solo Mk3 A must for vintage and modular synth fans, the Kenton Pro Solo Mk3 enables your MIDI keyboard or sequencer to control CV synths with V/oct, Hz/V & 1.2V/oct scaling systems. TR808 fans can even switch the Thru socket for Sync 24. It sounds like you are describing the Pro Solo.
  16. The Kenton looks like it only goes in one direction - CV to Midi. If you want to control your system 55 from a midi keyboard, you need Midi to CV/S-Trig. If you want to control a midi synth from your Behrimoog sequencer, the Kenton should do the trick.
  17. Tone should get a bit brighter when using CV - that's by design. Microphonic preamp tube? I'm just speculating because I can't hear it. Can you post an audio clip?
  18. Moog uses S Trigger instead of gates and will need a compatible midi converter.
  19. Dry bearing in the generator? Maybe oil the organ if it's not been done in awhile.
  20. It may return, but you've bought yourself some time! For future reference, check this out: https://bentonelectronics.com/servicing-the-hammond-vibrato-scanner/
  21. I have seen this happen before. The little metal fingers that grow can move if the organ is jolted or moved. I've been able to clear some organs by zapping, and others needed the scanner popped out, opened and cleaned. You can actually pull the scanner off the end of the run motor and open for cleaning without unsoldering any wires.
  22. Ordered mine in December 2019. Still patiently waiting. Last word I had was May, but here it is April and I haven't been contacted about payment.
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