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John Ashcroft - terrorism in action

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C.M., At this point the herb possession laws (for 3 or 5 grams, can't remember which) are null and void in the eyes of all level of courts due to the fact that the federal government failed to meet it's 2002 requirements to make medicinal weed available to patients, as was the order of the court. That said, it's really at the discretion of the judges to accept the fact or deny it, with the Federal Supreme Court having final say, not the government. There was a precedent set last fall where a 16 year old boy's possesion case was thrown out on the basis of the law being void due to the reasons mentioned above. Take that as you will :thu:
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"no no, the little town wasn`t like that at all. The people were amazing. We had a tire go bad, and someone we hadn`t met before spent all night running around town trying to find a tire while we stayed up with his kids and watched the northern lights. Next day there was an indian powwow, we went there and danced with the indians. I happened to mention that I have indian blood on both sides of my family, and I got to meet the tribal elders. The air was clean, the water was clean, fresh produce was all over the place. It might not be a place to debate superstring theory, but the heck with it." It's good to hear you had a good experience! I have to admit, my response was a little jaded when I responded to your post - I've had worse experiences in small towns.. That said, there definitely are very cool small towns across this country. For instance the one I live in - oceanfront at the foot of the coastal mountains - basically a thousand smelly hippies and surfers balancing between adolescence and adulthood :D We treat everyone well, at least until the inevitable political issues come up. Then it all goes to hell :D
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What I`d really like to hear is, a rebuttal from Tommy Chong "And now-mister Chong," "Yeah?" "Your comments, mister Chong." "Oh yeah, sorry man. Yeah, I`d just like to say that, like, I think General Asscrack is being a little harsh, man. I mean...uh...somebody turned off the microphone, man." "Uh...it`s Attorney General Ashcroft, mister Chong." "Who is, man?"
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<> Time to check out real estate prices in Vancouver. John Ashcroft is a disaster. I never thought someone could make Ed Meese look good, so at least Ashcroft has proven he can do the impossible.
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Oh my god, the Attorney General is enforcing state and federal laws!!! He should be forced to resign immediately!! I hate to object to everyone's horror, but Ashcroft doesn't make the laws, his job is to enforce them. I know part of the rage here is that he should be concerned with terrorists now instead of pot, but those are two different kinds of agents in the gov't. The fact that the DEA and Ashcroft are doing their jobs shouldn't be a reason to blast him. He doesn't choose whether pot is legal, the politicians we elect do. I also think the guys a bit nuts and most likely a real a-hole, but using this example is kind of dumb. Would you rather him be an A.G. who chooses what laws to enforce? He is also doing an OK job in terms of charging securities fraud now, although that's a tough thing enforce in the courts so it's slow going. Just my two cents..

Joe McDonough

Music Player Network

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But it would seem that he is doing exactly that - selective law enforcement. Paraphernalia law isn't exactly a top priority in law enforcement, is it? But it's an easy target, and it's good political rah-rah fodder for the elections. But raiding a bunch of stores selling glass is easier than actually catching drug smugglers, isn't it?
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Jeebus Joe!! Did you read anything here? The people he's busting didn't do anything illegal. They run 18 and over tobacco shops/internet stores...yeah most of the products they sell are used by people who smoke pot but that's NOT the issue. If he wants to bust people for smoking weed...well that's the law so he should do it. [b]IN FACT...Ashcroft should bust EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN who has marijuana in their house.[/b] A billion dollar industry? How many millions of arrests would that be? Could you imagine if millions of hard-working Americans were put in jail? What would that do to the economy? And if that many Americans smoke weed...WHY IN THE HELL IS IT ILLEGAL?? Is this a democracy or what? I don't want to question your intelligence Joe but...well...make some sense man.
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Here's some irony in all this: I just heard an interview a couple days ago on NPR with Cheech Marin, Chong's former partner. Cheech has over the years compiled the largest collection of Chicano artwork, and he recently put on an exhibit at the Smithsonian. He said that he had the opportunity to have a special tour in the archives at a museum next door. (I think it was the Museum of Arts and Sciences--I forget the exact name, but it's one the major museums in Washington, funded by our government. They have, he said, this incredible collection of bongs.
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[quote]Originally posted by Anderton: [b] Time to check out real estate prices in Vancouver. [/b][/quote]Vancouver figures aren't too bad, considering the popularity of the city. Mind you, you'd be paying the same for an oceanfront acre and 1356 sq. ft. house 40 minutes away from Vancouver as you'd paying for a 700 sq. ft. 3d floor loft in the city - 175K Cnd. ;)
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[quote]Originally posted by Dogfur: [b]I absolutely love the city of Vancouver and visit any chance I get. I've never checked into the actual ramifications of moving up there, though.[/b][/quote]More freedom but higher taxes - take your pick :thu:
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[quote]Originally posted by mcdonough@musicplayer.com: [b]Oh my god, the Attorney General is enforcing state and federal laws!!! He should be forced to resign immediately!! I hate to object to everyone's horror, but Ashcroft doesn't make the laws, his job is to enforce them. I know part of the rage here is that he should be concerned with terrorists now instead of pot, but those are two different kinds of agents in the gov't. The fact that the DEA and Ashcroft are doing their jobs shouldn't be a reason to blast him. He doesn't choose whether pot is legal, the politicians we elect do.[/b][/quote]Joe, Did you read the article? The people charged are facing a $250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand dollar) fine and/or 3 (three!) years in jail for *each* count of producing or selling a bong. A fucking bong! (please pardon my french, I'm a little outraged) Considering it costs roughly $60,000 (1999 NY figures)to prosecute a pot smoker (who is clearly doing something illegal, which isn't the case here), can you imagine what it will cost to prosecute each of these cases? Seriously, where do you think your hard-earned tax dollars should be spent - prosecuting people and companies who produce and sell glasswork or focusing on serious issues such as homeland security, violent crimes etc.?
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[url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/bush/story/0,7369,661458,00.html]Ashcroft follies[/url] There is seemingly no limit to how freaking scary Ashcroft can be. Check out the BOTTOM of that story. It refers to stuff in his memoirs- I checked to see if it was a big joke, but the memoirs exist under the name given. Ashcroft is in the habit of being anointed with oil in the manner of King David of biblical times when he takes high office. I wish I could tell you I was making that up. His father used to do it- his father is some sort of Pentecostal priest who's into crazy shit like that. I'm good with letting people practice their crazy religions and all, though I'm not sure that's a sign of the guy being normal enough to hold a government job. Grandiose much? We'll let you know the next time we need a guy to be appointed to the court of SAUL! *sheesh!* But here's the kicker... ...more recently, he had Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas anoint him with oil, instead of his dad. And apparently Clarence Thomas did. No joke. Is it too much to ask that our f**king Supreme Court justices not ceremonially anoint members of the Bush Cabinet with oils on their appointment to high office? Is that too much to ask? (sorry- only found out about this today, and I'm still heavily freaked out by it) Chris Johnson
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[quote]Seriously, who gives a shit about weed? These guys are crazy. I don't do drugs but could care less if anyone else does. [/quote]Lighten up, weed is not the end of the world. Could you pass the doughnuts please. :)
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Holy shit - unbelievable (except the part about $1billion - I was shopping for some glass to use, decoratively of course, and they're in the $120 range these days - I guess I should have bought then). With this dubious war and these wackos in charge, it will be the sixties all over again - maybe we'll get some more good music finally :thu:

Steve Powell - Bull Moon Digital


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Now it looks like they've got the FCC ready to dismantle telecommunication regulation entirely... Those poor corporations, they need another handout. I... thought it might be "bad", I didn't think it was going to really get this surreal. They're moving things along *fast*.

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  • 1 month later...
[quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]Now it looks like they've got the FCC ready to dismantle telecommunication regulation entirely... Those poor corporations, they need another handout. I... thought it might be "bad", I didn't think it was going to really get this surreal. They're moving things along *fast*.[/b][/quote]This could mean a damper on the Internet and loss of International, and maybe even National, corresponding between persons. I can see this wacko government imposing a heavy tax on the Internet and restricting or prohibiting certain users that do not meet expectations. Nobody wants to believe that the Bush Administration is very dangerous to the liberties of Americans. Ashcroft is out of the Jackass State of Missouri........ In the 2000 elections where Mel Carnahan was killed just a few weeks prior to elections; Ashcroft was the contender and it was expected that the race would go to him upon Carnahan's death. Political arguments centered on the state of Missouri keeping their polls open longer than normal suggesting that it was a ploy to tilt the Presidential votes............ In actuality, the polls had mounds and mounds of angry citizens that turned out to vote a "DEAD MAN" into office to keep Ashcroft "OUT" Thus being the birth of Senator Jean Carnahan. Ashcroft is an ASS. The Bush Administration, well............... The time is absolutely RIGHT NOW for America to wake up to what's going on with our current leadership, but no one wants to admit that they have supported the enemy. I will say this; once our government starts going lock, stock, and barrell for weapons abduction and the ban on arms....... People would be foolish to comply without united resistance. NRA needs support whether people "LIKE" guns or not; Hitler's reign banned the possession of weapons prior to his masacre. Without weapons people had no means of resistance to submit to his command or be slaughtered. IT'S HERE and IT'S NOW.......... and if something doesn't happen REAL FAST; America, as we've known it, is forever gone. With this war being calculated to mount into the multiple BILLIONS of dollars; I would not put it past this realm of government to declare a national state of bankruptcy, after the fact, which would throw our country into WORSE things than a Depression. I'm sure that if you do some homework; you will find that not only is Bush name linked to Oil, but also, when traced back a bit; BANKING! The FDIC could be slammed to the ground and banking manipulation could become a holy terror. You know that if I disappear off the boards, the FEDS came and got me. These organized protests should be about more things than just the war going on; they should be asking for impeachment of Bush and many of his Team Members.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


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What happened when the U.S. government couldn't find Bin Laden? They targeted Saddam! Now things aren't going as well in Iraq as they thought so they need another diversion... SIMPLE!! You see it is REALLY all about WMD! "[b]W[/b]eed, [b]M[/b]arijuana, [b]D[/b]ope!" Batten down your hatches folks! I can see a 'bunker buster' coming to a dope patch near YOU!!
"WARNING!" - this artificial fruit juice may contain traces of REAL FRUIT!!
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Ashcroft is just another Freudian misplaced child, he hates his mother, he has an a-typical Identity Crises, and he has no concept of freedom and democracy. You can't force democracy and freedom on anyone, if it's with the front end of a gun(or law), thats part of the problem with these guys going GLOBAL.
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