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Nord Electro 2 control


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Has anyone looked into the possiblity of controlling the Electro 2 with the Hammond XM-1 drawbars? Is this a fantasy? I see in the manual that the Electro drawbars each have midi controller numbers assigned to them. Is something like this possible?
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Yes, it should be able to work. I use Voce MIDI Drawbars to control my Electro. It requires a mapper like the MIDI Solutions Event Processor to translate the MIDI CCs from one to the other. Works great!




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Originally posted by burningbusch:

As memory serves me right, Hammond uses a different scheme rather than a single controller for each drawbar. Seems to me it would be difficult to do.



This gadget should be able to translate even complex CCs from one device to the next. I have a friend that wrote the manual for the EPP and also does custom programming for a reasonable fee. He has set these up to do some very esoteric things for me. I would imagine that getting the Hammond drawbars to talk to the Electro would not be too difficult.


PM me if you want more contact info on an expert that could definitively help you, assuming you have the Hammond drawbars and an Electro with a serious intent to marry them.




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Originally posted by burningbusch:

As memory serves me right, Hammond uses a different scheme rather than a single controller for each drawbar. Seems to me it would be difficult to do.



Yeah, that's ringing a bell, something like a major misinterpretation of how MIDI was generally implemented on Hammond's part to the tune of assigning multiple drawbars to one CC# or something? Or maybe instead of using the full 0-127 range allowed by MIDI, assigning 0-8 just like a real drawbar, but completely impractical for any remote usage, or maybe a combination of both?
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I had the XK-2 and I think it's something like:


#12, value 0 = drawbar 1, 0

#12, value 1 = drawbar 1, 1


#12, value 9 = drawbar 2, 0

#12, value 10 = drawbar 2, 1


#12, value 17 = drawbar 3, 0



If the device can be programmed to capture a controller # and a specific value and then remap that to another controller # and a specific value, I think it would work.



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