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A Weight Off My Shoulder...


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I've slowly gravitated more and more toward my Tele since I got it last year. When I got my AC30 it gave the Gibson a big push to the left and hugged the Fender like an old friend. I had heard my sound.


The once favoured '98 Les Paul Standard became too bold and brash for my tastes. It began to feel clumsy and clunky. :(


So followed a couple of months locked in it's case, hibernating in the spare room. Until recently, I always thought I would keep it forever, but that's not to be. :cry:


I decided to sell and got a reasonable price on eBay. It was posted today and the new owner will have it tomorrow. I haven't felt even the slightest pang of remorse. I neglected to play the guitar even when I knew it was my last chance to do so. Its sound and feel does nothing for me anymore.


I will probably always consider it the most stylish electric guitar ever made, but sometimes looks aren't enough. The Les Paul Karma will spread once again, as it will be the new owners first Gibson.


Which is something I'm rather glad about, I hope he feels the same sense of awe when he opens the case, I hope he feels the same sense of sheer power when he plugs into a big tube amp and hits his first chord.


Me? I'm going to dedicate myself to my Tele and install a middle pick up to expand its tonal pallete. I do G@$ for a Ric 330, but I don't need one for a while. I'll just invest in a few pedals and save the rest of the cash for some rainy day. Thanks for letting me share my story, I guess I just wanted to give my old guitar a bit of a send off. :cool:


Tea. :thu:

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I've done that before. Two Silvertone amps that I'd re-built. One was a 1482, a poor man's Fender tweed Deluxe with tremolo. :D I had that thing going great, but was running out of storage room and it really wasn't getting played. The other was a 1483 bass amp that I converted to a blackface style amp. It had two channels, one side I did as a Bassman and the other side I did as a Super Reverb. Great sounds, but not what I wanted.


I also used to have a Chicago Musical Instruments CL-30 Leslie rotating speaker that I sold. It was too big and bulky. I figure that one of these days I'll buy a Uni-Vibe or something to semi-replace it.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Vee haf bin beetrayed! :evil::freak:;):D


My beloved "main squeeze" was actually second-hand (albeit extremely showroom-new still), and I got it when its owner had traded it in for two used Fenders, a Strat and a Tele. All the better for me, with the great deal I got on it!


Hopefully this will be a beginning to a similar story of six-string bliss for the new owner!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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While I've always primarily been (and still am) a humbucker kinda guy, playing my "Tele" (Peavey Reactor) let's me empathize.


There's definitely a more direct connection between what ya put into it and what ya get out of it. Friend of mine (Tele player, natch) always said, " A Tele is a man's guitar."

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My Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Jackhammer of Love and Mercy.

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i hear you Tea, i have only had my yamaha aes 620 for two months maybe and the love is slipping. there is a certain magic with a bolt on neck, and i feel i am longing for a stratish beast. my aes is a great LP styled guitar and it is built like a tank. but i am not enjoying it as much as i should.

i am either crazy or its time for me to get a nice strat or strat equivalent.

its nice that you have found your tone. go tea go.

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Originally posted by Guitarzan:

"...there is a certain magic with a bolt on neck, and i feel i am longing for a stratish beast."

Heh, that's the exact oposite of my change-over experience; I longed for a set-neck, dual-humbuckered Les Paul-stylee after playing a Strat-styled axe for over eleven years.


I love that fluid, liquidy blooming and warmth that my Les Paul's mahogany set-neck and rosewood fretboard imparts to its tone. It responds nicely to my "touch", particularly a light, nuanced "touch". And with some tweaking of the polepieces and height and angle of the pickups, I don't want too much for articulation and definition.


That being said, I went a long time before finding a Les Paul that I both really liked and could also afford at the time!


I do really want a good Tele, as well; the first guitar model that I fell for as a kid was the Telecaster, although- oddly enough- I've never owned one!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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i did have two three mexi strats at different times.

the first was an early version that was all white and very bright.

the second one i had was a strat special. it was nice but the neck was not as "finished" as i prefered. that was the model with a humbucker in the bridge. my last one was a blueish purple mexi standard that for some reason was not that nice. the "strat" that got away is a yamaha pacifica 812 w, two seymour duncan vintage staggered singles, one 59 humbucker in the bridge with a wilkinson vs100 trem on a beautiful brown burst flame topped , pearloid pickup equipped body. damn i miss it.

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Hey Guitarzan!


Have you played one of those yet?

I played one the other day (by your recommendation of course!). I did not plug it in though. I was afraid to buy it on the spot.

I am still looking at a few other options before I buy.

Very nice guitar! :love:

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i have had no time to get to the store and plug it in. i will write a little review when i do plug one in. the necks and pickups are the same as the SDxt i had. so i know i will like it. a big plus (over the sdxt) is the 6 screw trem that is sitting on the body and not routed out underneath for up pulls. better tone and better stability.
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Thanks for the comments guys! Nice to know I'm not alone in my tendancies. I can't help but feel that my amp made a large part of the decision for me though.


I did appreciate the LP vibe plugged into a Fender, totally different to the vibe it generates with a British amp. Still not what I was looking for (Tele&EL84s) but much better suited to my playing.


The new owner took delivery at 0750hrs today! The Royal Mail impress me more each time. He's suitably inspired and now wants to buy one of the treble boosters I let him hear the guitar played through in a clip! A lad after my own heart. ;)


Tea. :thu:

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hey tea,

i can't see it too well in the picture, but does your tele have 3-piece saddles or six?


I just got my bridge plate from musicians friend the other day (after 6 months :evil: ) and installed it with the three brass saddles. It just feels and sounds so much better now.


just thought i'd like to ask and share :cool:


Oh yea, about the les paul, i guess you gotta do what'cha gotta do.

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It has six saddles. Graphtech string savers to be precise. I'm terrible for pounding the bridge and I used to break strings all the time. :mad:


I'm thinking of another Tele, done to more vintage specs. I may even try the brass three saddle on my current one first to see how it sounds. Thanks for the heads up! :cool:



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