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KC Comps - Volume 7/8

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by marino:

But BTW Dave, just for my peace of mind, would you mind to update the total time you've reached till now? Just in case there's still some space, I could have a three-minute piece ready by Friday. (Yeah, I love challenges! :) )

Do it, Carlo. Should be no problem. :thu:


Griffinator - I'm still waiting on the edited version of your tune...is it on the way?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Do it, Carlo. Should be no problem. :thu:



Thanks! I'll go ahead then! I promise a completed piece by Friday. :D Anyway, in case it turns out there's no more space, I'll be ready to accept it.



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dB, I'm going to make your life difficult sir, sorry! Situation normal... :rolleyes:


I have been working on an original piece for the KC#7 CD too, but wasn't sure I'd be able to finish it in time so haven't piped up until now. In fact it's done and I'm sending it to you. It's almost exactly 4 minutes long.


Have a listen and see if you can squeeze it in. If you can't, no big deal, I'll wait for another bus to come along later... :)




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Originally posted by Dave the Rave:

dB, I'm going to make your life difficult sir, sorry! Situation normal... :rolleyes:


I have been working on an original piece for the KC#7 CD too, but wasn't sure I'd be able to finish it in time so haven't piped up until now. In fact it's done and I'm sending it to you. It's almost exactly 4 minutes long.


Have a listen and see if you can squeeze it in. If you can't, no big deal, I'll wait for another bus to come along later... :)

Understood and agreed. Send it on down.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave the Rave:

It should be in your mailbox before 3pm tomorrow (Thursday) Dave. Let me know when you get it and if you think you can make it fit, then I'll post my MP3 version on the other thread. :)



I'm gonna need to evaluate how much time is left on the disc. I'll try and do that in the next few days...sorry - stuff has been crazy around here lately...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

I'm gonna need to evaluate how much time is left on the disc.

Got Mojazz's piece today.


It's hard to tell because I'm waiting on pieces from Griffinator, Llarion, Roland, Marino, Dafduc, and DTR, but it appears as if the disc is more than full at this point.


We'll see when all the tunes land. As always, priority will be given to the ones that get here first.


However, I am going to have to offically close submissions at this point.


Bleen, I'm almost definitely gonna want you to master this one...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Hey - my piece is finished!! :)

It's late night here...

I'll mix it tomorrow night (I'm going to be busy all day) and I'll try to send it on Friday.

That is, *unless* Dave stops me before then, if it becomes clear that there's no space left on the CD.


It's an orchestral piece (well, the orchestra is sampled, of course), and I gave myself a crazy set of rules:

1) Do it in a day.

2) Do it on the Kurzweil only.

3) Don't write one note on paper.


It worked! It's the first time in my life that I do an orchestral tune without writing *everything* out beforehand. I just pieced together a few patterns from the "Scoring Tools" sample CD, and I built my stuff from there. I had great fun!

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Originally posted by marino:

I'll mix it tomorrow night (I'm going to be busy all day) and I'll try to send it on Friday.

That is, *unless* Dave stops me before then, if it becomes clear that there's no space left on the CD.

Send it...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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My tune is finished. I want to send it with a courier,so you can have it in your hands sooner - but they say they need a telephone number in order to send to a PO Box.

So - could you send me your phone number via email or PM? I need it fast! I have just a few hours left before they close, otherwise I have to wait till Monday morning.

Also, sorry for the flood of posts, threads and emails I'm going to send in order to get your attention in time... :D

Thanks a lot!!!



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AS I said in the other thread, I missed the boat by a few minutes... Most likely, I'll send my submission on Monday morning.

I'll also make an attempt tomorrow (Saturday) in the early morning. On Saturdays, DHL has only one open office here in Rome, and that's a bit far... but I'll try. :)

I'll keep you posted.



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Originally posted by Dave the Rave:

Dave, USPS says my CD was delivered to your box at 2:21pm today. Did you get it?

No. Iwas there today, and your disc is not here, no matter what the USPS sez.


I've got tunes from -






Jerry A




Phil OKeefe











Those total 73 minutes.


There are tunes on the way in from:

Roland Genske



I still don't have the edited version of Griffinator's tune

I still don't have a hard copy of Llarion's tune


We're definitely gonna be way over.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

We're definitely gonna be way over.





While I enjoyed to do my piece in a day, I'm more than willing to stay out of this one, if this helps to keep everything in one CD.

Just let me know by Sunday - so I could save the 50 bucks for shipping with DHL. :):)

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Originally posted by marino:

While I enjoyed to do my piece in a day, I'm more than willing to stay out of this one, if this helps to keep everything in one CD.

Just let me know by Sunday - so I could save the 50 bucks for shipping with DHL. :):)

Okay...you should DEFINITELY not spend $50, Carlo.


I'm actually thinking of pulling my piece as well. The other possibility is to do two volumes, especially if there are more people who would like to get in on this one...the original deadline, was, after all, not for six more weeks.


Send it either regular old snail mail; or, FTP it to me/DTR.


Do not...repeat...DO NOT spend $50 to send it.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by dementia13:

If you went to two volumes, I'd be interested. I had started something and laid it aside.



I had sworn never to try and do two volumes at once again, because it's a ton of work. However, if there's that many submissions...maybe I'll pass one volume on to Bleen, and do the other one myself.


Is there anyone else who'd participate if we keep accepting submissions until mid-March? Bleen, you said you might have something, right?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Dave, don't worry about the expenses: It was a decision on my part, since it looked like I was among the last ones... And "Priority Mail" (ha) seems to take 10-12 days anyway.


So I'll hold my shipment till you've decided about this volume being one CD or two. If it stays a single CD, I have absolutely no problem to sit back and enjoy the others' songs this time.


OTOH - if it's two CDs, I think I'll have a little more time to send it via snail mail. Anyway, rest assured that I'll be ready to use a courier should you need it fast - ok?



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Originally posted by marino:

Dave, don't worry about the expenses: It was a decision on my part, since it looked like I was among the last ones... And "Priority Mail" (ha) seems to take 10-12 days anyway.


So I'll hold my shipment till you've decided about this volume being one CD or two. If it stays a single CD, I have absolutely no problem to sit back and enjoy the others' songs this time.


OTOH - if it's two CDs, I think I'll have a little more time to send it via snail mail. Anyway, rest assured that I'll be ready to use a courier should you need it fast - ok?



Send it snail mail anyway. No matter which way it goes, I'm in no hurry. Worse comes to worse, I'll hold onto it for a future volume.


Does that sound like a sensible way to proceed?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

. . . if there's that many submissions...maybe I'll pass one volume on to Bleen, and do the other one myself.


Is there anyone else who'd participate if we keep accepting submissions until mid-March?


I have a tune that I can submit, if you go to a two volume CD!!



Gear: Yamaha MODX8, Mojo 61, NS2 73, C. Bechstein baby grand.

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Dave the Rave:

Dave, USPS says my CD was delivered to your box at 2:21pm today. Did you get it?

No. I was there today, and your disc is not here, no matter what the USPS sez.


Those ba$&ards! :mad: It's in a larger letter sized package Dave, any chance your box manager could have held it for you (cuz it's oversize)?


USPS tracking ER829045019US says that "signature was waived" at the receiving end. Earlier yesterday, the tracking info said that they had mis-routed the package and were attempting to fix the problem. My guess is that they are liars and have lost it completely. What to do? :mad:



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Originally posted by Dave the Rave:

It's in a larger letter sized package Dave

So are almost all of them... ;)


any chance your box manager could have held it for you (cuz it's oversize)?
They hold all of them for me cuz they're oversized. I get slips in my box, not CDs. I have to go to the desk to get the actual packages.


I dunno what to tell you, Dave...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Dave, I just would like to give you my opinion on the two disc arrangement. My recommendation is: Don't do it. If you go with Disc Makers, as far as I understand, one would have to order both CDs separately, exactly doubling the costs. If you, however, decide to manufacture the CDs yourself, you will double your effort as well as - from my experience (software distribution) - the costs (e.g. 2CD jewel case).


Speaking for me, I'm perfectly OK with not being on the #7 in case it is already full. I could then try to nail the solo just a bit better and improve the mix :) . I guess there will be a #8 where I can participate then.


I understand the first-come first-served rule. However, I will never be able to get my CD via snail-mail from here to you as fast as anyone from within the US so I will almost always lose the finish :D . I assume it hasn't arrived yet anyway...


Don't want to suggest the solution to this particular problem (i.e. downloading the tune from my site) as I perfectly understand this would be unreasonable demand (it doesnt't come below 24.7MB - 44.1/16 stereo wav stuffed as SIT)...

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:



Send it snail mail anyway. No matter which way it goes, I'm in no hurry. Worse comes to worse, I'll hold onto it for a future volume.


Does that sound like a sensible way to proceed?



Absolutely. I'll send it via snail mail on Monday.
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Originally posted by Roland Genske:

Dave, I just would like to give you my opinion on the two disc arrangement. My recommendation is: Don't do it. If you go with Disc Makers, as far as I understand, one would have to order both CDs separately, exactly doubling the costs. If you, however, decide to manufacture the CDs yourself, you will double your effort as well as - from my experience (software distribution) - the costs (e.g. 2CD jewel case).

True...but you get double the music as well... ;)


Speaking for me, I'm perfectly OK with not being on the #7 in case it is already full. I could then try to nail the solo just a bit better and improve the mix :) . I guess there will be a #8 where I can participate then.
Understood, and appreciated.

However, if we go to a second disc, that would be Volume 8. :idea:


I understand the first-come first-served rule. However, I will never be able to get my CD via snail-mail from here to you as fast as anyone from within the US so I will almost always lose the finish :D . I assume it hasn't arrived yet anyway....
No, it hasn't arrived yet. However, I think your assumption isn't correct - this is the first time that one of these has filled up early, Roland. Normally, it takes months for people to get me submissions, and we've only had one of them completely full. Consequently, your assumption that you will always "lose the finish" just isn't accurate...ask fellow Europeans Gulliver, Marino or Bobro - none of them have ever had a problem getting on the discs. :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Never showed huh? That's what I get for sending from work. We have a real problem in our mailroom. But you know what? I think you DO have a copy of the tune though! When I sent you a previous submission, I sent you a sampler CD of other stuff, and I think it's on it!


If you have that, take a look and let me know. I haven't changed the mix or anything. If not, let me know and I'll blow one out to you Monday...



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Originally posted by Llarion:

I think you DO have a copy of the tune though! When I sent you a previous submission, I sent you a sampler CD of other stuff, and I think it's on it!


If you have that, take a look and let me know.

I'm sorry to say that I don't think I have it. Please send me another copy.


Thanks, Phil!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Looks like I missed out on this one, but I'm going to send you a submission anyway as it can always be on the next compilation. Believe it or not it's only about 2:33 (from me that's pretty unbelievable).


The inspiration for this was was the of Garritan Personal Orchestra I got at the NAMM show a few weeks ago. I orchestrated an old piano piece that I wrote in college years ago after seeing David Rosenthal's senior recital and thinking his solo piano piece as wimpy (I had a lot of angst back then :) ).


It's called Toccata, and it's posted on my site if you want to take a listen.

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