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sample playback keyboard question

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Hey, guitar player here, minimal key experience. I want to set up a little rig in my studio with a specific purpose.


I want to play back piano, B-3, harpsichord, and melotron.


I know that I can buy good samples of most of these instruments. I figured to get the Pinter melotron disk, I'm open to suggestion on the rest.


I have a DX-7, and cpmputers and good sound cards.


But I'm willing to just buy a keyboard, or a sample player (over the computer) if that is a better answer.


If you needed to do this, what hardware would you use? And are there some prefered sample disks for these instruments? Or is there a better/other solution?



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Originally posted by Bill@Welcome Home Studios:

I want to play back piano, B-3, harpsichord, and melotron.


But I'm willing to just buy a keyboard, or a sample player (over the computer) if that is a better answer.


If you needed to do this, what hardware would you use?



Hi Bill and welcome to The Keyboard Corner where we seem to argue about everything lately. :rolleyes::D <= THERE'S A SMILEY THERE FOLKS. I'M KIDDING AGAIN, OK?





Anyway, I would like to put my vote in for the Kurzweil PC2 series; either the keyboards or the rack. Add the Classic Keys ROM and the unit will have everything you listed above, and more.


Here is a LINK if you would like more information.



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:

...welcome to The Keyboard Corner where we seem to argue about everything lately. :rolleyes::D <= THERE'S A SMILEY THERE FOLKS. I'M KIDDING AGAIN, OK?




Hahahaha. ;)


Maybe we should rename it the KeyBored Corner. :)

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