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Protestors who block traffic and entry to buildings - How do you feel about it?

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Ok, so will just blow there whole fucking country up, killing quite a few of the people we are trying to save, and ruin any chance for a stable future for these people. The United States government has done all the things Saddam is accused of. They are just more subtle about it.
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Protesters who block people's way are lame, in much the same way that pop-up ad windows on web sites are lame. :D That is, the message is lost because people just get pissed off with the delivery and ignore the message completely.
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Henchie... Ever seen the circus on the corners of your very own Hastings and Main? :D Anyway... Bin Laden was a good guy (CIA operative) when the US was supplying him weapons to fight off the Soviet Union's attempt at seizing Afghanistan. He was also a good guy when the Bush oil cartel was trying to build a pipeline through Afghanistan. But, the deal fell through and we all know what happened next...9/11. Hussein was a good guy using chemical weapons mounted on attack helicopters (supplied by the Reagan regime) when he was at war with Iran. And, the US needed a friend in the middle-east...Iran had taken US hostages afterall. So, are you saying that it's about time the US cleaned up the problems THEY CAUSED? :thu:
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b]Protesters who block people's way are lame, in much the same way that pop-up ad windows on web sites are lame. :D That is, the message is lost because people just get pissed off with the delivery and ignore the message completely.[/b][/quote]You tell that to the 80,000 that protested in Boston.
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[quote]Originally posted by PeeTee: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b]Protesters who block people's way are lame, in much the same way that pop-up ad windows on web sites are lame. :D That is, the message is lost because people just get pissed off with the delivery and ignore the message completely.[/b][/quote]You tell that to the 80,000 that protested in Boston.[/b][/quote]We're not talking about protesters who are particpating in legally organized protests like the 80k in Boston, or ones in NY, DC, LA or elsewhere. The people this thread is about are the ones who are INTENTIONALLY trying to gain attention by DOING SOMETHING THEY KNOW IS ILLEGAL, on purpose, with the idea that their act of civil disobedience will garner them additional attention for their cause. Lee's point is right. Often the "cause" gets lost in the problems caused by the illegal act. But it's their choice, if they choose civil disobedience, then they should face an appropriate response from the authorites. It's what they want and expect anyway. Too bad they're creating problems for everyone else... but they don't really care much about that. guitplayer

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[quote]Originally posted by PeeTee: [b]Henchie... Ever seen the circus on the corners of your very own Hastings and Main? :D Anyway... Bin Laden was a good guy (CIA operative) when the US was supplying him weapons to fight off the Soviet Union's attempt at seizing Afghanistan. He was also a good guy when the Bush oil cartel was trying to build a pipeline through Afghanistan. But, the deal fell through and we all know what happened next...9/11. Hussein was a good guy using chemical weapons mounted on attack helicopters (supplied by the Reagan regime) when he was at war with Iran. And, the US needed a friend in the middle-east...Iran had taken US hostages afterall. So, are you saying that it's about time the US cleaned up the problems THEY CAUSED? :thu: [/b][/quote]What are you trying to say? I know very well how Osama and Saddam ended up where they are. I know who put them there. I don't trust Bush for one second. But given the choice between the two, I'd have to go with Bush on this one. I don't give a shit if it is all about oil. As long as that dictator and his gang of murdering thugs are removed from power, and somehting of a democracy returns to Iran.

IMDB Credit list

President George Washington: "The government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion."

President Abraham Lincoln: "The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion."

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[quote]Originally posted by meriphew: [b]Does PeeTee get under anyone elses skin besides mine?[/b][/quote]I've yet to see him post anything worthwhile.

IMDB Credit list

President George Washington: "The government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion."

President Abraham Lincoln: "The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion."

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what did you do grandpa? in the Iraqi war? "i bravely attacked americans" and made damn sure there was more "this country needs a war" so we waved the bold nose-grows while we followed our new emperor and picked up all his corporate clothes we wish he spoke like tony but we still couldn't fathom the phony too busy watching CNN and being in, the thick and thin of it and all the dollars and the crazy europe hollers "i bravely attacked americans" who i saw burning flags who dared to cross my self and who dared to block the street who dared to think for themself and who i damn well better not meet i bitched and i complained about the protesters who abstained from the mindless process of rape and all that beautiful titilation on tape that puts "us" all in the lap of comfort that puts "our" mall near the track that let's "us" golf with bad backs and pays for "our" education so just use your imagination and try to understand, these things i speak of when i tell you my sweet grandchild "i bravely attacked america's dove" :wave:

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"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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[quote]Originally posted by Henchman: [b] [quote]Originally posted by meriphew: [b]Does PeeTee get under anyone elses skin besides mine?[/b][/quote]I've yet to see him post anything worthwhile.[/b][/quote]Fucking troll. So, Henchie, how does it feel like to own a DAW that is worth NOTHING!!!! Too bad about Fairlight. You know why they went outta business? Cause people dumped their shit Fairlight systems for Pro Tools!!! :D You will soon too. Regardless, character attacks are so expected from you...especially since you can't backup your comments. :rolleyes:
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b]Protesters who block people's way are lame, in much the same way that pop-up ad windows on web sites are lame. :D That is, the message is lost because people just get pissed off with the delivery and ignore the message completely.[/b][/quote]I think that while the majority of protesters are good-intentioned and peaceful, some seem to be exploiting the opportunity to "protest" to simply vent their own anger, frustration, paranoia, etc., and have nothing to do with the anti-war movement itself. I saw some so-called "peace protesters" doing some pretty unpeaceful things that probably had more to do with them being angry at their parents, than it did with current events. -Peace, Love, and Brittanylips
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[quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b] [quote]THIS is how the terrorists want to treat us. The difference between the anti-war person and the pro-war person's stance is that one wants to take NO action and the other wants to TAKE action. [/quote]That's ubsurd. How did you come to the conclusion that being against war is being against action?:[/b][/quote]Okay, fair enough. WHAT action in the anti-war person avocating? [quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b][QUOTE] And another thing.... If the reasons given thus far are justification to oust Saddam, than these reasons are also justification to oust the U.S. government. Think about it. [/b][/quote]So what you are telling me is that you'd rather see a cruel (to put it mildly) dictator who supports terrorism keep his job, and get rid of a democratically elected government that is attempting to act in the best interests of the country it serves? PLEASE tell me that's NOT what you're saying... :(

Super 8


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[quote]Originally posted by Henchman: [b] [quote]Originally posted by meriphew: [b]Does PeeTee get under anyone elses skin besides mine?[/b][/quote]I've yet to see him post anything worthwhile.[/b][/quote]You have got to be kidding me. Let's do a glance at what everyone has posted and see what the facts versus rhetoric ratio is. And let's see what the individual ratios look like. I'm beginning to notice that facts tend to annoy supporters of the war. Yeah, let's just stick to rhetoric and personal opinion. The presented facts annoy you because you are loath to see that the United States is guilty of all that we accuse, and in exponential levels. It's time for you to admit that we are right, and use that as a justification for war. That is your only hope of having legitimacy. We created every monster we seek to destroy. It would stand to reason that we would try to do this with integrity. Why try to save face if you will only lose face more. Every day we see images of the war on terrorism, we should see images of the United States destroying our own weapons of mass destruction. Our actions created the situation we see now. If we don't change our actions in the process of cleaning up this situation, we will only face the situation over and over....
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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [QB]...a democratically elected government that is attempting to act in the best interests of the country it serves? QB][/quote]If you believe this, than I finally understand why we can't make you see our point. Our federal government has caused more bad than good. History will show this and the facts show it now. The mess in the middle east does need cleaned up. Is it a good idea to use the people that made the mess in the first place? Yeah...Let's let the fox watch the henhouse or however it goes. So let's hear some more of that propoganda you keep repeating from CNN so I can destroy it. :thu:
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[quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b] *******Here's an analogy for you...********** One day I get sick of living in my house, so I decide to take up residence in your backyard. At first you are annoyed, but you decide to wait it out and hope I see the error of my ways. Six months later I have also started to conspire with your neighbors against you. One year later I have also ousted the family across the street so I could move in a family that would also conspire with me against you. Five years later I have myself AND a gang of thugs living with me in your backyard. Nobody will hear your demands because I have organized the entire city against you. One day you can't take it anymore and you start to conspire against me. You manage to build a small but loyal following to get me out of your backyard and any of the entities that have conspired with me out of the city. Since you can't simply take your backyard and the city back by force, you have to use whatever means you have to achieve this goal. So you kill people associated with me to try and hurt me. You know this isn't right but you feel you don't have any choice. Am I justified in killing you?[/b][/quote]First off; are you actually thinking of doing this? ;) There's an old saying that I think applies here: [i]"If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em."[/i]

Super 8


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[quote]Originally posted by Henchman: [b] BTW, you know why Iraq doesn't have olympic athletes? Because saddam's son is in charge of the olympic's in Iraq. And whenever an Iraqi athlete loses, they get tortured. One runner who lost had both feet broken. [/b][/quote]Seriously, is that true??? I had never heard that before. Come to think of it, I haven't heard too many bands come out of Iraq either. I wonder what happens if you hit a wrong note? geeeezzzz! Maybe when this is over we could have a new national holiday called 'Kick the Hussein Family in the Groin Day'... Where everybody gets to [i]-Well, I'll let you use your imagination[/i]. Hey, when we get Bin Laden we could make a holiday for him too and get a 4-day weekend out of it! :D Ah, they'll probably just end up combining the two can all it 'Jerk-asses day'... :rolleyes:

Super 8


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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b] [quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b]One day I get sick of living in my house, so I decide to take up residence in your backyard. At first you are annoyed, but you decide to wait it out and hope I see the error of my ways. Six months later I have also started to conspire with your neighbors against you. One year later I have also ousted the family across the street so I could move in a family that would also conspire with me against you. Five years later I have myself AND a gang of thugs living with me in your backyard. Nobody will hear your demands because I have organized the entire city against you. One day you can't take it anymore and you start to conspire against me. You manage to build a small but loyal following to get me out of your backyard and any of the entities that have conspired with me out of the city. Since you can't simply take your backyard and the city back by force, you have to use whatever means you have to achieve this goal. So you kill people associated with me to try and hurt me. You know this isn't right but you feel you don't have any choice. Am I justified in killing you?[/b][/quote]First off; are you actually thinking of doing this? ;) There's an old saying that I think applies here: [i]"If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em."[/i][/b][/quote]Nice how you stripped the fact that it was a analogy out the quote. Is this a pathetic attempt to demonize me, or maybe take my words out of context and try to construe it as a threat? I stated it was an analogy and you resonded to it without that reference. "You" was in the context of a hypothetical scenario and did no refer to anybody in particular. The analogy was made in the first person for emphasis.
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[quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b]Nice how you stripped the fact that it was a analogy out the quote. Is this a pathetic attempt to demonize me, or maybe take my words out of context and try to construe it as a threat? I stated it was an analogy and you resonded to it without that reference. [/b][/quote]Sorry, my mistake. I put it back in. You are paranoid, dude. I don't care about "demonizing" you, or "propaganda", or CNN. I think most people here (Well, I HOPE anyway) could vouch that whether I agree with them or not, I shoot pretty straight from the heart. What good would ignoring or covering up your so-called "facts" do me? If they were true -and I knew it- I'd be in a better position if I sided with them. My take on the "facts" you present is that they aren't all that factual. I'm the first to agree that the US isn't nor has it ever been PERFECT, or even NEAR PERFECT. We are people trying to run a country, and we've done a pretty good job of it so far. I'm not an historical scholar, but I did major in history for a time in college, and while there is plenty I don't know, there is also a fair amount that I do know something about. So far, your hatred (or whatever you want to call it) of our country's history seems pretty unbalanced and poorly reasoned to me. I disagree with you. I think our country has done far more good than bad...

Super 8


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[quote]Originally posted by PeeTee: [b]Fucking troll. So, Henchie, how does it feel like to own a DAW that is worth NOTHING!!!! Too bad about Fairlight. You know why they went outta business? Cause people dumped their shit Fairlight systems for Pro Tools!!! :D You will soon too. Regardless, character attacks are so expected from you...especially since you can't backup your comments. :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]Dude, you need to lay off the Digi KoolAid man. It's starting to cause some serious braindamage. Right now I'm doing some mixing for a friend form Toronto, because he said he hasn't found anybody back east who can give him a decent mix.

IMDB Credit list

President George Washington: "The government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion."

President Abraham Lincoln: "The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion."

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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b] [quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b]Nice how you stripped the fact that it was a analogy out the quote. Is this a pathetic attempt to demonize me, or maybe take my words out of context and try to construe it as a threat? I stated it was an analogy and you resonded to it without that reference. [/b][/quote]Sorry, my mistake. I put it back in. You are paranoid, dude. I don't care about "demonizing" you, or "propaganda", or CNN. I think most people here (Well, I HOPE anyway) could vouch that whether I agree with them or not, I shoot pretty straight from the heart. What good would ignoring or covering up your so-called "facts" do me? If they were true -and I knew it- I'd be in a better position if I sided with them. My take on the "facts" you present is that they aren't all that factual. I'm the first to agree that the US isn't nor has it ever been PERFECT, or even NEAR PERFECT. We are people trying to run a country, and we've done a pretty good job of it so far. I'm not an historical scholar, but I did major in history for a time in college, and while there is plenty I don't know, there is also a fair amount that I do know something about. So far, your hatred (or whatever you want to call it) of our country's history seems pretty unbalanced and poorly reasoned to me. I disagree with you. I think our country has done far more good than bad...[/b][/quote]First, I want to see you dispute any of the information those of us have presented of the past US actions. And I'm not paranoid. I'm just aware and concerned. My criticism of our countries history is not one based in hatred, but one based in disappointment. What is unbalanced is the recounting of history in this country. I love my country. I always have. I love what my country stands for and I've watching it drift away. People like myself, Chip, and the others that feel the way we do, feel this way out of love for our country, not hate. I served my country. I am a veteran. I'm proud to have served my country and if they call me back, I'll go and help defend my fellow soldiers. This doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Again, I love my country and I'll do whatever I have to to help save it.
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[url=http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/si_online/news/2003/03/24/son_of_saddam/]Son of Saddam [/url]

"Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -- John Adams


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[quote]Originally posted by Henchman: [b] [quote]Originally posted by PeeTee: [b]Fucking troll. So, Henchie, how does it feel like to own a DAW that is worth NOTHING!!!! Too bad about Fairlight. You know why they went outta business? Cause people dumped their shit Fairlight systems for Pro Tools!!! :D You will soon too. Regardless, character attacks are so expected from you...especially since you can't backup your comments. :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]Dude, you need to lay off the Digi KoolAid man. It's starting to cause some serious braindamage. Right now I'm doing some mixing for a friend form Toronto, because he said he hasn't found anybody back east who can give him a decent mix.[/b][/quote]Last time I was in Toronto was for X-mas. You should know by now that I don't work in Toronto...but, I do consider it my home.
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