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So, the wife and I went to Ozzfest at the Tweeter Center. We both wanted to see Sabbath and Mansion, but figured we'd get there early and check out the other bands. SOme I had never heard of, and some have been getting some airplay. To a one they all bored us to tears. Wait, one exception, Disturbed was ok. Everyone else was trying to compete in a heavy fest. SUper, ultra saturated guitars, rumbling bass, double kick drums, and lots of ch-chunk. No substance whatso ever. None of these guys even did a real guitar solo. I mean, Zakk Wyld tried. All he managed to do was to play really fast in modes. No melody. No character. Nothing.


Then Mason came on. Now, I don't own a MM album, but I always liked what I had heard on the radio. These guys rocked. For all the hype and pagentry, MM's bank came out and kicked ass for 40 minutes. It was unique, original, and most importantly, it made me feel emotions, unlike the previous 9 hours of white noise.


Then Sabbath came on.

Think what you may, but Tony Iommi pretty much single handedly invented heavy metal guitar. And he handed every one of those limp dicked little guitarists like Zakk thier hats that night. These guys think distortion is what makes music heavy. When they played "Black Sabbath" that may have been the heaviest thing I've every heard live. And Tony doesn't use nearly the amount of hyper-overdrive that these whelps do. And Tony knows how to rip your heart out, too. Someone needs to teach these kids about the blues, before it's late, lol.


Tony Iommi is a god.


But, that just my opinion.

I really don't know what to put here.
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I didn't go to OzzFest this year but I saw the Reunion tour a few years ago...walking out of the arena all that my brother and I could say was...


"That's how the pros do it..."


Not a statement to be taken literally but figuratively speaking they started it all and no one playiing that style has matched them since.


We said the same thing after seeing Deep Purple (with Steve Morse on guitar) and ELP around the same time.


Some guys just play with so much heart and energy that they simply stand out.


David Gillmore is another guy who comes to mind.

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The following is an email to me from a friend that used to work at the music store I teach at, bass player in a band that was quite notoriously loud locally. Note: I *think* he's just joking about the microphone bit... ) (also note that the reference to "Hoehn" is (one) the crazy guy I've mentioned in past. At one point he had the habit of saying in a Colonel Klink voice over the mic at gigs "brwiiing me Hogannnn. Now! You must remooove ze trousers...) :




Just got back from Ozzfest. It was so loud I was in physical pain. The loudest

act of the night was Marilyn Manson and while yes, I enjoyed seeing him pull his

panties down and actually insert the microphone into his ass (I somehow had

fond memories of Hoehn when this happened) the sound mix was just too

fucking loud. Even the uneducated masses were saying it was too loud.

Muddy as hell, badly mixed......what the hell was going on? Now, what WAS

cool was that during Slipknot's set, they had a song that had several subsonic

pulses in it that altered our equilibrium. I thought it was just me but the entire

audience was effected. Black Sabbath was okay. The musicians were fine

but Ozzy was out of key the whole set. He was dead on last year. Oh well.

Oh yeah, a guy came out before Slipknot went on and started stapling stuff to

his body with a staple gun. I liked it when he stapled a t-shirt to his forehead.

Then of course, all the blood that streamed down his body as he removed them.

What the fuck is wrong with people today? I was looking at some of the kids

there and still don't believe some of the shit I saw.



Tales from the Apocalypse...



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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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marilyn manson: <>


can't wait to see his endorsement ad for shure mics:

"only a shure has enough class to go up Marilyn Manson's ass!"


talk about proximity effect! plus i'd hate to be the singer for band that followed them! (maybe that's why ozzy was out of tune!)


-d. gauss

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My youngest son (16) went to MUDFEST. Didn't stay long enough to see Marilyn Hanson. It rained all day. The mob was engaged in a huge mud battle throughout the whole show. Apparently the singer for one of the bands (could it have been Linkin Park?) suggested that the crowd was having too much fun, and to throw some mud up on stage...the crowd obliged, and the singer proceeded to smear himself with mud. When we went to Sandstone for the Tom Petty show...there were still plenty of places with straw covering bare dirt from where the Ozzfest crowd had torn up the sod.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ozzy is always out of tune. He forgets the words alot too. Forgot the words to Iron Man when I saw him last week. But, it's kind of endearing.


I wish we had mud last week. It was hot, hot hot all day. I thought the Mrs. was going to pass out.

I really don't know what to put here.
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