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FORUM CD: Vol. 6 - please post your credits here!

Dave Bryce

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Hey steadyb - unbelivable job! You really have a good touch!


If it's not too much trouble, I just wanted to add this bit about my piece:


"Hatikvah" is the Israeli national anthem.

After coming home one night and learning that a suicide bomber had killed 20 people on the block that I had lived for 2 years, I was unable to find solace in anything but music. The resulting track is what came out of the feelings I was experiencing at the time.

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Performed on Kurzweil K2500XS


Interpretation by Frank Lucas


Recorded directly in Alesis ADAT at

Chicago Streetsounds, Chicago,IL.


Engineered by Matt Werner

"Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. We're so glad you could attend. Come inside, come inside."
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Steve J -


Janet's track has been added to the compilation. Check the first post in this thread for the updated track list.


Steve L - I'll email you a URL where you download the piece for the mp3 site.


Thanks, guys!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc:

Hey Carlo...this almost deserves it's own thread...just want to tell you I'm completely floored by your rendition of "Lucy in the Sky..."...I really can't say enough...incredible!

Wow, thanks... What can I say... Coming from such a good musician, I really treasure this.
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Steve J -


One last change, if you please....


I switched my piece and Steve LeBlanc's piece. He's now third, and I'm now fifth. It flows better... :)


The list in the first post in this thread has been updated accordingly.







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by DanS:

Excellent work Steve.

What software are you using to do the whole package?

I've been using CD Stomper for the last few years, but would like something more pro.



I got a free copy of InDesign with my G4 last year. I really like it. I'm a Quark Express guy, mainly because it's so universal, but I will start to do more of InDesign. This is the second project I've done with it. I really like it. The main thing I like is you can do transparency, drop shadow, & feather (Photoshop effects) right in the program. Yet it seems to have all the great layout features of Quark & not as ugly a piece of software the way Illustrator is.




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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Steve J -


Janet's track has been added to the compilation. Check the first post in this thread for the updated track list.


Steve L - I'll email you a URL where you download the piece for the mp3 site.


Thanks, guys!



Thanks everyone!!




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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Here's what Laurie posted in the other thread:


Originally posted by Laurie Z.:

For the artwork, here's my recording info:

(simple, direct, no smoke, no mirrors :) )


Alesis DG8 direct into Alesis Masterlink. Recorded and written realtime for the Camano Commons Groundbreaking Ceremony Sept. 6, 2003.


(Would've been nice to do a Marino-type session, but no time this time. :rolleyes: )



Thanks for picking up the ball for me, dB. I've been gone and not been able to check in 'til now.


Steve - if it's not too late, this wording would be great:


Alesis DG8 recorded directly into the Alesis Masterlink. Recorded and written realtime at Studio Z., Camano Island, WA, for the Camano Commons Groundbreaking Ceremony Sept. 6, 2003.

©2003 LaurieBean Music, BMI.


This song is currently available exclusively on the Keyboard Corner compilation, and will be included in my next solo album release.



If not, just go with what you have. :)


Thanks much!


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Originally posted by b_3guy:

Originally posted by DanS:

Excellent work Steve.

What software are you using to do the whole package?

I've been using CD Stomper for the last few years, but would like something more pro.



I got a free copy of InDesign with my G4 last year. I really like it. I'm a Quark Express guy, mainly because it's so universal, but I will start to do more of InDesign. This is the second project I've done with it. I really like it. The main thing I like is you can do transparency, drop shadow, & feather (Photoshop effects) right in the program. Yet it seems to have all the great layout features of Quark & not as ugly a piece of software the way Illustrator is.
:thu: Thanks much.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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Originally posted by Krakit:

I would like to shorten/edit my notes as follows:



Roland RD-100 with a Zoom RFX-1000 Multi FX Processor recorded on a Tascam Porta 02 MKII.


This work represents one in a series of stream of consciousness improvisations that started without a single idea in my head. Each attempt was built from openings my fingers fell upon at random. Since, this method of composition is bound to create a plethora of missed and/or sour notes as well as off time passages, I have entitled this piece, Wabi Sabi


Wabi Sabi expresses the Japanese aesthetic that there is beauty in imperfection. This philosophy pretty much sums up the feelings that I wish to humbly evoke with this musical offering of spontaneous creation.



Not a great deal shorter, but still less bulky than before.







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Originally posted by marino:

Here's a new version of my credits, with the notes shortened. If it's still to much, feel free to just skip the notes. :)




"Lucy in the Sky with Bartok"

("Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by Lennon - McCartney)


Carlo Mezzanotte, piano and piano arrangement


Yamaha C3 Conservatory grand piano, recorded with a Neumann stereo mic, thru a tube preamp into Cubase SX. We added a *very* slight EQ and a tiny bit of Lexicon 480 reverb.


Recording engineer: Alessandro Guardia



I've always admired Bela Bartok's ability to take simple popular melodies and arrange them with striking modern harmonies, but leaving their original strenght and clarity intact. I've often wondered what he would have done if confronted with some of today's best pop melodies, the Beatles in particular. So I just thought to arrange "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" in Bartok's style. it's mostly in odd signatures - 5 for the verse, 7 for the chorus, with a few twists in the middle.





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Originally posted by Laurie Z.:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Here's what Laurie posted in the other thread:


Originally posted by Laurie Z.:

For the artwork, here's my recording info:

(simple, direct, no smoke, no mirrors :) )


Alesis DG8 direct into Alesis Masterlink. Recorded and written realtime for the Camano Commons Groundbreaking Ceremony Sept. 6, 2003.


(Would've been nice to do a Marino-type session, but no time this time. :rolleyes: )



Thanks for picking up the ball for me, dB. I've been gone and not been able to check in 'til now.


Steve - if it's not too late, this wording would be great:


Alesis DG8 recorded directly into the Alesis Masterlink. Recorded and written realtime at Studio Z., Camano Island, WA, for the Camano Commons Groundbreaking Ceremony Sept. 6, 2003.

©2003 LaurieBean Music, BMI.


This song is currently available exclusively on the Keyboard Corner compilation, and will be included in my next solo album release.



If not, just go with what you have. :)


Thanks much!






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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Steve -


The art looks great, as usual!


My only comment is that the additional thoughts that I put in the thread concerning why I chose to submit the piece weren't really intended to go in the notes - they were just sort of an FYI.


I suppose it'd have been a better idea to have put them in a different thread... ;)


Anyway, if you need space, or wanna change to a larger font, feel free to remove that part from my notes.


As always, thanks for your efforts! :thu:



There's room as you can see for these notes. The font size is 6, I've even used 5 on CD's before, so the font is big enough. But if you want to edit, please feel free & let me know.




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I think I've done all the changes that everyone asked for, but I'd really like everyone to check their credits to make sure I got them & to make sure I've done them correctly. I'd like to thank everyone for their positive comments with regard to artwork. This is a great community, comprised of people that are not only good musicians but also are good people. I'm please to say I belong to this community, because you make me feel like I belong. Enough of this smoltzy stuff, here's the links

Here's the links for the PDF's








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Originally posted by b_3guy:

Here's the links for the PDF's


The numbering on the CD label is wrong - please check mine and LeBlanc's submission.


Also, still no sub-title on the cover...I think we decided to go with:


Volume 6

A collection of solo piano performances


Thanks, Steve!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Thanks again Steve!


Just one remark: Do you think the page with the details of each song will be readable? It looks so small and stuffed.

Maybe we could skip the 'personal' notes, leaving just the technical info (instrument used, etc.). Or we could rewrite the notes, restricting ourselves to a couple of lines each.


If, on the other hand, you think it would be OK to leave it like it is, please just ignore me. :)

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Hey Steve - nice job. I'd definitely recommend you for album graphic work.


Thanks also for updating my info.


The only suggestion I have, if it's not too late, is to add play times to the tray card song list, and possibly also to the booklet song list as well. Definitely at least on the tray card - it helps to know how long the play time is for each track.


Good job! :thu:


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Originally posted by Laurie Z.:

The only suggestion I have, if it's not too late, is to add play times to the tray card song list, and possibly also to the booklet song list as well. Definitely at least on the tray card - it helps to know how long the play time is for each track.

Yeah - good idea LZ.


Obviously, I'd need to supply those. I'll do it later this evening.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Michael Erwin:

Hi Steve,


On track 7, simply change the dash to a dot and you've got it. (Check the CD label and the tray card.)


Other than that, it looks great!

Wow, I'd thought I's got all those. Done




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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by b_3guy:

Here's the links for the PDF's


The numbering on the CD label is wrong - please check mine and LeBlanc's submission.


Also, still no sub-title on the cover...I think we decided to go with:


Volume 6

A collection of solo piano performances


Thanks, Steve!







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