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Is there some way to do this? MIDI help...


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Not even sure of how to ask this...


Ok, here is the problem. I am using a Roland PK-5 to trigger chords on a Roland E-68 keyboard thru MIDI. This can only be triggered via MIDI channel 14 and the PK-5 can only be set to transmit one MIDI channel at a time. I also have a Roland GW-7 that I was using to control the main keyboard sound but this is received on channel 4 only.


I would like to use both KB's to generate sound but since the PK-5 only transmits one channel at a time this is impossible. Is their such a thing that I could plug into that would route one midi signal into two and also be able to select TX channels as well?


Also, the PK-5 has a MIDI thru jack... Would this help somehow?


I have googled repeated searches and can find nothing.


Oh BTW... (For the readers of my previous thread.) Triggering chords using the E-68 works swimmingly. :D I picked it up used on Ebay for 185.00 and this is the ticket!

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I am not an expert on MIDI, but I do have a PK-5 (Roland MIDI footpedal controller). Since no one else has responded, I'll take a stab at this. Let me start by asking some questions about your setup.


Question 1: when you say that you are using the PK-5 to trigger chords on the E-68, are you using the "sound module" which is built into to E-68 to generate the actual sounds? Or, are you sending the MIDI output from the E-68 to something else (the GW-7?) to use its "sound module" to generate the actual sounds?


Question 2: when you are using the PK-5 to trigger chords on the E-68, is that the only thing you are using the E-68 for (during that song)? Meaning, do you also press keys on the E-68's keyboard, during the same song as when you press pedals on the PK-5 to trigger chords on the E-68?


I don't fully understand what you are doing, and my setup seems different: I have an M-Audio 88es (very basic MIDI keyboard controller) which sends its MIDI output via MIDI channel 1 into the PK-5, and then my PK-5 sends its MIDI output on MIDI channel 2, with both of these signals reaching my Roland XV-5050 (sound module) via a single cable. I have set up Performances in my sound module to allow me to cause multiple notes to trigger when I press a single pedal on the PK-5. Usually I have to set up a separate Performance for each different song for which I do this (and hope the song has no modulations).


A quick Google search on the E-68 seems to show it supports Performances, so I am wondering if you can do the same thing. I'm not sure if this helps, but at least you'll get a bump!

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The MIDI solutions merger will merge two incoming midi signals into one. The MIDI solutions thru will split one midi signal into two:




There are larger versions of these products that will split/merge larger combinations of signals. And there are even processors that re-channlize, etc.


I think that is what you need at a basic level. Alternatively, if you see my post about midi interfaces, you could get a Midi interface and use it to split the midi signal from the PK5. This may give you the flexibility to change your midi routings on the fly.



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THanks for the replies!


I have been noodling with this setup for a couple days and figured out a couple things. The biggie is that the E-68 MIDI Rxtx channels can be set. I am using the "Note To Arranger" function on the E-68 and set this to receive on channel 4. I take a midi cable out of the PK-5 into the E-68 then out to the GW-7. Problem now is that the GW-7 is being triggered to play Drums and bass which I have removed from the E-68 for my purposes. Its also changing my programs on the GW-7. To top it all off... Its playing the notes on the GW-7 out of tune since I transpose down a half step to fit my band. If I go into the GW-7 first, the NTA doesn't work! ARGGGHHHH!


Neither KB has a midi thru jack, which I have learned would solve my problems. (Thanks Tusker!)

Hoeever, I just purchased this... http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/MIDI-Solutions-2Output-Active-MIDI-Thru-Box?sku=702507

I can go out of my PK-5 and split the signal there.

I think this will work... Maybe.

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Originally posted by harmonizer:


Question 1: when you say that you are using the PK-5 to trigger chords on the E-68, are you using the "sound module" which is built into to E-68 to generate the actual sounds? Or, are you sending the MIDI output from the E-68 to something else (the GW-7?) to use its "sound module" to generate the actual sounds?

I am using the E-68's Note to Arranger function which is norally transmit/received on channel 14. I am taking out the bass and drums on the arranger and playing Bass guitar myself.


Question 2: when you are using the PK-5 to trigger chords on the E-68, is that the only thing you are using the E-68 for (during that song)? Meaning, do you also press keys on the E-68's keyboard, during the same song as when you press pedals on the PK-5 to trigger chords on the E-68?

Not pressing any keys... Just using the NTA function. Problem is which I stated above, feeding the MIDI out to the GW-7 is causing all kind of bizarre events.



I don't fully understand what you are doing, and my setup seems different: I have an M-Audio 88es (very basic MIDI keyboard controller) which sends its MIDI output via MIDI channel 1 into the PK-5, and then my PK-5 sends its MIDI output on MIDI channel 2, with both of these signals reaching my Roland XV-5050 (sound module) via a single cable. I have set up Performances in my sound module to allow me to cause multiple notes to trigger when I press a single pedal on the PK-5. Usually I have to set up a separate Performance for each different song for which I do this (and hope the song has no modulations).


A quick Google search on the E-68 seems to show it supports Performances, so I am wondering if you can do the same thing. I'm not sure if this helps, but at least you'll get a bump!

Very interesting. I found the manual on line last night and printed it out at work. It does support Performances and I will have to delve into this section and see what I can accomplish. Thanks for the idea!


I got the E-68 at a helluva price on Ebay. The guy selling it had zero feedback and I think this was scaring other bidders away. Roland support confirmed that this KB would work for what I wanted to do so thats why I went with it.


Thanks for your post. Your bump got the suggestion for the MIDI thru box which may just solve everything. I spoke with a KB player that I used to play with years ago and he recommended a MIDI patchbay. Very hard to find and cost a couple hundred dollars if you can find one.

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