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What is your favorite 80's hair band?

not coaster MODERATOR

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Isn't having a "favorite 80's hair band" kind of like having a "preferred form of torture"?


Sorry... I skipped that whole "hair band" scene. Now, if you want to open it up to "favorite 80's band" then I'll go with Hüsker Dü!!


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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aw come on..it's a big world out there and there's room enough for big hair as well as husker du, replacements, etc.

posion was a hoot and c.c. deville still is a hoot on the talk show circuit (he should have his own show). worst big hair has to go to jennifer batten when she was with everybody's favorite pedophile--michael jackson..that was some mullet-in-a-light-socket hair!



-d. gauss

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slade rocked! noddy holder was the best!


-d. gauss


btw, for those who don't know, slash took his whole tophat thing from slade....steal from the best!


This message has been edited by d gauss on 08-30-2001 at 02:34 AM

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Iron Maiden, duh!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

No, really, I grew up with those guys. Always playing those cassettes in my deck. I'm still big fan of Iron

Maiden. I was happy when I heard that Bruce and Adrian came back. Three guitar onslaught! I went to concert and they kicked ass!!!!!

Up the irons!

If it sounds god, just play the darn thing
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Slade was cool, great to dance to, along with Sweet and Gary Glitter, some of the original Bowie-era glam rock bands. Hard to take seriously (except for Bowie of course) but lots of fun.


But I digress.......those were 70's bands. 80's hair bands? I would have to say Faster Pussycat. They didn't last long, but I saw them at the Whiskey and they had the look,presence and charisma of a real rock'n'roll band. (too bad they didn't have any strong material to match) Poison would be #2. Better material but a little too commercialized.



I used to jam 'til dawn with C.C. in a crummy little studio in Hollywood along with some other night creatures. He already had the record deal but I guess he just liked it down in the gutter...........

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Slade kicked ass.


80's hair bands, hated 'em all. Probably because I was a full time engineer in L.A. at the peak of the hair band phenomenon and had to record WAY too many of them. That was what originally convinced me that I wasn't cut out to be a full time engineer. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif It was just STAGGERING how many of those bands were around Hollywood - where did they all COME from? And where are they now? Last time I was in L.A. a couple of years ago, I went down to Sunset Strip on a weekend night, and whereas for the whole time I'd lived there and been going to clubs (1977-1992) it had been packed with wall to wall bighairs, now it's just DEAD. Never thought I'd see that happen. I mean I'd have thought it would have gone away a long time ago but every time one generation of hair bands would grow up, another was always there to take its place. No longer, apparently. In a way, it's kind of sad. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


But in this era of DJ's and electronic music, I am actually HAPPY when I walk into Guitar Center and hear kids playing "Stairway." I may hate it, but if kids stopped wanting to play "Stairway" I now realize that would severely screw up my model of the cosmos. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif And I guess the same goes for the new crop of kids playing metal - at least they want to strap on a guitar and turn it up to 11 and be in a real band that actually plays together. So rock on, dudes!



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Originally posted by Tedster:

I dunno...maybe Quiet Riot, for those covers of Slade tunes. Slade was a gas...anyone remember them???



Ted you old fogey you mean you remember them? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif Ok me too http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif Great band imho, true brummy rock band, no frills airs or graces just pump it out at full volume. I saw them a couple of times and loved it, serious party music bless 'em!



...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Originally posted by Tedster:

'Cept they ain't playing "Stairway" any more...it's "Enter Sandman" by Metallica these days...


Well, that too. But trust me, there are still plenty of "Stairway" kids. A friend of mine works at Guitar Center and gets them all the time. One time I went in there and he took a break and we went to a back room and jammed for a bit. Then, because my friend enjoys getting up to a little mischief, he said, "Watch this," and started playing "Stairway." Sure enough, after a few bars a whole crowd of kids started to crowd into the doorway of the little room where we were. As soon as there were a whole bunch of them, my friend abruptly stopped playing and started talking to me about the Who or something. The kids looked really crestfallen and finally one of them couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted us: "Dude, that was great! Keep playing!" My friend said, "No!" and continued talking to me. It was all I could do to keep a straight face, and when they finally left we were laughing for days!



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Originally posted by nrg music:


Ted you old fogey you mean you remember them? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif Ok me too http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif Great band imho, true brummy rock band, no frills airs or graces just pump it out at full volume. I saw them a couple of times and loved it, serious party music bless 'em!






Please Simon, could you define "brummy" for us, so when I go to England I don't embarrass myself by saying something stupid like "'alf a poynt 'o brummy, Guv'nah", or "Oy've 'ad a bit much, could you be so koynd as to point me to the brummy"...


And Slade did rock!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Honeymoon Suite. They were like a Canadian Bon Jovi! They're one of my guilty pleasures. I love their "Big Prize" tape. It was a little ecletic, Ian Anderson played on one song, and Derry Grehan, the guitarist, eas very talented, often going from prog-rock type leads to Van Halenesque runs within the same song. I was always bummed back then that they weren't more popular.


I'm too young to remember the origianl incarnation of Slade, but I remember "Run Runaway" fondly. I loved the video with the old castle and all of the bagpipers! I think the had a power ballad too after "Run Runaway", but I may be mistaken... I know the eighties were nothing like the sixties, but for those of us that came of age then, it was all that we had... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif







bari man low



"50 million Elvis Presley fans can't be all wrong" - John Prine

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Buffalo, Memorial Auditorium. Circa 1982.




Quiet Riot



THE NIGHT OF THE LIVING BANDS THAT SUCK ! ! ! ! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


No wonder I smoked all that weed back then.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/redface.gif






KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Hey folks-back from vacation

I still kinda like Winger-but they got barbecued along with the rest of the Hair crowd...

Also Night Ranger-Jeff Watson/Brad Gillis. One of them had a nice two hand technique. They also did some really awful ballads, tho...

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Originally posted by Tedster:



Please Simon, could you define "brummy" for us, so when I go to England I don't embarrass myself by saying something stupid like "'alf a poynt 'o brummy, Guv'nah", or "Oy've 'ad a bit much, could you be so koynd as to point me to the brummy"...


And Slade did rock!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif






For the sake of international relations and cos I would hate you to make an ass of yourself a 'brummy' is the slang word for a person who comes from Birmingham our supposed second city and its only 30 miles from where I live. Its a pretty vibrant place the only hassle with the brummies is they tend to whinge a lot!!


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Originally posted by Mile:

Maiden. I was happy when I heard that Bruce and Adrian came back. Three guitar onslaught! I went to concert and they kicked ass!!!!!

Up the irons!


Adrian came back, but is Dave Murray still in there? I might have to check them out for old times sake...


It's cool to see Fender finally came out with a Steve Harris bass.




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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Right back at cha' Tedster.


I guess it's really in and trendy now to mock those bands. But in every genre of music you had good and bad. I look back at those years with fond memories. That was when I really decided to bust my ass and practise for ridiculous hours at a time. The music was competitive and flashy and just what a 20 year old needs to light a fire under his ass. It was a good time for guitar players who needed inspiration if only to overdose on that style and move on to something else. Whatever gets you going is good.


I play Blues and Jazz exclusively now but if it wasn't for Sir Edward Van Halen, Jake E. Lee, Vivian Campbell, George Lynch, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, and a ton of other people I would never have found my way to Django Reinhardt, Wes Montgomery, Grant Green, Robben Ford, Scott Henderson, Jimi Hendrix, and Little Jimmy King.


I still love the first Dio album. It still blows away any de-tuned thing out today.






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Hey, a big welcome back from me too Jimmy! Wondered where you'd disappeared to!


Well I agree that whatever gets you going is good if you end up in a good place. Personally, I don't hate 80's hair bands cuz it's in or trendy to hate 'em - I hated 'em back then and still do. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif Excess just never has been my thing, I've always been a minimalist at the core. But that's just me and, as I said earlier, I'd still take hair bands any day over electronic dance music! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

I don't hate 80's hair bands cuz it's in or trendy to hate 'em - I hated 'em back then and still do. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif







Oh yeah, DIO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





KHAN (I'm the man from the Silver Mountain )




This message has been edited by KHAN on 09-04-2001 at 10:53 PM

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Speaking of Dio...


For a time about four or so years ago, I was an instructor at the National Weather Service Training Center here in Kansas City. We'd train new meteorologists in different aspects of their jobs.


Well, we had one Forecaster Development Course come through...and a young guy named Dan was sitting in the back. He happened to mention that he had strayed from the "family trade" which was music. He mentioned that his father was a singer in a metal band. I assumed it was someone on a local level...but he said..."No, actually, you might have heard of my dad...he's Ronnie James Dio". Well, Dan had a different last name, due to the fact that his parents had divorced when he was four...but, his real father was the man on the silver mountain. Dan never had the urge to seek his fortune in rock and roll, though. I will say, that like it or not, Dio has one heck of a voice...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I remember Angel...I don't know if I ever heard any of their stuff, but those mags I used to read...Creem and geez...what was the other one like it? Oh yeah, Circus...(wonder whatever happened to those mags?) But they ran features on "Angel"...supposedly they had some sort of magic trick they'd open their shows with...
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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