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NAMM dinner?

Dave Bryce

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I'm available Friday night and Thursday night after 7:30 (I could just show up late). It seems I always miss these gatherings.

-Mike Martin



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Originally posted by Mike Rhodes:

Please explain the Namm dinner for us noobs.



Mostly for Music Gear Reps who are at the show anyway showing and selling Gear. Outsiders, i.e. the general public who either frequent the KC Forums or those that get the invitation by word of mouth are welcome also. Correct me if I'm wrong dB.


Soon I'm afraid the general public will no longer be welcome at NAMM at all let alone these dinner get togethers. NAMM is instigating changes at the shows where they're seeking more Vendors and buyers from Retail Music Businesses, etc. and less visitors at the NAMM trade shows. Starting this year in fact. Bad call on their part IMO. But what do I know.


One thing I know for sure is I'll be missing out on that Filet Mignon dB and the other Reps will be wolfing down soon. :D I'm booked.. sorry. :cool:


Have fun anyways guys!


I'm sure you will, even without me. :thu:

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Originally posted by keynote:

Soon I'm afraid the general public will no longer be welcome at NAMM at all let alone these dinner get togethers. NAMM is instigating changes at the shows where they're seeking more Vendors and buyers from Retail Music Businesses, etc. and less visitors at the NAMM trade shows. Starting this year in fact. Bad call on their part IMO. But what do I know.

Are you talking about some unwritten policy? Because the NAMM show has been closed to the general public for years (as I'm sure you know). I'm interested to know what this new initiative entails.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by Mike Rhodes:

Please explain the Namm dinner for us noobs.

Mike, the Winter NAMM Show dinner is an annual MusicPlayer forum event open to all members. The Winter NAMM Show it coincides with is essentially an invitation only event hosted by the National Association of Music Merchants.


Originally posted by zeronyne:

I'm interested to know what this new initiative entails.

zeronyne, at the NAMM site I linked to above it cryptically states, "this year, we're working on a plan that puts more buyersand fewer visitorson the show floor."


Hmm... :raisedeyebrow:





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Dave the Rave (me) plus guitar buddy Bill will be at NAMM - looking forward to the MP forum dinner. Any night is okay for us. Sign us up.


BTW, are there any "must be there" events (concerts?) on Friday or Saturday night that we could bum a couple of invitations to? Please PM me if you can help our social lives a bit.....




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Originally posted by zeronyne:

Originally posted by keynote:

Soon I'm afraid the general public will no longer be welcome at NAMM at all let alone these dinner get togethers. NAMM is instigating changes at the shows where they're seeking more Vendors and buyers from Retail Music Businesses, etc. and less visitors at the NAMM trade shows. Starting this year in fact. Bad call on their part IMO. But what do I know.

Are you talking about some unwritten policy? Because the NAMM show has been closed to the general public for years (as I'm sure you know). I'm interested to know what this new initiative entails.
You are right. I am talking about passes one can get (guest passes) that allows those not necessarily involved in the Music Industry Biz to enter the NAMM shows. From what I understand (I could be wrong though), is that NAMM is/has instigated changes to do away with, whether somewhat or possibly completely at some point, the inclusion of the guest passes themselves, i.e. no visitors (the general public) allowed... at all.. :(


Hopefully it will be years down the road before that happens.


In fact I would like to see NAMM open their trade shows "once again" to the general public, i.e. anybody and everybody. It used to be that way many years ago of course. I say bring it back! You and I (the general public) are the ones that buy the stuff we all see at NAMM so why not give us the privilege, no the RIGHT, to attend the shows and in doing so take a vital part in the whole process? Charge a nominal admission fee, set up a bunch of food vendors, and make it a music fest celebration for all involved and especially the consumers who actually buy the stuff they're trying to sell.


They have their reasons why they don't open it up to the GP on an unrestricted basis but I can think of a 100 reasons why they should. :thu:

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Originally posted by keynote:

They have their reasons why they don't open it up to the GP on an unrestricted basis but I can think of a 100 reasons why they should. :thu:

They do have their reasons.


But that's all I'm really allowed to say.

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So, it looks like there's no way to accommodate everyone, so I guess we'll just have to pick one day and go for it, and whoever makes it makes it.


So, if we were to call it for Friday (Thursday is out for me), who can make it? Right now it looks like me, DTR (+1), Valky, Marky, Busch, steadyb, Mike Martin and Geoff, with bleen maybe showing up late...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Okay then...



DTR (+1)





Mike Martin



Zeronyne +1



with bleen maybe showing up late.


This is starting to take shape...


Do we do Buca's again (it just seems to work so well), or does someone else have a different suggestion?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I like Bucca and it's easy for us to book a large party... but do we have any ideas for a place that a bit more quiet where we can possibly get a round table where we can talk better? Maybe a different room? I can only hear Dave when we're at Bucca! :D



Valkyrie Sound:




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Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound:

I like Bucca and it's easy for us to book a large party... but do we have any ideas for a place that a bit more quiet where we can possibly get a round table where we can talk better?

I'm open to that, but we should move fast if we want to try and get a reservation for Friday during NAMM.


Anyone have any ideas?


I'll call and make a Buca reservation as a backup...maybe we can even get the Pope table (but I doubt it).


I can only hear Dave when we're at Bucca! :D
That's only because I keep getting lucky enough to sit close to you... :)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave, the Rave:

I don't mind Buca, but if you like, I could try calling a few of these other places to see what they have to offer?

Go right ahead.


Proximity to the show is very important, obviously... ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I'd very much like to join, but whether I can make it depends on whether the one magazine thingy I gotta be at falls on Friday. I'll know this coming week. Looking forward to Valky riffing on me for "slumming" again... as if any event that includes her could be described as such. ;)


Haven't seen Phil O'Keefe post on this thread. Can he make it?


Culinary suggestion: Asian of some kind. Might be a nice change from eye-talian, and also lends itself well to family-style.


Put me in pencil. I'll post again this week.

Stephen Fortner

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So, is anyone looking for alternative eateries?


The way I see it, it's more about the hang then the venue; and, since Buca is inexpensive, has pretty good food, specifically caters to big parties and is walking distance from the convention, I'm gonna make a reservation there for Friday night.


If someone finds something else, we can always cancel...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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