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Spent a few minutes on the political forum...


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.. and I've decided to stay over here with the guitars! A little crazy over there and it gets real old real fast. My view? Vote for YOUR choice in November. And I'll vote for mine. Just let me say that I am very pleased to have found this forum for guitars, its great, and I'll leave the politicking to others! Now don't forget to hug your axe today!
...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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Yeah over here we can just argue the worth of a 1958 flame topped sunburst Les Paul Standard verses Jimi Hendrix's original Woodstock Strat! :D
...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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Yeah, I know what you mean! I used to frequent a theology forum ALL THE TIME and got too caught up in debate. Now, I like a good theological debate like the next "religious" person. But it can really consume your time.


Anyways, I like this forum and the people who make it up!


Peace :)

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Me too. ALL of the above.


I don't "get out much", that is leave this forum for others at GP forums or Seymour Duncan, Gibson, Fender or Epiphone. I'm a "member" (i.e. registered) only so I can ask questions from time to time. I use them so infrequently that I usually have to ask for my username and password to post there! :D


Dave the Guitar Player Guitar Forum Dude

Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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I took a look there once and all the posts were like 700 paragraphs long! The politics do pop up here from time to time, like the "chick guitarists" thread, and a few months back there was one about "black" music. The thing is tho, when those subjects come up over here, we just talk about the musical aspects. This is a great, thoughtful, and very non-judgmental group that frequents the guitar forum. :thu::thu: gang!
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I can't go there. I've wandered in a few times and everytime I do, I leave mad. I can't bring myself to post there because it would mean I'd have to go back to see the response. Some people's views make me sick to my stomach and I'd rather avoid hearing (or in this case seeing) them.
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Originally posted by A String:

I can't go there. I've wandered in a few times and everytime I do, I leave mad. I can't bring myself to post there because it would mean I'd have to go back to see the response. Some people's views make me sick to my stomach and I'd rather avoid hearing (or in this case seeing) them.

I'm wit u. :mad:
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Originally posted by billster:

... The politics do pop up here from time to time, ...

If you look really hard, politics occasionally show up on the political forum too :D
Fa Fa FA Fa fa fa fa fa FA fa FA FA
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Originally posted by A String:

I can't go there. I've wandered in a few times and everytime I do, I leave mad. I can't bring myself to post there because it would mean I'd have to go back to see the response. Some people's views make me sick to my stomach and I'd rather avoid hearing (or in this case seeing) them.

That is SOOO true! It's like when I was on that theology forum... I would always have to see what someone said to one of my replies, then spend countless time trying to formulate an argument.


It was SUCH a vicious cycle of "wasted time", although I did learn a thing or two.


I also recall the anxiety I would have anticipating someone's reply to mine.


Man, THAT sucked!


I finally "quit" that particular forum when I began studying for my promotion. And as you all know, THAT PAID OFF!!!!!!!!!! :thu::thu:


Peace :)

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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I have stayed away from the Politcal Forum (and political topics in general)...for about 4 months now. For awhile there I got sucked into all that bullshit...andf ended up getting into too many stupid debates that just never went anywhere. :bor:


That forum is just....blah, blah, blah...same shit, by the same people...day after day.


What really gets me...is the people that hang out on the forums here...and mostly just post political or OT stuff...they rarely get very deep into anything having to do with Audio/Music...???


Like...why do they bother hanging out on these forums...the MusicPlayer Forums...???


But it's a free country...so they are free to blah, blah, blah... :rolleyes:

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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well, i have to admit i go off-topic a lot because the gear thing just goes round and round like the political thing. after a while, i don't want to talk about the best acoustic under 500, or the best distortion pedal, or list my gear (again).


but i hang out here cuz you guys rawk! :D

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I avoid the political forum like the plague. Most of the folks over there don't even have a sense of humor. :( It doesn't matter if you make an intelligent post, people are firmly divided along party lines and will only hear what they want to hear. It's sad. :(


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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That place is great for finding the latest News. many of the posters provide links to relevant stories. I don't get the arguing stuff though. It's really quite funny to see people post gloom and doom, post after post, day after day. Better time could be spent, going outside and planting a tree, or something like that. :freak:


Anyways, the core bunch on this Guitar forum are warm and real. Someone has 1 post, and they get a great welcome wagon(unless they're spamming!). Kindness, courtesy, tolerance, appreciation. It's all right here.


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Originally posted by Base:

Originally posted by billster:

"The politics do pop up here from time to time..."

"If you look really hard, politics occasionally show up on the political forum too" :D
Hah! :D:cool::thu:


I'm very pleased with how apolitical the Guitar Forum tends to be. It's not too hard to tell where some of us probably lean, but it's better not to bother and best to just get along here. Just my two-cents...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Vicious cycle of wasted time, well put sgt. bic! It kinda reminds me of when a couple of your buddies or family members get into some big political discussion at a party or get together and they go on and on and you're kinda just hanging around, maybe throwing in a thought or two, and after a while you realize that you're listening to a couple of folks who are talking past each other. Time to wander off and talk to that cute blond friend of your sister's sitting all alone on the sofa! :D
...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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Originally posted by A String:

I know! Lets discuss the theories of the universe! I read this great book about the Super String theory and how it can be used to develop the unified theory Einstien was talking about... :D

Einstein was a neo-con devil,I don't believe

anything he say's. :wave:

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Sorry, but I hold exclusively to the Super Slinky String theory and will not tolerate talk of other theories.
...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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Thinking about string theory reminds me of my quest for all things that are completely devoid of grain.


I have a short list of these items that was topped by the ramdomness of ideas that flow through my head.. of course until it was pointed out that this is direcly related to the onset of senility I seem to be nurturing! :evil:


{if growing old is a bitch perhaps staying young is like a male puppy} makes sence to me.

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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If he was so smart why didn't this Einstein fellow team up with Epi Stathopoulo and give us electric guitars at the turn of the century?

Guess he loved the natural tone of his old parlor guitar too much. :D

...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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I avoid the political forum completely. In fact, I started avoiding the SSS forum because of all the political polemics, and even though they've added the seperate political area I still have never quite gotten back into the SSS.


I perfectly happy to have a political discussion with someone. As long as it is civil, and truly a discussion. I hate when people posture and rant about a position that they've already made their mind up over, and they refuse to hear anything that doesn't support their foregone conclusion. What's the point?

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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...I thought he played the accordian ;)


Tiger..refresh my memory....Im humming the song, burt can't remember the title and artisi\t

....Touched down in the middle of a pouring rain, in the land of the delta blues....


Great tune
Lynn G
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Originally posted by NMcGuitar:

I avoid the political forum completely. In fact, I started avoiding the SSS forum because of all the political polemics, and even though they've added the seperate political area I still have never quite gotten back into the SSS.


I perfectly happy to have a political discussion with someone. As long as it is civil, and truly a discussion. I hate when people posture and rant about a position that they've already made their mind up over, and they refuse to hear anything that doesn't support their foregone conclusion. What's the point?

I saw this on a political site I read, and just had to post it:


Godwin\'s Law


That's why we stay away from the political forum :cool:

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Godwin's Law prov. [usenet] "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress. Godwin's Law thus practically guarantees the existence of an upper bound on thread length in those groups. However there is also a widely- recognized codicil that any intentional triggering of Godwin's Law in order to invoke its thread-ending effects will be unsuccessful.

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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