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Direction of next KC compilation?

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by Krakit:

I'll play it either way. I'm just hoping that like me, people will be using a single pass performance and not loops/drum machines/overdubs/sequencing/et al.



Most everyone who can play well enough to do that probably will, while our other extremely creative, if not chop-advantaged Cornerites will give us a more assembled solo piano piece. :thu:
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Originally posted by b_3guy:

What happened to the vote/poll? I think we should go with what the majority wants. Wasn't that the intention of the poll?

The poll expired once we moved to Page 2. ;)
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Originally posted by b_3guy:

What happened to the vote/poll? I think we should go with what the majority wants. Wasn't that the intention of the poll?

Steve, as I read the poll, the forum is pretty evenly divided between the first four solo/unplugged options and the compilation CD of originals as usual approach.


As a result of our division, the conversation has moved toward an inclusive approach that can give options for everyone.


It looks like we're deciding to do a double CD that favors the first four solo/unplugged options and creating a compilation CD of originals as usual for people to participate in as well.





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Originally posted by steadyb:


Everybody doesn't need to be all things at all times.


Maybe one day we do a volume with only contributions from our female Cornerites. I'm sure it would be amazing from beginning to end.


We definitely should do "A Keyboard Corner Christmas Live From Club Claus". Think about it. Just holiday tunes.


There are lots of possibilities. Solo piano was a suggestion for the next one. Nothing more.


We've made 5 CD's so far, I've been on just two (by choice), and we're averaging almost 3 per year. There will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to contribute multiple times.


But everyone doesn't necessarily need to contribute on EVERY CD volume we do. Not because we don't want them to, but rather because the theme chosen doesn't play to their particular strength, that's all.


It's an opportunity to showcase a different cross section of the people that hang here.


I'm looking at it longer term, when we've done perhaps 20 of these things, the variety of styles and themes from volume to volume will make having the entire collection something even more special.


You're right, it is for all of us.


I think by taking each volume in a different direction will allow and encourage the most people to participate as contributors and listeners.


Whatever Dave decides in the end is cool with me.

I agree completely. The Beatles CD (of which I was not a part) is a great example of the thematic approach you use when creating Volumes in a set. I certainly wouldn't balk if the next suggestion had been, say, all Creole type pieces, or All Eastern influenced pieces, all female or all Avant Garde. I wouldn't have participated in any of them (complete studio or not), but I certainly wouldn't have balked.


I've not been a part of any previous CD's because I don't have the room or time to devote to recording gear. This particular suggestion is about the only way I could get something out in the foreseeable future.


I guess what I'm saying is that I agree with Steadyb. To keep things interesting the CD's (in my opinion) should each twist in some new direction. Even if that means that sometimes a few get alienated here or there. I've been sitting on the bench a long time and I don't feel slighted at all.


Just wanted to get that off my chest.



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Not to be a pain in the ass, but it looks like we're all over the map with this. Every time I think I know where we're heading, another variation appears and we all start moving in its direction.


How about if we let our esteemed moderator determine the final guidelines and cease with further suggestions? He has the poll results and many fine suggestions to help guide him. Maybe he chew on this while he's looking up Mary Poppin's skirt in Orlando and then post the guidelines when he returns.



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Originally posted by Krakit:

I can't say I'm not a bit dissapointed that I won't be able to incorporate synths into the project, but piano alone is very do-able.

You can incorporate all the synths you want. It'll just go on disc 2.


Why would that be a bad thing?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by JimmieWannaB:

How about if we let our esteemed moderator determine the final guidelines and cease with further suggestions? He has the poll results and many fine suggestions to help guide him. Maybe he chew on this while he's looking up Mary Poppin's skirt in Orlando and then post the guidelines when he returns.



Thank you, Ken. :wave:

Okay - here's what I'm thinking... :idea:


Vol. 6 is to be a solo/live piano compilation CD. The intention of this CD is to highlight the piano. Not improvising, not composing...the piano, and piano-related performance. :thu:


PIANO is defined as acoustic, electric, sampled, modeled and/or layered piano sounds. If you want to use a choir patch, do make sure it's layered under a piano. Synth strings and piano are fine, as long as the strings are layered under (you guessed it) a piano. Electric and acoustic piano split? No problem. Acoustic bass and piano split? Problem.


All submissions should basically be live, solo performances. Multitracking is verboten. Overdubbing is verboten. Punching in is acceptable, if that's what you want to do. Quantizing will get you keelhauled. :eek:


Either original pieces or compositions by others (covers) are acceptable. To make Steve LeBlanc happy ;) , no Beatles songs though (frankly, between the Beatles anthology DVD set that I got recently and Vol. 5, I'm a bit burnt on the Fab Four).


At the same time, submissions will be accepted for Vol. 7, which shall be an open compilation of original material, similar to Volumes 1, 2, and 4. Anything goes, as long as it's original and features keyboards (duh... :rolleyes: ). Any submissions that deviate from the rules of Vol. 6 will automatically be routed to Vol. 7.


All submissions are due no later than 9/30/03. I will begin accepting submissions 9/1/03. Note: You may only submit a tune to either Vol. 6 or Vol. 7.


Also, per volume, the maximum capacity of a single disc (80 minutes) can not be exceeded. Therefore, if we have more than 80 minutes of music per disc, material will be placed on a first-come, first served basis, with tracks that don't make it receiving preferential placement on Vol. 8. In the interest of getting as many people's work on the disc as possible, let's agree to keep the pieces on both discs relatively short as well...under, say, 5 minutes?


How's that? Any questions?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by ottodog:

I'm new to these compilation CD projects. How can I get copies of the previous volumes?

You can't. We burn them to order at the completion of each project. We don't make extras, because the point isn't to sell them to make money, it's to make just enough for the people who want them at the time.


As somewhat of an outsider, I don't have the experience of hearing what you've been doing up to this point.
No problem.


Here\'s a link to the stuff from the last originals project we did...Keyboard magazine featured it last month as their Best Unsigned Artist.


We're all understandably kinda proud of that... :D:thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Maybe he chew on this while he's looking up Mary Poppin's skirt in Orlando and then post the guidelines when he returns.




Originally posted by Dave

Thank you, Ken.

Okay - here's what I'm thinking...


Vol. 6 is to be a solo/live piano compilation CD.

Since you've laid this out tonight that means you don't need to fret over it while look up Mary Poppin's skirt next week. Hell, with your mind cleared, you can even give a peak up Minnie's. :D
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

At the same time, submissions will be accepted for Vol. 7, which shall be an open compilation of original material, similar to Volumes 1, 2, and 4.




All submissions are due no later than 9/30/03. I will begin accepting submissions 9/1/03. Note: You may only submit a tune to either Vol. 6 or Vol. 7.

Slight modification...


It occurs to me that, due to the nature of the submissions for Vol. 6, not as much time should be required to track them. Plus, they shouldn't really require any mixing at all other than maybe some EQ and perhaps a touch of reverb...


It also occurs to me that it might be easier on me, Steve J., Janet, Jackpine and the rest of the production team if we were to stagger the two volumes a bit so as to spread the work out.


Consequently, I'd like to change the due dates as follows:


I will begin accepting submissions for Vol. 6 on 8/1/03, and set a (firm) deadline for all submissions to be in my hands no later than 8/31/03. Submissions for Vol. 7 will commence on 9/1/03, and conclude on 9/30/03.


This leaves two and a half months to get the piano tracks recorded, and three and a half months to get the other tracks recorded and mixed. I think that should be more than sufficient in both cases, and I believe it'll make the production schedules run much more smoothly.







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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OK. So I wasn't able to check the Corner for a couple of days, and now there's this three-page thing... :D


I voted before reading all the posts, so for what's worth, I voted for Keys solo (including piano), both original and covers, 2 CDs.

THEN I did read the stuff. :D I really enjoyed it! And also I enjoyed the direction it's taken. Sounds perfect to me.


With just one small, little quirk... I mean, a very little one... Am I allowed to speak, Steve...? OK, I'm still very much on the idea of a piano solo version of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"... In fact, I'm a little frustrated that I wasn't able to write and play one for the Beatles comp. I have the style and sound in my mind...

For your peace of mind, I can assure you that If I go in that direction, you'll have difficuties to recognize the tune, if not for the sheer melody... :D


OK I've said it. BUT I'm ready to accept any decision from Dave. And lunatic like I am, I could also very well change my mind at the last minute and play an improv, or some Villa-Lobos... :)



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Originally posted by marino:

OK, I'm still very much on the idea of a piano solo version of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"... In fact, I'm a little frustrated that I wasn't able to write and play one for the Beatles comp. I have the style and sound in my mind...

For your peace of mind, I can assure you that If I go in that direction, you'll have difficuties to recognize the tune, if not for the sheer melody... :D

Carlo, mio fratello -


As one of the longest-standing forum members, if that's what you want to do, you have my blessing. :thu:


Whaddaya think, Steve? ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Am I allowed to speak, Steve...? OK, I'm still very much on the idea of a piano solo version of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"... In fact, I'm a little frustrated that I wasn't able to write and play one for the Beatles comp. I have the style and sound in my mind...

For your peace of mind, I can assure you that If I go in that direction, you'll have difficuties to recognize the tune, if not for the sheer melody...


OK I've said it. BUT I'm ready to accept any decision from Dave. And lunatic like I am, I could also very well change my mind at the last minute and play an improv, or some Villa-Lobos...

haha...that's fine with me...I was kinda joking earlier anyway...you know me, silly troublemaker. :)
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Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc:

haha...that's fine with me...I was kinda joking earlier anyway...you know me, silly troublemaker. :)

Lol :D


Thanks Dave and Steve. In any case, I promise I'll come up with something strange... :)

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Can anyone come up with a good reason why we shouldn't, other than that they don't like the idea? ;)

One reason would be that you're mixing unknown material with well-known material. Unknown material is challenging, because it demands an investment of familiarity from the listener. Human nature gravitates toward the well-known and give the unknown little more than a passing glance. Given Dave's Chorale Number One or Jesu Joy Of Man's Desiring, I think I can guess which one will people will focus on. If it's all covers or all originals, each track is on a more even footing with the others. My $.02 US.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

[QBNote: You may only submit a tune to either Vol. 6 or Vol. 7.


Also, per volume, the maximum capacity of a single disc (80 minutes) can not be exceeded. Therefore, if we have more than 80 minutes of music per disc, material will be placed on a first-come, first served basis, with tracks that don't make it receiving preferential placement on Vol. 8. In the interest of getting as many people's work on the disc as possible, let's agree to keep the pieces on both discs relatively short as well...under, say, 5 minutes?



Volumes near

Volumes far

My what a lot of Volumes there are!


The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Dan South:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Can anyone come up with a good reason why we shouldn't, other than that they don't like the idea? ;)

One reason would be that you're mixing unknown material with well-known material. Unknown material is challenging, because it demands an investment of familiarity from the listener. Human nature gravitates toward the well-known and give the unknown little more than a passing glance. Given Dave's Chorale Number One or Jesu Joy Of Man's Desiring, I think I can guess which one will people will focus on. If it's all covers or all originals, each track is on a more even footing with the others. My $.02 US.
Hmmmm..Interesting postulation.


I'm inclined to focus more on the individual performers and their potential performances than worrying about the listening audience, however.


As you mention, the average person is probably more likely to glom on to the familiar and resist the unfamiliar. That being the case, it seems even more justified to me that we allow the option of letting people submit tunes with which they may be more familiar/comfortable, as that might let them be more relaxed and give a more natural performance. As previously mentioned, the focus of this compilation is to be piano performance, not songwriting/improvisational skills.


Also, can you say for sure that you'll know any/all of the tunes that may be covered by other folks? ;)


Besides, there's no way to make everyone completely happy, so I'm trying to go with what I perceive to be the solution that seems to best suit the most people.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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