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any clavia experts here?


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I'm no expert but the subject did come up on a number of boards that the NL3 has a different timbral quality than the NL2. It has been attributed to the fact that they recoded all the elements. I believe that a change in programming personnel is one of the reasons for the extensive change.


To my ears it's a different personality, not just added functionality. The NL2 is more in your face. The NL3 can be warmer and even harsher but in a more distant way.





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I also heard there was a change in programming personel. When I had the NL2, I experienced a different personality soundwise, a rather distinct Nord sound due to the inherent limitations in that kind of board. The NL3 is IMO much more flexible, I have yet to encounter a synth sound I cannot reproduce on it. All the different filter types and FM options make it less instantly recognizeable than the NL2; patches 41 and 54 on the NL2 turned up everywhere for a while... Still, I´m really happy I made the transition, I use the NL3 almost on a daily basis, and it can usually deliver exactly what I have in mind.


/J :cool: nas

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analogaddict: i have a question for you.

if you've dug deeply enough into the 3, can you tell me about the filters?


in the manual, they state that you have 2 filters.

but it looks like if you select 'multi-filter', then you can set individual cutoffs, but everything else is the same.

for instance, they both use the same envelope (and you can't invert it for only one), and they both have the same resonance settings.

is this correct?

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Originally posted by mildbill:

analogaddict: i have a question for you.

if you've dug deeply enough into the 3, can you tell me about the filters?


in the manual, they state that you have 2 filters.

but it looks like if you select 'multi-filter', then you can set individual cutoffs, but everything else is the same.

for instance, they both use the same envelope (and you can't invert it for only one), and they both have the same resonance settings.

is this correct?

Hi Mildbill!


I don´t have the lead in front of me, but if I recall correctly in the single filter mode you have LP, HP, BP, BR (band reject), "Classic" (Moog styled) and a distorted LP filter. The Dist LP filter is fixed at 12dB, and I think the Classic is fixed at 24dB. If you use two filters, I think you´re absolutely correct - you have to use the same resonance settings but you can use individual cutoff frequencies. I´m not quite sure about inverting envelopes, but I believe you can invert the filters separately. I haven´t done this in quite a while, I´ll have to look it up, lately I´ve mostly been using the Moog and Obie style filters... I hope this was of some help.


/J :cool: nas

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thanks analog: yes, it was of some help.

i'm in a bit of a quandry right now.

i recently traded in a NL2, but find i am missing it.

i can't decide between getting the NL2X, or the NL3.

i know the 3 has quite a few more features, but i'm mainly after the clear, clean, simple sound i could get from the 2.

there's also quite a substantial price difference.

i'm also trying to hold off till after the Messe - if i remember right, i think the 3 was released in 2000, and clavia may be due for a new model.

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I would not expect any kind of new Lead model from Clavia anytime soon...they are in full-on Nord Mod G2 mode right now.


As it concerns the NL3 filters...you have an ADSR that can be inverted, and when you use a multifilter mode, that envelope controls the cutoff for both filters, because in essence, multifilter mode does not have two cutoffs as much as it has a master cutoff and then a scaling/offset value for the second filter.


I can understand wanting a Nord Lead 2 again for its Nord Sound. (the sound that Dan South hates so much! :wave: ) I get what I need of that sound from my Nord Mod. :D


That said, if the bit of extra coin is not a significant issue, I would go with the Nord Lead 3 for sure...not just because of the more flexible engine, but also the without-equal user interface...and the sounds the orig Nord Leads will not do.


Make no mistake...the Nord Lead 3 will do the clean, clear simple sounds you want, but it can go beyond that when necessary.

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I was a long-time user of the original Nord Lead and still kicking myself for selling it. That sound is amazing! I have always wanted to get a NL3, but the price is high and I don't really have room for it in my rig. I have seriously been considering a NL2x as the price is very good. I may get a rack version of this. The basic Nord Lead and Nord Lead 2 are essentially the same and let me tell you - the sound of these VAs is FANTASTIC!!!


I understand that the NL3 trumps its little brothers, but I have yet to actually get my hands on one.




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I've had the first NL for a long time. I got a great deal on the NL3($750) but it had nothing like the sound of the original.I had hoped that it would, . Attack times were much slower and the filters did not sound as warm or natural NL1 or NL2.
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i can't verify this, but i've heard that the original nord mod and micro were based around the same stuff (code?) as the lead 1 and 2 and were therefore capable of reproducing similar sounds.


the G2 is based around the stuff the lead 3 uses and will have it's characteristic basic sound.

i'm assuming this means the way the oscillators, filters and other modules are written.

don't know if it's true, but it kind of made me want to consider the original over the g2, despite all the other improvements.


at the time, i was at a store where they were trying to dump the originals, so it may have just been a 'sales tactic'. - don't know.

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Originally posted by mildbill:

i can't verify this, but i've heard that the original nord mod and micro were based around the same stuff (code?) as the lead 1 and 2 and were therefore capable of reproducing similar sounds.


the G2 is based around the stuff the lead 3 uses and will have it's characteristic basic sound.

i'm assuming this means the way the oscillators, filters and other modules are written.

don't know if it's true, but it kind of made me want to consider the original over the g2, despite all the other improvements.

There are a couple of videos interviewing the coders for the G2/NL3, which allude to the G2 code being the test bed for the NL3. This does suggest it use some of the same elements. However ... in the modular world, so much more is possible than in a fixed architecture synth, I would hate to restrict myself just to get "that" sound. Put it this way, both the NM1 and the G2 are flexible enough to creditable emulations of a whole host of synths. Emulating the NL1 and 2 is a less important criteria for a G2 than it is for a NL3 purchase. However, the NM1 used prices are become quite attractive with the appearance of the G2. It is this that tempted me to pick one up. And the NL models that have been developed are a blast to play with (as are the DX7 models, the minimoog models, the ....).





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I think this is one that has the comment but I'm not sure. (My computer audio is acting up.) Nevertheless you would find it interesting if you are considering a Nord.




It was some time ago, either when G2 was being promoted (this one) or previously when NL3 was being promoted. I'd suggest you look at analog heaven or similar archives for additional commentary:







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Question for NL2X and NL3 users;


How do these instruments fare in the "zipper" noise department?


I'm especially interested in how smooth is the parameter change performance, when driven by multiple MIDI tracks , that were originally recorded by "playing" the knobs on NL(lot of continous controllers)


does Clavia have something similar to "adaptive parameter smoothing" used on Virus line?

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link worked for me:


I had my grandma play the files for me so I could not see which was which.


I preferred the Nord Lead 3, although the difference was slight.


most noticeable in the raw sawtooth...it seemed a little fuller somehow.


resonance in the high frequencies was less spitty on the NL3 sweep...




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