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OK I know that this verges on Spam but at least it's On Topic. :)


DJ Drunken Master dishes with writer Marsha Vdovin over at the Propellerheads site about Reason, music and more...


Propellerheads Software is now on its third month of stellar Reason user interviews over at http://www.propellerheads.se and Im excited to say that Augusts installment features yours truly. Author and media maven Marsha Vdovins interview covers everything you ever wanted to know (and perhaps a little more) about my music, techniques, approaches etc.


Included in the interview is in-depth track analysis of the DJDM songs Here Be Tigers (featured in The Matrix Revolutions DVD release) and Mr. Pieces (as heard in the National Geo special The Blue Realm: Miracle Venom). Marsha and I also discuss We Have Begun Our Descent, Chopper Pumps, Selena Walks and get into a little history about my musical roots in computer based audio.


If youre a Reason user, be sure to check out the Reason files for download and examination as well as the links to the mp3 examples.


Full article: http://www.propellerheads.se//news/articles/index.cfm?fuseaction=djdm


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Thanks DKeenum. :)


Originally posted by bg:

"Selena Walks" is lovely. You really make the Reason strings sound nice. May I ask, did you create multi-dynamic patches?

Thank you bg. I actually used a lot of string samples besides the ones on Orkester Sound Bank. The main strings are from the Advanced Orchestra V1 String Ensembles that I converted a couple of years ago to NN-19 files. There is no multi sampling on those but I got pretty creative in my use of filters in relation to attack and velocity so it does give the impression of various layers of playing. Also there is a lot of panning and multiple layers of similar instrumentation. And I approached the parts as you would a live string ensemble arrangement and played the various parts for viola, violins (1 and 2), cello and bass individually. I think that approach breathes a bit more life into the arrangement than just playing chords with one multi instrument patch setup.
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Congrats!! I thought that was a very cool and interesting read. I loved your explanation of how you warped the Kalimba Wood in "Here Be Tigers." That's what I really like about Reason: more or less unlimited numbers of devices in the chain.




"I don't know anything about music. In my line, you don't have to."

-Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

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Originally posted by Red Winger:

Congrats!! I thought that was a very cool and interesting read. I loved your explanation of how you warped the Kalimba Wood in "Here Be Tigers." That's what I really like about Reason: more or less unlimited numbers of devices in the chain.




Thanks Red. I agree. Best part of Reason is the almost unlimited tool creation. :)


Also glad you liked the article David. :)

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If anyone is interested: The .rps files are now included in the interview article


Ola was kind enough to post .rps files for "Mr. Pieces" and "Here Be Tigers" to go with the Weed files that are already there.

The "Mr. Pieces" .rps is an excerpt from the song that details what I am talking about in the article and the "Here Be Tigers" file is the entire track.

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