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online fusion radio

Phil W

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Although a little heavier on the guitars than the keyboards for some reason!



"Are you sick of radio that insults your intelligence? That crams audience-engineered 3-minute songs and sounds into your ears because eventually, you will like it?

Are you tired of "smooth jazz" that has less to do with jazz and more with putting you to sleep?


Did you love the part of the concert where the singer stepped back and the band just grooved?


If you can relate to any of this, you have a lot of company"

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I'm glad you put this link up, it led me to discover live365.com, which seems like the best online "radio" I've seen yet. Lots of whatever you want, including the '50s-'60s jazz I love.
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Originally posted by Phil W:


You might want to try the customisable (is that a word?) www.pandora.com too. I have a Bill Evans station that works well witha range of 50s and 60s piano jazz

click here

Heh, I have a Pandora Bill Evans station too, as well as a Mingus and a Scofield and a bunch of rock and folk stuff. Pandora's pretty cool. I wonder how much a thumbs up or thumbs down rating of an individual tune steers to content of the station.
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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I try to avoid the thumb rating too much as you end up trying to second guess how the criteria are working but I have to use it sometimes. Here's a list of most of my Pandora stations from the Lowdown Bass forum. It doesn't include the recent ones like the Bill one - which works great!

Pandora Stations

How do the Mingus and Scofield stations work. They sound like they'd be good. Both are heroes of mine.

Another great thread on Pandora

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Originally posted by Phil W:


You might want to try the customisable (is that a word?) www.pandora.com too. I have a Bill Evans station that works well witha range of 50s and 60s piano jazz

click here

Heh, I have a Pandora Bill Evans station too, as well as a Mingus and a Scofield and a bunch of rock and folk stuff. Pandora's pretty cool. I wonder how much a thumbs up or thumbs down rating of an individual tune steers to content of the station.
Excerpt from the May 2006 Pandora blog:

"May 17, 2006

Care and feeding of your stations


Two comments we get now and again here at Pandora headquarters are these:


1. My station is too boring; it doesn't play enough variety

2. My station is too varied; it plays too many different styles


I am here to tell you that these issues are fairly easy to remedy.


1. For more variety on your stations, add more music!

Click on either 'Guide Us' [for the station you're currently listening to] or on the triangle next to the station name in the left-hand menu [for any station, any time] and choose to 'Add more music.'


2. For more tightly controlled stations that don't stray too much, don't add too many artists, songs, or thumbs ups; every time you add more music your station reaches out in another direction. Me, I like that. You, you may not.


Personally, I've got both kinds of stations. Some are vanilla and some are seasoned beyond recognition. The "purer" stations have hardly any station seeds and only a few, if any, thumbs ups. On these "pure" stations I hear some of the same songs repeated over a few days of listening, and I get a more controlled station that actually sticks to a specific style of music. My wildest station, and my favorite, Radio Lucia, has maybe sixty seeds and oodles of individual thumb opinions. It represents decades of musical styles, and many many hours of listening and tinkering on my part. I get lots of surprises. I rarely hear the same song twice, even with weeks of listening.


Adding more music to your station is powerful. You can send your station off in a completely different direction with just a few new songs or artists. Remember, you're not just saying: I like this song/artist so please play this more often. You're also saying: play more songs in this style."


You can read the full text from the blog at Pandora May 2006 Blog

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Thanks, Loufrance. Pandora is great and I think it'll be huge. I've had a longstanding email conversation with Tim Westergen, the founder, who is very dedicated and commited to making a great project. He even took the trouble to check out the thread on the Lowdown bass forum.
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