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Fat Chance

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Originally posted by Guruman:

Maybe we can see the smame WCF game 7 performance out of Waah that we did last year eh? ;)

Hey, now, that's a low blow!


... and on Good Friday, too. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

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Just got home to find that the Flyers just won Game 5 4-1!!! 5 minutes ago I was ready to fall asleep, now I think I'll have a drink and stay up for a while! The match report isnt up yet so I know nothing about it except who scored and that there was a bit of a rumble in the 3rd period. About time Kapa scored.


Rob, I take it "Fat Chance" is what you think of Toronto's playoff prospects?


Well done Flyers but also a huge congratu-muh-lations to Minnesota!

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Sorry, Rog and all the Caps fans out there. Heartbreaking triple OT loss to lose the series to the Lightning, after winning the first two games of the series on the road and scoring the first goal today.


Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.


Congrats Tampa on your first-ever playoff series victory.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by flyscots:



Just got home to find that the Flyers just won Game 5 4-1!!! 5 minutes ago I was ready to fall asleep, now I think I'll have a drink and stay up for a while! The match report isnt up yet so I know nothing about it except who scored and that there was a bit of a rumble in the 3rd period. About time Kapa scored.


Rob, I take it "Fat Chance" is what you think of Toronto's playoff prospects?


Well done Flyers but also a huge congratu-muh-lations to Minnesota!

Brutal. :(
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Originally posted by Jeff the Wandering Weasel:





Sorry, Rog and all the Caps fans out there. Heartbreaking triple OT loss to lose the series to the Lightning, after winning the first two games of the series on the road and scoring the first goal today.


Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.


Congrats Tampa on your first-ever playoff series victory.


- Jeff

Yup. I concur. Congrats to Tampa for a well-played series. The better team won. Maybe not the team with the best players, but the better team. Funny, I don't feel so bad...we weren't gonna do anything against Ottawa anyway...
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I feel for you dude.I guess you will be routing for the Devils :evil:


Rob, I take it "Fat Chance" is what you think of Toronto's playoff prospects?


Actually, "Fat Chance" is the name of my studio/production company.





Rob :thu:

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Originally posted by Fat Chance:


I feel for you dude.I guess you will be routing for the Devils :evil:

Hmmmm. I dunno...I HATE the Devils...but, my fiance is originally from Jersey and she is a sorta fringe Devils fan (when the Caps play the Devils, she roots for the Caps...but she roots for the Devils the rest of the time). I might root for them out of respect for her. Right now, I'm rooting for Minnesota...we'll see how long that lasts! If the Wild fails me too, I might have to root for the Ducks. I've got some leftover "Oates issues" but I might be able to stifle them for a team that could embarrass the Wings so badly! :)
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Originally posted by rog951:

Right now, I'm rooting for Minnesota...we'll see how long that lasts! If the Wild fails me too, I might have to root for the Ducks. I've got some leftover "Oates issues" but I might be able to stifle them for a team that could embarrass the Wings so badly! :)

I'm right there with you, man. For example, I can't root for the Avs under any circumstances as a Kings fan. So I have to root for Minnesota to beat them. And I have to root for the Ducks purely on the underdog status (and for having taken out the champs in a sweep).


- Jeff

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Well, in less than 24 hours time I will be heading for Glasgow to catch my flight to London Gatwick. From there I will be een route to Philadelphia.


I have a Maple Leafs fan in the house and have tried to stay awake for the result but Minnesota have beat me to it. Absolutely amazing! I have tipped them for big things for a long time but a game 7 against Colorado?!?! :eek::):eek: Even I cant quite believe they've managed that.


As for Tampa Bay, I'm thrilled (sorry Rog) good on them for doing so well and I must say Rog, your reaction has to be commended. Good man! :thu: I have to admit, if the Flyers make it through I'd much rather see them up against Tampa in the later stages than Washington. Of course I dont think the Bolts could ever give the Devils even a minor problem never mind defeat them four times!


All the best guys, I'll try and check in tomorrow, at least for the Flyers score, but if not, next time you'll hear from me I'll be in Pennsylvania!


John Scotsman

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Originally posted by flyscots:

>>>As for Tampa Bay, I'm thrilled (sorry Rog) good on them for doing so well and I must say Rog, your reaction has to be commended. Good man! :thu: <<<

Ya know, it's weird: I felt nothing. I sat there and watched the puck go into the net in 3OT and I just felt absolutely numb. I wasn't pissed. I wasn't even really unhappy. If anything, I was just CALM. I don't know whether it's just that I've come to expect it by now or what. Man, it's SO hard to be a Caps fan in the postseason. It is in marked contrast to the way I usually react when the Caps are eliminated. I generally break stuff into little pieces and beat my girlfriend (OK, not really). I hope I'm not growing up!!! :eek:


Amazing game in Minnesota tonight! I saw the 3rd period and OT and all I can say is WOW!


Watching the Leafs/Flyers game tonight, I can't help but think how much rough stuff is going uncalled for both sides. Having watched the entire Caps/Lightning series, it really looks like this matchup is being called based on a totally different rulebook.


Three "game sevens" tomorrow? Holy schnykies!!!

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Three game seven's going on tonight (one right now). I F'ING LOVE HOCKEY!


Went to my buddy's house last night to drink beers and root against the Avs (he's from Denver and hates my Kings, so I must do my duty to shred him up whenever possible). Sweet OT victory for the Wild, as well as the Leafs.


So, it's 2-0 Flyers right now, but you never know how the game ends in playoff hockey until the fat lady sings.


- Jeff

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...and the fat lady has sung, LOUDLY. 6-1 Flyers, final. Better luck next year, Leafs fans.




Now for the Avs/Wild and Blues/Canucks game sevens! I LOVE HOCKEY!


- Jeff

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Well, my Leafs suffered a huge and disappointing loss in game 7 to the Flyers. They got off to a horrible start, couldn't recover, and it was all downhill from there. :cry:


Anyhow, hats off to the Flyers, it was a long tough series but they were obviously the better team tonight. On to Ottawa...

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Originally posted by Jeff the Wandering Weasel:

>>>but you never know how the game ends in playoff hockey until the fat lady sings<<<

Well, the fattest lady in the universe is screaming her lungs out right about now!!! Bye bye Leafs! I hate see either team lose in such a hard-fought series. Actually, I wish I could've seen BOTH lose! ;)
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Originally posted by Chris, himself:

On to Ottawa...

...who will likely win no matter whether they were facing Toronto or Philly. But there have been a few surprises already, and will probably be some more before the Cup is awarded.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by CP:

Watching the Wild - Avalanche game. How the hell does the ref call that holding the stick penalty at that stage of the game? What a horrible call.



It's great to yet again see a refereeing mistake that can cost a team its season.


Bullshit call. I can't believe it.


- Jeff

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So...anyone want to predict the rest of the path to the Cup?




Dallas versus Anaheim: The safe money is on the Stars, of course, but who the hell knows? If the Ducks can sweep last year's champs, I'm not writing them off for anything. Still...

Stars win in 6


Vancouver versus Minnesota: No clear cut winner here. Both teams have tremendous momentum after winning their respective 7 game series, but I'm giving the edge to the Canucks (despite some amazing play by Gaborik and Fernandez).

Canucks win in 7




Ottawa versus Philadelphia: I've got to take the Sens here. They are frighteningly explosive and have great goaltending.

Senators win in 5


New Jersey versus Tampa Bay: The Lightning had a huge comeback against the Caps, but they just don't have the playoff experience to push it further. The Devils do.

Devils win in 5


So...in Jeff World, we have Stars/Canucks in the Western finals, and Sens/Devils in the East. I say the cup is Stars/Sens, with the Stars winning.


Safe bet. I actually hope I'm wrong. Who wouldn't want the Ducks/Lighting Stanley Cup? :eek::D


- Jeff

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Ottawa versus Philadelphia: I've got to take the Sens here. They are frighteningly explosive and have great goaltending.

Senators win in 5



The Senators embarassed the Flyers last year .That was a different team,they also had issues with the coach and the goalie.Hopefully all that shit is done with.


Flyers in 6



Rob :thu:

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