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Masterlink "Classic"?

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Just saw this at Sweetwater: Masterlink "Classic": http://www.sweetwater.com/store/masterlink.php Basically, the same Masterlink but with a smaller 4GB drive. Pretty cool deal if you already know you want to use your own larger drive.... $700 Speaking of which... I know this has been on the forums before... but how large of a drive can you install in these (firmware size limits?) and who has done it? Valky

Valkyrie Sound:




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I believe 20 or 30 gig is max. Also, heat can be an issue so you should avoid faster spinning hd's. There are a lot of good info over at Frangioni's, GM's and/or Nichols' forums. /Mats


What do we want? Procrastination!

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re> how large of a drive can you install in these (firmware size limits?) and who has done it? Hi Valky, The largest drive we have been able to install and verify correctly works is 20 gigs. I have heard of a few customers who have 30 gig drives installed, but we have not been able to get them to work reliably. I would really suggest you stay at 20 gigs. See ya, Chuck Surack
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I could've sworn that a month or so ago I got a mailer from GC that said they had them (the "original") for about that price ($700). But it's still a good deal. Now all you have to do is add the now $5000 D8B and the $1300 SDR24/96 and somebody's got the core of a not-too-bad setup. Peace
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[quote]Originally posted by felix: [b]If memory serves correctly, this was the original HD size that Alesis shipped in the Masterlinks. Great Deal, by the way.[/b][/quote]Actually, I think the original original was 3.5 GB... ...and for $700, it's a smoking deal. The Masterlink is one of the coolest pieces of gear that Alesis ever produced, IMO. It's indispensible to me - it gets used more often than most things in my studio. :thu: dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


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Okay...funny story... When we were getting ready to debut the MasterLink (way back when I was Jeff the Alesis guy in '99), I was writing the content for the introductory brochures, press releases, web and so on. I remember saying something like, "You'll enjoy working with the MasterLink's [i]massive[/i] 3.5GB internal hard drive." Someone...probably then-product manager Don Hannah...pointed out to me that in a short time period, 3.5GB would no longer be considered "massive" by any definition. I debated him on it, but then acquiesced...and I'm sure glad I did. :) - Jeff
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I really like the Masterlink, it has served us well ever since we got it close to 3 years ago. Alesis R&D team nailed it pretty good from the start, not very much to complain about really. My only real complaints: 16 playlists max, no digital sync I/O. I wish they also could get a ML2 to the market anytime soon. (preferably with FireWire + USB2 + ethernet jacks, a removable front panel that could serve as a wired remote, hardware expansion bay á la digital consoles for plug-ins and such, external sync jack, better display) Jeff, how long is the R&D process for a product like the original masterlink? /Mats


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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[quote]Originally posted by Mats_Olsson: [b]Jeff, how long is the R&D process for a product like the original masterlink?[/b][/quote]Not as long as you'd think. In fact, the guy that really created it didn't think it was a really big deal...he didn't understand my desire to hype it up big-time. For him, as an engineering effort, it was less work than many other products he'd been involved in. The longest part was the creation of the DSP stuff and some of the UI design. The idea of a ML2 was already being bandied about before the original was even released, but it's been three years since I was at Alesis, so I have no idea if that was still something in the works from the new company. - Jeff
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[quote]Originally posted by Mats_Olsson: [b]I wish they also could get a ML2 to the market anytime soon. (preferably with FireWire + USB2 + ethernet jacks, a removable front panel that could serve as a wired remote, hardware expansion bay á la digital consoles for plug-ins and such, external sync jack, better display)[/b][/quote]Yeah, plug-ins would be cool. Imagine having a GML EQ or some Waves processing. That would be the shizit! Sly :cool:
Whasineva ehaiz, ehissgot ta be Funky!
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[quote]Originally posted by Chuck Surack: [b].. The largest drive we have been able to install and verify correctly works is 20 gigs. I have heard of a few customers who have 30 gig drives installed, but we have not been able to get them to work reliably. I would really suggest you stay at 20 gigs. See ya, Chuck Surack[/b][/quote]Hi Chuck, I've installed 30Gb drives in 3 Masterlink units. Apart from the infrequent freeze when the innards get above a certain temp, all is well. dB, I also put a lot of duty on my ML, but nowadays I'm finding preference for my TASCAM CD-RW700, cuz at the end of a show, the CD is finished, and then I can play with the audio on the laptop, before the gear has to be broken down..
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I have a couple of questions for Masterlink owners Is it a quiet unit? I mean quiet enough to use for remote recording, perhaps in the same room with a choir or solo piano? How much 24 bit audio can you get on that small, less than 5 gig drive? Thanks, Day

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