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Official guitplayer Guitar Giveaway Contest!

michael saulnier

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Originally posted by Bob Keelan:

I deserve the PRS because I have 2 grammys.


Here's one of them:



I have 3 grammys. Don't ask how, long story :thu:
\m/ Timothy Lyons
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Look here guitplayer, I don't take kindly to no fooling around on the intenet like 'at. I told you, you sucked, and I meant it. Now you best be mailing out that Les Paul to me pretty directly or you'll be hearing from my attorney, or else I could track you down and whoop your ass. I'll do it too boy. I ain't a telling you where I live. You ship that guitar to Myles and I'll get if from him.
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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Look here guitplayer, I don't take kindly to no fooling around on the intenet like 'at. I told you, you sucked, and I meant it. Now you best be mailing out that Les Paul to me pretty directly or you'll be hearing from my attorney, or else I could track you down and whoop your ass. I'll do it too boy. I ain't a telling you where I live. You ship that guitar to Myles and I'll get if from him.

Wewus, I've already talked to your attorneys... remember the ones who negotiated your record deal... :rolleyes:


Well, they've performed their magic again....


It turns out YOU owe ME a guitar, and have to pay me $50 every time I play it... :eek:


But don't worry, since I'm keeping my other guitars it will only get in the rotation every few days or so!


Tell the Donna's I said, HOWDY!


It's been a pleasure doing business with you! :thu:



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Originally posted by EmptinessOFYouth:

but still, who woud have won the guitar?

OK, you WANT to torture yourself? :wave:


Who was in the lead the LAST time I mentioned it? :eek:


Now consider I take off points for "spelling"? :rolleyes:


Who do you think would have won?



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Originally posted by TheWewus:

guitplayer speak with fork-ed tongue!

People, Don't Fear the Wewus!


"Say, would mind stopping by tonight, the wife and I are having a little "business meeting"... ummm... "no, you don't need to bring anything, but... emmmm... wear business attire"... ahhhh. "AMWAY?... uhhhh... well... what have you heard about it?"


Let me educate you Wewus... POT is the world's largest multi-level marketing organization... NOT AMWAY... :eek:


I mean, if you're going to be "big" why not go with the "best"! :thu:




* The previous was a JOKE.


Intended solely for sociological, political and economic satire purposes only. I do not support the illicit use of controlled substances, and have never been engaged in ANY act of commerce involving them. Further, trafficing in illegal substances may result in underpaying various Federal and State taxes and in my opinion, that's right out.


So, if you're a member of a US or State law enforcement organization... NOTHING TO LOOK AT HERE... MOVE ALONG... I'M FREE TO GO.



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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I played a 1970's japanese telecaster rip-off with a strange oval shaped neck and AMAZINGLY low quality single coil pick-ups for my first 3 years of playing guitar. Then I worked 12 hours a day at a burger stand at the county fair (getting $6.00 and hour with no overtime) to get the $400 to buy my current Ibanez Rg-270. I'm the posterchild for playing shitty guitars. I drive a 1985 Ford Tempo with broken EVERYTHING - the front end is smashed all to hell, we had to winch it out using a tree as an anchor after I crashed it. The headlights are bolted onto the frame. The muffler fell off about a month ago. With my current job at a pizza place I probably could have afforded a better car (the tempo was $500) if I hadn't spent $799 (before tax) on a new Mesa Rectofier Traditional 4x12 Cab(badass). Some kid owes me $120 and as soon as he pays me I'm going to run down to guitar center and buy myself a new EMG 81 to stick in the bridge of my Ibanez. Basically, I deserve a new guitar because I spend every cent I have on guitar stuff and as a result, am broke and dress like a hobo. I even asked my parents for a Gibson Les Paul for a graduation present but they said it was too expensive. I currently have 47 cents in my bank account. I can also play a pretty mean solo.
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Well, you've got a right to sing tha blues...


Too bad Guitplayer already gave the guitars to Carmine, what with his "old" guitars, some are even old, out-of-style 50's Gibsons and Fenders (you should see this one silly one, a Gretsch Round-up cowboy lookin' thing), he really desperately needed and deserved'em.


Hard luck, hugh??!!?? :P:D:P:D:P:D

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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We should all give our guitars to Carmine, just to show him that we care. I'm just kidding but I do care about Carmine. He's an unusual guy, for a dick, just kidding again. What the hell, I might wind up being Carmine's best student, in hell, just kidding again. It's funny you can say anything you want if you say "just kidding" right after it.
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I know who you are...


You're really Eric Cartman! And I'm playing your mom's guitar!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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  • 11 months later...
A very nicely played out April Fool's joke, guitplayer--You pretty much had me fooled, but since I tend to read through an entire thread before posting my reply, I did of course discover your true intentions before I had a chance to post. For me, the Les Paul Standard would have made a nice addition to go along with my '03 Fender Standard Strat that I was blessed to be able to get only last September, although if you had offered a Gibson ES-335, I would have gone for that. No "hard luck" stories from this corner, as God has blessed my family and I in many ways.

Robert J. ("Bob") Welch III


"If you were the only person who ever lived, God still would have sent Jesus His only Son to die on the cross for YOU, because that is how much HE LOVES YOU!"

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I had my Strat leaning against the wall of my workshop where I was doing some repair work. I accidentally knocked over my belt sander and when it hit the floor the darned thing came on, shot across the floor, knocked over my Strat and sanded the paint off all the way to the wood on the top front of the guitar where my forearm rests. Then on it's trip across my guitar it sanded off a few other places on the front as well. Before the sander ran out of electrical cord and came to a stop it knocked over some garden tools which naturally fell on the guitar putting deep dents all over the top.

So to make the best of the situation I took off all the hardware to polish up what was left of the finish. By then I was so upset that I accidentally droped the hardware into a can of battery acid that I had left open. By the time I got the hardware out most of the chrome was all dull and rusty looking.

I got everything back together but now the darn thing looks like it is 50 years old.

So that's why I need a new Strat.

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I can't believe I missed the contest. I had a great alien abduction end of the World thing going on.


And might I add that the new guitplayer seems to be working much harder than the old American one(see the shocking Outsourcing thread at the SSS).

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