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One of the FATTEST guitarists... !

Caevan O’Shite

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I'm one, I'm one of the fattest guitarists, I'll admit it!


Actually, I'm not too, well, not super fat, but I've "filled out" a little, O.K., a lot...


Guess I'm just a "well rounded" musician!


Besides, ya gotta give it up for the fatcats that play fat sounds on Les Pauls, there are few guitars less suited to hiding behind and so perfect for making your belly even more obvious! Mine sort of perches there, making me look like a "guitar-bellied Sneech," but that just makes it easier to play!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

"You're no Leslie West (in the early days of Mountain), are you, K?" :D

Are you talkin' worth, or girth there, Neil? ;)


I'm not quite Leslie in any capacity, at least "classic" Leslie; by the way, I'm glad to see that he's slimmed down some over the last so many years, while his tone has not!


I have come to appreciate old Juniors and Specials with P-90's like he likes, especially '59 and '60 Specials; I really regret not buying one several years ago that looked show-room new- except for some "belt buckle rash"- and sounded better than any "reissue" I've tried. What a sweet guitar, I wish I had bought it; it'd look even littler on me!


Every time I saw that "Fastest" topic-line, I'd see "Fattest", and growl jokingly to myself, "Izzatt a FAT JOKE?!? Izzatt a poke at ME?!!?" It occurred to my fat little brain to offer up this post.


(Hey, Neil- "Pho-tography (he said to him, knowingly!)" !!!) :D:D:D:thu:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by J J:

"I wana get fat and play the blues" -Jim Morrison :thu:

What a cool and funny quote!


Originally posted by funk_jazz:

"at least yer not a fat hippy" :D

Nope, I don't entirely qualify (at least, by my specs). Although, sometimes I hang at the meetings...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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One of the FATTEST guitarists..... http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:crAicLNqdcEC:www.lifescan.com/care/stories/images/bbking1.jpg

I saw B. B. King in person, and any man that can make an ES 355 look that small is a heavy weight!! His playin' was heavy weight too. The man just plain kicked ass that night. :eek::thu:


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Originally posted by Caevan New Year's Baby O'Shite:

Originally posted by fantasticsound:

"You're no Leslie West (in the early days of Mountain), are you, K?" :D

Are you talkin' worth, or girth there, Neil? ;)


I haven't heard you play, K... so you figure it out. ;):D

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I sure dig 'Ol BB; It would be nice to play just a few notes as he does and still capture they same meaning with the same fire.

Musically I guess I'm long winded and it just takes a lot for me to get my point across. Of coarse I lose half my audience in the process - no wonder I'm a mechanic! :P

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Originally posted by Caevan O'Shite:

Originally posted by fantasticsound:

"You're no Leslie West (in the early days of Mountain), are you, K?" :D

"Are you talkin' worth, or girth there, Neil?" ;)


"I haven't heard you play, K... so you figure it out." ;):D

I... I've fallen, and...I...can't...reach my...guitar, and jumbo econo family-size bag of deep-frahd poke-rines!! Oh, yeah, and a Diet Coke, too... :D

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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"I wana get fat and play the blues"

- Jim Morrison

Really!? :eek:

Me too, but it's too late. :cry: I've got the "fat" part down just fine, but I can't play worth a lick. :D


bluestrat; Did you see B.B. King in Charlotte? I'm jealous :freak: Was it with Jeff Beck? Who impressed you more?



Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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Originally posted by Dave th Dude:


"I wana get fat and play the blues"

- Jim Morrison

Really!? :eek:

Me too, but it's too late. :cry: I've got the "fat" part down just fine, but I can't play worth a lick. :D


bluestrat; Did you see B.B. King in Charlotte? I'm jealous :freak: Was it with Jeff Beck? Who impressed you more?



I saw B.B. King with Buddy Guy. B.B. Impressed me more, although Buddy Guy was good too. Buddy Guy just played with the audiences heads more. He'd start a song and then just stop in the middle and go on to something else. Buddy Guy must have ADD or at least a short attention span. :rolleyes: B.B. King was great! It was a few years ago, because I remember it was right after 9/11.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Originally posted by Dannyjoe Carter:

I sure dig 'Ol BB; It would be nice to play just a few notes as he does and still capture they same meaning with the same fire.

Musically I guess I'm long winded and it just takes a lot for me to get my point across. Of coarse I lose half my audience in the process - no wonder I'm a mechanic! :P

Dannyjoe I checked you out man you rock

I'd pay to see you live.There are still some of

us who like that style.Keep on keepin it real.

Maybe will see you on the next g-3 tour.

Put down that wrench your gift is the guitar.

Come back once in a while teach us some of

those hot licks. :wave:

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Hey Darklava!


Every once in awhile someone will make a comment like you did and it makes me fell like its all worth it. Thank you for the incouragement.

If you read in my "Personal Thoughts" section under "Open Jams" its pretty much the story of my life. Guitar players I think are born with a switch blade for a tongue.

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I saw an "infomercial" for an excercise product on TV the other night, and their string of "fitness experts" and "fitness personalities" inspired me!


I want to be a "Fatness Personality"! I'll be the bastard love-child of Chef Paul Prudhomme and Esteban!! Promoting FATT tone and heavy guitar on late-night TV!


Some of us can get a group together, and call ourselves "Masters of Gravity", purveying Sumo Rock!! :D:thu:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by Mad Cowtarzan:

i am on my way to being a half fat, half fast guitarist. this year i will have to fast to end the fat on my ass. :rolleyes:



This post gave me mental hiccups!

(And I also laughed like hell! :thu::thu: )

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Back to Caevan - count me in for the Masters of Gravity tour, I certainly qualify! As to Esteban, is he for real? I recently saw the infomercial for his $100 acoustic. I've never heard of him before, is he really a player?

My gear: http://fendercaster.freeservers.com/guit3.html


If you own two Lexus cars, do you have Lexi?

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By my nebulous entrails, he is, o' bantam-one!


If you'll allow me the indulgence of quoting myself...


Originally posted 05-07-2003 08:08 AM:


Actually, Esteban has been ragged-on, and defended, on this forum before. I recently had the pleasure of viewing his infomercial, and had I not heard of him before, I might have thought it was a satyrical parody starring Adam West! At least no-one claimed anything was covered in "Rich, Co-rinthian LEATHER!!!" :D I must admit, I can see where many folks are coming from when they critisize the man (and especially, the infamous infomercial.) But I can also see where Esteban is coming from. In short, he's making a living doing something he obviously loves, set in turn in the larger (and seedier) tradition of show-biz.


If Andres Segovia said, "The guitar loves Esteban!", and Esteban obviously can in fact play guitar like-a-ringin'-a-bell (albeit, at times, the bell rung on "Fantasy Island"!), then he's really not so bad and actually quite allright by me. I'm not too interested in buying "his" guitar, but I would go see him live if he just happened to be around sometime. I'd like to meet him, and shoot the breeze a bit- I bet the guy just loves to talk guitars! And, I bet he's unlikely to be too snobby to, which is more than I can say for a few folks (who will go unnamed) I've bumped into over the years.


May everyone enjoy some sort of "gift of guitar!" :thu: -k

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by Caevan O'Shite:

By my nebulous entrails, he is, o' bantam-one!


If you'll allow me the indulgence of quoting myself...


Originally posted 05-07-2003 08:08 AM:


Actually, Esteban has been ragged-on, and defended, on this forum before. I recently had the pleasure of viewing his infomercial, and had I not heard of him before, I might have thought it was a satyrical parody starring Adam West! At least no-one claimed anything was covered in "Rich, Co-rinthian LEATHER!!!" :D I must admit, I can see where many folks are coming from when they critisize the man (and especially, the infamous infomercial.) But I can also see where Esteban is coming from. In short, he's making a living doing something he obviously loves, set in turn in the larger (and seedier) tradition of show-biz.


If Andres Segovia said, "The guitar loves Esteban!", and Esteban obviously can in fact play guitar like-a-ringin'-a-bell (albeit, at times, the bell rung on "Fantasy Island"!), then he's really not so bad and actually quite allright by me. I'm not too interested in buying "his" guitar, but I would go see him live if he just happened to be around sometime. I'd like to meet him, and shoot the breeze a bit- I bet the guy just loves to talk guitars! And, I bet he's unlikely to be too snobby to, which is more than I can say for a few folks (who will go unnamed) I've bumped into over the years.


May everyone enjoy some sort of "gift of guitar!" :thu: -k

That is some funny shit o'shite Adam West :D
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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