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Posts posted by konaboy

  1. gotta realise that keyboard players wishing to play hammond organ emulations on a synth workstations is a tiny minority group, and those wishing to perform actual physical drawbar manipulation is a tiny subset of that group.

    and this new montage might not even have a clonewheel engine, we don't know that yet.

    if it does, there will be capability to adjust drawbards and organ settings on the touch screen, that's how they do it on their top-of-the-range arrangers. that'll be more than adequate for the vast majority of the target market.


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  2. 2 hours ago, jerrythek said:

    Woody: You forgot the CX-3.



    thanks, yeah! although, it can be good to have the occasional mistake to encourage people to engage in the comments.  or, I just lost count when I ran out of fingers! :)

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  3. 12 hours ago, Brad Kaenel said:

    Yes, you can download additional sounds, and install them with the Numa Manager app. :thu:


    Goto the "Products" page, select one of the Numa X piano models, then click the "Sounds" link in the menu bar --> [Overview] [Sounds] [Specs] [Support]





    hi brad, thanks for helping me out with this, that's awesome!

  4. 2 hours ago, voxpops said:

    One other thing, although it's difficult to be certain, is that the acoustic pianos seem to be sample-based but use modeling for string resonances, duplex scale, release note, key off and damper noise. The EPs are fully modeled, I believe. It may be similar to the old GEM acoustic pianos which were also sample-based and I think used some sort of look-up table. Again, the GEM EPs were modeled. I had a PRP800 for a while, which I really enjoyed playing, but which was totally unreliable!

    This is true, it's described in the manual actually. it really does make some of the piano models quite stunning to behold.

  5. 2 hours ago, FuzzyPants said:

    Great video Woody.  One point I think you missed - if I'm not mistaken, the Numa can load new sounds from the company's on-line library (much like a Nord), while the Yamaha cannot. 

    Thank you.

    Somebody else mentioned that in the comments, I searched on the website and found nothing, so I don't believe it's true.

    New pianos might be bundled in firmware updates but no "library" that I could find.

  6. some fascinating insights here, thank you!


    had not occurred to me that the rolls could be edited, but of course, it's possible they could punch extra holes after the performance.  perhaps it was even possible to play it back and "overdub".


    i tried playing lhat left hand pickup Eb-F-Ab (all octaves) but I found it impossible to play accurately, even at slower tempos, and was baffled how Joplin could do it, and some of the other bass patterns.


    i saw a video about player pianos and apparanetly there are dynamics, recorded on a separate "channel", but this must be for all the notes being struck at the same time, not velocity per note. it must have controlled the opening of some valve to control the air pressure.  the tech on these old player pianos is incredible. 


    i'd love to hear any other "played by scott joplin" performances if you have them.

  7. was thinking there might be some good deals over on ableton.com for the push2, but none that I could find.

    did notice the price for the 3 though, $2000 for the standalone and $1000 for the controller version.  yikes! the 2 was always quite expensive, but not in that league.

  8. 10 hours ago, ap297 said:

    Frankly both sound very good. For weekend warriors who play on cramped stages in mono via a single powered  speaker I wonder if either Ck88 or Numa Piano X come out ahead on piano/epiano-type sounds.

    My guess is that the Achilles heel with either is in the B3 organ department. Certainly not ideal to play organ on weighted actions ( btw on the matter of weighted actions, which feels better - CK88 or Numa Piano X?), but weekend warriors want/try to get by on one keyboard.

    Am thinking one solution is Vb3m on a tablet (my case it's an android tablet). Does either offer advantages there? I see the CK88 offers 9 sliders for drawbars,  but are percussion, chorus/vibrato, leslie slow/fast bottons able to control tnose parameters vb3m?

    I wish I could try them side -by-side. Correct me if I'm wrong but CK88 seems more "prosumer" vs Numa which appears more "pro-level"...but frankly hard for me to judge based on youtube videos.

    i've got a comparison of the features and "feel" of both coming soon, so keep eye out for that.

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