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OT: So, what now?


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Happy anniversary

40 years: just a state of mind, not a REAL number

My advice: keep on playin' the same tunes with the same gear and don't even thing about age (a 35 year old old-man speaking)

In any case, have a nice life and a long music journey - at last 40 more years


Be grateful for what you've got - a Nord, a laptop and two hands
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Happy Birthday!! Don't feel too bad. I'll be there in just over 5 years myself. Buy yourself a nice Motif 8, or something similar. You know, top of the line. Maybe some nice recording gear. Most of all, just have a Happy B-Day, and don't stop playing. Taking a break may sound like a good idea, but it's not. Ever. Trust me. I took a break for about 10 years, and now, when I should be rich & famous, I'm just starting out. Hang in there, Vlad. You'll be fine. :thu::thu::D
**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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Happy Birthday Vlad. Don't worry about a thing, because you're still extremely young. Just keep hanging around the younger crowd, and you'll do fine.


Go ahead, splurge a bit, and buy yourself something you need. Just don't tell anyone about it LOL.


Again, best of birthday wishes. :thu:



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Happy Birthday!


What's the problem? If you're developing crippling arthritis or some degenerative disease, then you've got a problem. Until then, enjoy the life that God has given you. Get busy. It's not going to last forever.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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So ask yourself, "if I found out tomorrow I have some uncurable disease and six months to live, which synth would I have regretted most not having bought?" OTOH also ask yourself, "if I only had six months to live, would I rather waste that time learning a new synth, or really digging in to what I have and making some music with it?"


It's a win either way. :wave:



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