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Your rare white rhino rears its magnificent head!




Looks in fine fettle, to say the least. Definitely a studio exemplar.


If I were in SoCal I'd be on it like an Alabama tick. However, you have a brother in the Bay area, iirc. Maybe a little fraternal cajoling and you could be in nirvanna.


Whaddya think, Tom?

"To Do Is To Be." --Socrates

"To Be Is To Do." --Sartre

"Do Be Do Be Do." --Sinatra

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Jebenty! An assclown lurker just put in a bid at 2.8k, thus killing the 3.2k BIN! Zero feedback too, no less! If he were serious, he'd have snatched it. Looks like a fandango.


Tant pis!


Well, whoever said scoring a CS80 was easy?

"To Do Is To Be." --Socrates

"To Be Is To Do." --Sartre

"Do Be Do Be Do." --Sinatra

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it's most beautiful i ever saw on eBay, at least in last 2 yrs i've been checking. dunno, but 3.2K for top condition like this seems like a steal. btw, check your PM.



huh, you shocked me for a sec, with that thread title.. i thought: Mother of Je.. what's going on ?!? Did Freddy Mercury showed up alive? did they re-issue CEM chips ??!? whaaaaaaat?? :freak::D



anyway, i'm impressed. correct would be "Jebem ti !!" instead of jebenty, but you're close enough. KC trivia hour: it translates to something like shouting the F word in Croatian.


made me feel all warm n tingly inside. hehehe ;)



http://www.babic.com - music for film/theatre, audio-post
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Originally posted by clusterchord:


anyway, i'm impressed. correct would be "Jebem ti !!" instead of jebenty, but you're close enough. KC trivia hour: it translates to something like shouting the F word in Croatian.


made me feel all warm n tingly inside. hehehe ;)



hehehe. You make me feel like a naughty school boy caught out!



Really, some things are lost in translation. Speaking of which, at the risk hijacking my own thread (a Deadly Sin for cyber Dantes), I didn't know the Croat transliteration for sure, so I used Slovak with marketing spelling for the Asian Trademark Word Bots:


A.P-Reuters, February 15, 2007 Toyota's luxury subsidiary today unveiled the new Lexus Jebenty.... :D


Of course, I know your root is "jep" while the Slovak says "jeb." (Do any republicans see the irony?) I've been anticipating the signs for a few years now!


Then there's the nuanced polite form, not at all vulgar, comparable to My Goodness: Jeminko.




"Jebem ti maticka!" --Gen. Nebojsa Matkojepic (2 diacriticals missing due to keyboard)


This concludes UN language class. We now return you to your regular programming. :D

"To Do Is To Be." --Socrates

"To Be Is To Do." --Sartre

"Do Be Do Be Do." --Sinatra

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Originally posted by clusterchord:

fyi, our root verb is "jeb" as well.

Good to know (I think) :freak: I knew the Slovak/Slovenian, and the Serbian variant too, but had to guess which way the Croation swung.


Lexus Jebenty ?? haha, sounds good..
I thought this was funnier:





Yes, life is stranger than fiction. But the truth is out there...

"To Do Is To Be." --Socrates

"To Be Is To Do." --Sartre

"Do Be Do Be Do." --Sinatra

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