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The new and improved "what the hell is this?" thread


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Ok, i reposted it because no one was reading all the replies in the original one and kept listening to the crappy wav file i had uploaded, so this one has the gp4 file i uploaded


Gp4 is a midi tablature program, which is actually very useful for learning songs and arranging songs as well. you can download it from



you can download a demo version only...


PS im not telling you to download it, so dont yell at me for having this in a format that you cant open. Like ive repeated before, i dont have a mic to plug into my pc, so i cant record it.

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Originally posted by viejid:

PS im not telling you to download it, so dont yell at me for having this in a format that you cant open. Like ive repeated before, i dont have a mic to plug into my pc, so i cant record it.

Sigh... I think you're the one that wasn't reading the replies. I provided a link to a website where you could enter the melody you're trying to communicate, and search to try and find the song you're hearing for yourself.


Incidentally, where did the initial .wav file come from, if you don't have recording capabilities? :confused:


Does Guitar Pro have standard notation abilities, or just tab? If it does notation, you could always take a screen capture of the program while it's displaying the notation, and link to that image...


I'm starting to get a headache... why am I spending so much time on this? :confused::P

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Originally posted by Sven Golly:

why am I spending so much time on this? :confused::P

I don't know why I'm spending time on this either, but I am. I think it's the puzzle of trying to figure out the piece based on the bastardized version that the guy posted in the original .wav file. (I'm not downloading guitar pro or whatever to hear the other version).


The piece is definitely recognizable, but only marginally so. I'm pretty sure that I played it sometime growing up, but it's also possible that I recognize the theme from one of my mother's violin students. It's almost like the original recording is off just enough to throw me off.


I agree with those who think it's Bach, but I don't think it's one of the two-part inventions. I just ran through my book of two-part inventions, and this theme isn't in there. (For anyone interested, I actually stumbled upon a link to versions of each two-part invention if anyone wants to check them out: http://www.bachcentral.com/invent.html .)


Anyway, I'll keep puzzling over this, but, like Sven, I'll continue to wonder why I'm doing so . . .



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For future reference, try saving it as a .jpg or .gif; makes it a much smaller file, and web compatible.


I've done that, and resized it so it's a bit smaller. I have no idea what the tune is, but perhaps someone else will recognize it from this:



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Here are a few ideas :


- Get yourself a freeware WAV to MP3 converter. This way, you'll be able to upload sound files 10 times smaller. :)


- Get yourself a freeware picture converter. Don't use the BMP format for pictures, except when you need a extraordinary onscreen image quality. For the Internet, use instead the JPG format with a 75% maximal quality (at least 25% compression). This again will give picture files about 10 times smaller. :)


Not everyone has a high speed connection. OK, I'm kind of retarded still using a modem, but anyways... :wave:

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Im sorry, austin is a pretty internet friendly town so its not often that i find people still using modem connections.


And I have a mp3 converter at home, but this piece of crap computer wont even let me install itunes without dying, which makes things interesting because it can actually withstand guitar pro...


oh well...

thanks for the help... lets see if someone recognizes it

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Sue takes the prize! :thu:


I don't know if that's the piece that Viejid had in mind, but that's definitely the one I was thinking of when I heard the original wav file. I knew I knew it from somewhere. As a popular violin piece, I must've heard it hundreds of times growing up in the house of a violin teacher!


Thanks, Sue!



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Originally posted by gangsu:

Here's a page from the first movement. Your excerpt begins at letter A. Sort of. :P;)



That's it alright. Well done gangsu!


Though its kind of no fair asking us to identify a string piece!

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Originally posted by NoahZark:

Sue takes the prize! :thu:

Nah, the prize goes to anybody who recognized the theme in that original file. You must listen to a lot of of jazz. :D


As a popular violin piece, I must've heard it hundreds of times growing up in the house of a violin teacher!
Nice! Straight out of Suzuki book 5. Great recital piece for promising young players.
"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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This one seems to be it... thanks a lot to those who helped


And i know that is not fair to ask the keyboard people to identify string pieces, but ironically it would be much more unfair to ask a guitar or bass player for the same thing... because we are ignorant on average and dont listen to classical... there ya go, i said it

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