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Know of any free VST hosts for pc?

M Peasley

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Sure, M, there are a lot of free hosts, some of them full featured sequecners, some of the single purpose hosts like the svh (simple vst host, I believe). If, like me, you're looking to host VSTis on a separate machine (apart from your main recording and sequecning DAW) the simpler the better.


I tried a bunch og them, but ended up settling on the cheap, really cool, really stable host called Chainer. Great decision for me.


In any case, search for free hosts at KvR . That's the place to be for anything VST.


Originally posted by M Peasley:

I'm cheap, I admit it. Have to be. So, has anyone run across a free (and legal) program that can operate as a VST host? I've got a few free VST instruments that I sure could use, but no host.


M Peasley

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  • 2 years later...

SaviHost is a tiny program 300k that converts any dll plugin into an exe file. Works really well and you even get a little on screen keyboard to test that it's working.


VSThost is superb. It allows you to load several plugins at once, chain them together how you like and trigger them on different midi-channels.

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energyXT - and of course all the others mentionned the killer for me was the insight, that it is possible to use a host within a host. that is, if you like vstHost, just drag it into energyXt or vica versa. energyXT is not free, but the price is so low, that it can considered almost free for the good it does, specially when compared to others in the range of several hundreds of $

lord have mercy on me, but I really welcome the chance to spread the word about eXT.

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