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"Old hammond" on Ebay - Could it B?


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Since you folks here have been so helpful to me in answering questions about my M3, I figured I should share this with you: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=64429&item=7326675322&rd=1


I have no relationship whatsoever with the seller, and if this post is out of line, I apologize. But right now the bidding is at a whopping $308.99. If you win the bid because of this posting, all I ask is that you critique the organ part my co-writer and I are planning to add to our latest recording, "Girlsong."





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It's a BV. Not really worth much more than already bid IMO. It lacks split vibrato/chorus in addition to lacking percussion; the vibrato is either ON for the entire unit or OFF. And it lacks the lowest octave of tonewheels, having 83 if I remember correctly. And the drawbars are ratcheted instead of smooth.


HOWEVER... these organs scream! If you're a jazz guy hold off on it, but if you're a rocker it's a GREAT organ. The percussion can be somewhat simulated using 777080000 (or 007770800 for the next octave up); just install a B+ power supply and a line-out to a good loud (but undistorted) tube amp and that organ will spit fire.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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It is a BV... I agree that it is up to it's nominal market value. Problem with the BV is no waterfall keys, no smooth drawbars, no percussion, no easy way to get there from here.


On the upside, they do scream but you are limited to what Leslie to hook up.


Cabinet is worth as much as entire unit.

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I agree with both Coyote and Brent. It's definitely a BV. I had one for many a year before donating it to a church. Of course I only paid $500.00 for the unit back in the 70's so I guess it was a good deal. Too bad I didn't know about the differences between it, and the B3. I probably would have opted to get the B3 at the time. But if nothing else, it surely blew away the crowd. Especially after I had two leslies hand built, equipped with a 100 watt driver for the horns, and an 18 inch speaker for the bass, powered by a twin reverb. Playing in a rock band, I definitely had volume LOL.



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Thanks guys,


I've learned a lot from your replies. I wonder if the seller is as naive as the selling post makes him or her sound? (As naive as me, for instance, when it comes to Bs :-)


It does seem strange the huge discrepancy in pricing between B-3s and almost everything else in the Hammond tonewheel line. But, hey, if that is what allowed me to buy my M-3 so cheap, then viva-la-discrepancy.

please visit www.johnabney.com - free music
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Gonna give us a link to "Girlsong" Jabney?


BTW, I have a 1947 BV that I did some work on - added the Trek II percussion unit, smooth drawbars conversion, and re-capped the preamp. It sounds and plays GREAT! It might be the poormans B3, but it rocks!!


If I find the right B3 sometime in the future, I may trade up, but I'm in no hurry.




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A BV (like my model A converted to an AV) has the same number of tonewheels as a B-3. What is different is a A/AB/BC/BC/CV/D model organ has no foldback in the lower octaves like later models. They also have true sinewave bass pedals, because they don't have the later complex bass pedal tonewheels. And they do have waterfall keys, but with SHARP edges on the keys versus the later models (you can cut your fingers on glisses!). And up to the 2-series, most Hammonds have rachet drawbars. And you can add a TrekII unit for percussion. But you won't ever have split vibrato.



Hammond T-582A, Casio WK6600, Behringer D
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That BV went for $1000 even, btw. I guess there are some BV fans out there after all -- or they were hoping it was more. It wouldn't do for me -- I need the scanner & percussion. And Leslie. I'd be happier with one of the M models, even though the keyboard is shorter and no preset keys.
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It does have the visual benefit of the B-style case (not my fave, but seems far more valuable on the market). You could drop the guts of an A100 into it and have a B3....

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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I believe this Hammond is a BC. There's a special drawbar to the right of the music rack. It engages additional tonewheels which are detuned from the main, creating a lush phasey vibrato. Here's another picture of a BC.
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Originally posted by Dave, the Rave:

Yep, it's one I made recently. Local redwood burl. You a turner?

No, but I've done enough woodworking to appreciate what goes into it. I've got an uncle who turns gorgeous bowls. I've got one here.
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