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drummerworld.com - A wish


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Drummerworld.com is one of the best sites on the entire internet. COUNTLESS videos of just about every famous drummer you can think of. It is a killer site that you could lose days on.


It's really too bad there is no keyboardplayerworld.com. There is really nothing close, other than some of the clips on youtube.

My band Thousand Houses: www.thousandhouses.com
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I blame the bands that don't take us on tour and just use keyboard backing tracks. Put us on tour, we'll get attention damnit! Also, wussy keyboardists who just stand in the back next to the drummer don't help interest either.


But yeah, I would really love something like that. If I had time and resources I would so be on that, lol.


You're right though soundscape, keyboarding is very mysterious and less accessable than guitaring and drumming. It's better though :P

"...Keytar in a heavy metal band is nothing more than window dressing" - Sven Golly


Cursed Eternity - My Band

Dick Ward - My Me

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Great idea.

I'd love to see some live performances with close-ups of the keyboard. Especially useful for music where no transcription is available, and you're wondering - "how the ^&*) did they just play that!"

Tom F.

"It is what it is."

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