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Give me the Finger!

michael saulnier

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Ok, I couldn't resist the title... but what I'm talking about is the "PINKY" finger on your fretting hand.


The recent GripMaster / finger strength thread got me thinking about relative left hand finger strength, and in particular the pinky.


When I was first playing guitar, my pinky was my weakest digit, but I was determined to make it a viable part of my technique, and after a while I found I couldn't "play what I heard" without using it. Especially for soloing and vibrato... making my pinky finger sound the same as my other fingers took a lot of playing time and persistence... but now it's just natural for me.


However a number of "classic" players have done pretty well with little or no picky input.


How about you? Are you a four or a three fingered player? If you use your pinky, did you do certain exercises to "get it in shape"?


How about the playing frets above 12? Do you still use the same technique up there? (I will sometimes switch to three fingers above B)...



I'm still "guitplayer"!

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It's not really a pinky thing, but it's the best I could do on short notice...




So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Oh yea,the topic.

In high school I was a three finger wonder. But durring the "College Years" (I lost count after 5 ) I worked hard on scales to get the little bugger in line.


P.S. Look Ma ,no GIF's !

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Hmm. I've always used my pinky. Guess it never even occurred to me not to, because when I was first learning guitar I played acoustic and did a lot of finger picking stuff. Always did hammer-on's and such with my pinky, so when I started playing electric I naturally practiced scales and everything with my pinky too. I don't know how anybody plays without it, though obviously lots of great players do. Then again my hands aren't that big and I need it for certain stretches.


I never treated my pinky any differently from other fingers as far as doing special exercises for it. Once you incorporate it into your playing it naturally gets exercised. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



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Originally posted by guitplayer:

How about the playing frets above 12? Do you still use the same technique up there? (I will sometimes switch to three fingers above B)...


Different situations call for different things. Sometimes it's advantageous to use the 3rd, sometimes the pinky; depends on what is coming after that note....


One thing about growing up in the "Metal Years" - I never thought twice about any "decision" to use the pinky, it had to be used to be effective.



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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Chip wrote.

>>>One thing about growing up in the "Metal Years"


You too. Man I loved Metal in the late 70's and early 80's. Randy Rhodes gave me a "Pinky-ache or two.Too bad most of it didn't stand the test of time. I still listen to a little Ozzy,Sabbath,Dio and Deep Purple.

Hmm....Where did I pack that Dinky Reverse with the Floyd Rose ? \\\

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Hmm, well I grew up during the metal years too, but never really liked metal much. Certainly none of that influence has ever crept into my playing, and I have never owned a Marshall. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif I like a lot of "hard rock" that is not really metal, like early Aerosmith and AC/DC, and Jason and the Scorchers, and there are a few old Black Sabbath records that I think are cool, but metal got old for me in a hurry.


Nice to see you too Khan! As for my "project", sheesh, which one? I have two recording gigs going on, plus my programming job (got a deadline on that this week), life is crazy. Been hard to find the time to work on my own stuff. But at least the other projects I'm working on are cool. Well OK, one of them is cool, the other one kind of sucks http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif but it pays well and they're nice people, so that's OK.


I still try and look in here when I can, but have little time to post at the moment. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif Don't worry though, I'm still thinking of all you guys!



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I'm a beginning player and my instructor has me playing scales out the wazoo. I use that pinky, oh man, do I use it... From reading the thread, I'm guessing that you can get by without it, but does that mean that the other fingers are getting a heavy workout to compensate for the fourth that's not being used? Ah well, good karma until next time http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif
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posted by Infernon:

>>>From reading the thread, I'm guessing that you can get by without it.


Those who don't use all availble left hand fingers(for right hand players) , usually do so through a lack of fundamentals.(Although many wood shop teachers play with less than four ).. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif Your instructor has you on the right path.....Go Johnny Go ! ! !



....................(I didn't realize you couldn't change your user name back for seven days...)


(feeling like I have a split personality) http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/ultima/MON6.GIF



This message has been edited by HANZ AND FRANZ on 02-22-2001 at 02:27 PM

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I use my pinky religiously...but, I don't bend with it. I have, but not usually. I'll use my third (usually a combination of at least second and third) for bends, even if it's a fret that would usually be attainable via pinky. And I do usually go down to three fingers above the 12th. Just not enough room for my porky little digits up there.


Conversely, I struggle to get the Anular (ring finger, so don't make any "Anal" jokes) going on my right hand. As far as fingerpickin' goes, I'm a PIM guy. I'm trying to change, I reaaaally am.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Some players use their pinky finger to play barre chords. While I can see why they do this, I learned to do it with my ring finger, (anular finger, Thanks Tedster http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif)...


I guess I stuck with this technique because it allowed me to use the pinky to embellish these chords with the least movement.


How about you, when you bash a rockin' E5 chord, are you using that pinky?



I'm still "guitplayer"!

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Guys like Chet Atkins, Mark Knophler (sp appologies), and Taylor clinician Steven King all use the little finger extensively for melodic purposes...as do most jazz players....I think the idea of the grip master being used to strengthen is great, but you need flexability to really intricate things....my 2 cents...JT



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That's kind of funny, my instructor used to get on my case for using my pinky too much. I used to bend with it all the time but he broke me of that, probably a good thing as I use pretty heavy gage strings. I still use it constantly, I can't imagine NOT using it nowadays, I just stay away from doing too many bends with it. I still pull one off once in a while though.
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I say if you can do a good bend with your pinky, why not? Gopher it!


On the right hand thing, I read a classical lesson in GP on doing scales alternating the pinky (can't remember the letter) and "a" (anular or ring finger). GAWD! That's damn near impossible, but the guy said using the pinky would increase your "a" finger's nimbleness, so maybe it's worth a try.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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  • 4 years later...

Yhup. I use my little-fingers on both hands, at least once in a while.


My picking-hand thumb, too, all the time; and sometimes (but not very often), I even fret with my fretting-hand's thumb- from under the neck, not over it!

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~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

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