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OT - Am I in trouble? (The boss is out.)


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Well, Thursday the CEO, Associate Director and CFO all went to Florida for a meeting. I skipped out to stay close to my parents. For some reason they decided not to tell the management team where they are going. I assume it is because some of the management would make a deal out of not getting to go to Florida. For two days I avoided questions about their location and when they will be back. The CEOs secretary is getting aggravated by how pushy some of the staff are when inquiring about the missing management. This morning I could not stand it anymore. As the management team came to my door asking about the usual Monday morning management meeting I informed them that we would not have a meeting until the Board of Directors decides on replacements for those that are missing. As they scurried back to their offices I heard comments about always being the last to know from some of them. The Personnel Director supported the story and the CEOs secretary even tried to take his name off of the door. They are due back Wednesday. I may take that day off.



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Oh, not fun man. Really sorry to hear about this. I really hate when shit goes down at work. While I don't fully understand, I do know how bad it sucks when employees are unhappy and the boss is out, and you're the one they look to for answers. You gotta decide whose ass to protect, ya know?


If it helps, work sucks here too. I personally am working for an independant business that frankly, is showing signs of going belly up. I'm kind of the guy who is staying on and trying to make it work cuz I like the owner and if all goes bad, I'm okay for a bit, I can find a new job and all that, but it's just plain depressing.

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I slipped up and now the joke is exposed. Someone asked me what to do with a check that the CFO needs. I told them to give it to me and I would give it to her when she gets back. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted and it was one of my better pranks at work. :)


While putting that check in her office I got a box from the copy room that that holds 10 packages of copy paper. I filled it with junk and then put her mail on top to make it look like she has A LOT of mail to go through.



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Not so, Botch. Not by a long shot.


One of the owners of a music store I once worked for went on an unannounced trip to follow the Stones around for a few weeks. Nobody knew he was going, and there were probably a half-dozen critical issues that needed his attention. Of course, he was in Europe (we discovered), and that's why we couldn't reach him on his cell phone.


I've had several employers like this.

"Say, when will you be in? I need to meet with you."

"Ah, next Wednesday; I'm in Hawaii for the next 9 days. Don't tell anyone."



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Right - I can't stand the secret golf afternoons in the summer.


Its your company, you've earned it, we respect that. Just say "I'm playing golf today. If you need to reach me, I've got my cell."


And please, please stop saying "I can't remember the last time I took a sick day..."

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