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Here ya' go. Order this. And then back to the cave with ya!! ~~~Lee [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000061GJ/qid=/sr=/ref=cm_lm_asin/002-8733801-9512839?v=glance]GODFRIKKINZILLA SOUNDTRACK[/url] [quote]Originally posted by Hank The Cave Peanut: [b]OK, this sounds like a silly question, but does anyone know where I can find instrumental music from the Godzilla movies? The reason I ask is because I just watched Godzilla vs. Megalon (a fine cinematic experience by anyone's standard) and the instrumental music used throughout is just so... so... [i]weird![/i] In one fight scene, I recall the music having Jew's harp, bass clarinet, Duane Eddy-type guitar, and a waka-waka disco rhythm... And that's just one song... Others were equally odd with bizarre instrumentation. It often sounded like three or four songs in different genres were being played simultaneously. The trouble is, there were so many sound effects and Godzilla "eeeeeeee!" noises that it was difficult to make out the music in the background. But when the music came to the surface and I could hear it, all I could do was scratch my head and go, "What the [i]hell[/i] are they playing?!?!?!?" So, does anyone know where I can track down some mid '70s Godzilla music sans sound effects? Were there ever any albums of this stuff released? Do the DVDs have any soundtrack music without effects? Did the filmmakers use generic Japanese production music? (If so, that's some out there production music!) Still scratching my head over what I just experienced... :confused: [/b][/quote]

Joe Pine (60's talk show host who sported a wooden leg) to Frank Zappa -- "So, with your long hair, I guess that makes you a woman." Frank Zappa's response -- "So, with your wooden leg, I guess that makes you a table."




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[quote]Originally posted by Hank The Cave Peanut: [b]Wow, it turns out [url=http://members.fortunecity.com/hgrele/Godzilla%20vs.%20Megalon.htm]there really [i]is[/i] a soundtrack album to Godzilla vs. Megalon[/url] ... :eek: I'd actually be more into hearing this than the Godzilla-soundtrack-music-through-the-years album, simply because the music in this movie struck me as... well, not "good", but... utterly [i]demented.[/i] :D Unfortunately, this CD is out of print. Don't know where I can buy one (nothing on eBay)... Anybody have any ideas?[/b][/quote]Hmmm, you may search Godzilla fan groups on the web, someone might have a bootleg copy they'd be able to burn you for a nominal fee. Some of the sites may be primarily Japanese. You might want to email Toho Ltd for more info. I'm with you. I love Godzilla movies and their hokey soundtracks, too, and the weirder they are, the better they are.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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That's not a silly question at all. There's actually a lot of Godzilla music sites, and a lot of rabid fans. I don't happen to know any specific links, but have successfully found quite a lot of links in the past by doing Google searches. A lot of the stuff is also on CD now, re-released by Toho, although some of the CDs may be out of print. For these, you'll have to look around on the collector's sites (which should also pop up on Google) or on EBay, where there's almost always sure to be some. And if you have a turntable, there's stuff on wax, too.
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